Which of the following philosophical or religious traditions provided a unifying ideology for peasant rebellions in China?

Which of the following philosophical or religious traditions provided a unifying ideology for peasant rebellions in China?
In India, the caste system encouraged loyalty to
The state.
local communities.
Wang Mang’s reform program following his seizure of the Chinese throne in 8 C.E. included
Official recognition for the practice of private slavery.
Oversight of government officials by local landlords.
government loans to peasant families.
the creation and promotion of large private estates.
Which of the following has been put forward by scholars as a possible factor in the emergence of slavery within the First Civilizations?
The decline of patriarchy
Long periods of peace
The early domestication of animals
Once the system of jatis in India was established,
Individual jatis were locked into an unchanging hierarchy in relation to other jatis.
Marriage within jatis became taboo.
an individual within a jati could switch to another jati by paying a fee.
an individual jati could slowly raise its standing in relation to other jatis in the local hierarchy by acquiring land or wealth.
Which of the following is an example of the “weapons of the weak” used by slaves to resist their enslavement?
The decline of Meroë and the rise of Axum were both connected to
extended ecological changes associated with El Niño episodes.
The shift of long-distance trade from the Nile Valley to the Red Sea.
The spread of Christianity across much of Africa.
The military expeditions of the Roman Empire into North Africa.
What replaced the coercive authority of a state in uniting the peoples of Niger Rvier Valley into urban centers?
Religious beliefs
Military unity to fend off invaders
Economic specialization
A social caste system
Christianity in Axum most closely identified with which church?
The Catholic Church in Rome
The Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople
The Church of the East in Syria
The Coptic Church in Egypt
Which of the following is the BEST explanation for why the kingdom of Axum became a Christian area?
Axum was one of the cities visited by Saint Paul while on his missionary journeys.
King Ezana adopted Christianity and supported the faith above all others in Axum.
Christianity was brought to Axum by traders from Egypt.
It was conquered by the Roman Empire in 50 CE.
How did the environmental features of Africa affect the continent?
The lack of rainfall meant that agriculture was completely dependent on irrigation.
The scarcity of raw materials prevented the development of iron tools and weapons.
The network of rivers running throughout the continent facilitated the emergence of large empires that encompassed most of the continent’s people.
Persistent warm temperatures accelerated the decomposition of humus, resulting in a less productive agriculture.
Which of the following of the following statements about civilizations of the Andean region is true?
In the Andean region, it was only possible to settle along the coast where the Pacific Ocean provided both fish and sea birds for consumption.
The need for elaborate irrigation systems helped create strong states in the region.
Civilizations of the Andean region were politically weak with limited and highly decentralized state structures.
No regional religious traditions developed in the Andean region.
Membership in a jati was based on a person’s
Which group was at the top of the caste system in India?
the sect of Hinduism one practiced.
The language one spoke.
How much land one could own.
Whom one could marry.
The combination of natural disasters, high taxes and rents, and state demands for labor and military service often sparked peasant rebellions in
The inequalities of the caste system received support from
Daoist notions of the supernatural and immortality.
Hindu notions of karma, dharma, and rebirth.
Confucian notions of propriety and ritual.
Buddhist notions of nirvana and enlightenment.
China was unique in the ancient world in the extent to which
The caste system defined its social structure.
Women were allowed a role in public life.
Slaveholding defined the society.
Its social organization was shaped by the actions of the state.
Like First Civilizations, societies of the classical era
Were patriarchal in organization.
Were based upon written constitutions.
Lacked sharp distinctions along class lines.
Rarely included slaves.
During the classical era, slaves comprised more than one-third of the total population in
the Persian Empire.
The Roman Empire.
The growth of democracy in classical Athens was accompanied by
The abolition of slavery.
the association of slave status with race.
harsh criticism from Greek intellectuals like Aristotle.
The simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale.
Which of the following describes women’s status in the classical civilizations?
Public life in general was a male domain, while women’s roles took place mostly in domestic settings.
Women in general experienced fewer restrictions as compared to those who lived in Neolithic agricultural village societies.
Women in general experienced fewer restrictions compared to those living in pastoral societies.
Upper-class women had a tendency to live less restricted lives than lower-class women.
How did the centuries of political fragmentation and conflict following the fall of the Han Empire affect the lives of Chinese women?
Writings such as those by Ban Zhou encouraged women to be more assertive in their relationships to men.
Women found themselves restricted to a greater degree than ever before because of the cultural influence of the nomadic peoples who conquered much of northern China.
Women were removed from positions as priests, nuns, and reclusive mediators in Daoist movements.
Buddhism and Daoism grew in popularity, resulting in some loosening of the strict patriarchy supported by Confucianism.
N what way were the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Han China and the Spartacus Rebellion in the Roman Empire similar?
Both were large-scale, violent reactions to oppressive conditions.
Both saw women assuming leadership roles.
Both featured supernatural healings and collective trances.
Both succeeded in persuading the government to implement reforms.
Which of the following benefited the most from the coastal trade routes that developed as contact increased with Arabia and India?
Which of the following was a point of contact between Eurasia and Africa?
The Americas
The Indian Ocean
In contrast to cities in other civilizations, cities in the Niger Valley civilization
Were run by complex bureaucracies.
Operated without the coercive authority of a state.
Were encompassed within a larger imperial system.
had their own centralized political structure headed by a monarch.
What was so unique about the organization of society in the Kingdom of Meroe?
There were usually sacrifices that accompanied the buridal of their rulers.
The people of the society were often required to pay tribute to their ruler.
It was led by an all-powerful and sacred monarch, often times a woman.
The city housed a wide variety of economic specialties like potters and masons.
In the classical era, the continents had an unequal population distribution, with the vast majority of the world’s people living in
Central/South America.
North America.
The culture of Meroë showed a shift away from the influence of
Which of the following has been identified as a factor contributing to the collapse of the Maya civilization in the ninth century C.E.?
A long-term drought
Massive rebellions that overthrew the Maya emperor
Foreign invasion
A century of devastating flooding
Which of the following cultures produced a written language?
Which of the following was an advantage Bantu-speaking farmers had in their encounters with gathering and hunting groups?
Iron-working technology
Gunpowder formula
Horse-drawn chariots
Yam-based agriculture
Mesoamerican and Andean cultures were similar in that both
Used iron tools extensively.
tried but failed to develop regional or long-distance trade networks.
Were profoundly impacted by the emergence of the Chavín cult.
Were dominated by cities or regional states rather than a single empire.
Both the Maya and Axum were similar in that both
Possessed a writing script.
Left behind few stone monuments.
Severely limited trade to avoid outside influences.
Were ruled by a single powerful king.
In contrast to Maya art, the artwork of Teotihuacan
Incorporated an elaborate written script.
Depicted jaguar-human figures.
displayed realistic rather than stylized, abstract images.
Revealed few images of self-glorifying rulers.
Which statement describes the relationship between the civilizations in Mesoamerica and those in the Andes?
They frequently fought with each other for control of South America.
They enjoyed equal diplomatic relations.
They gradually merged to create a hybrid culture that spread throughout the Americas.
They had little if any direct contact with each other.
Archaeological evidence suggests that the village located at Chavín was the center for
The study of science and medicine.
a religious movement that spread throughout much of the Andes.
A slave-based economy.
Political experiments with democracy.
The city of Teotihuacan
incorporated an elaborate written script on most walls and monuments.
contained many statues and carvings to glorify their rulers.
Was organized in a haphazard fashion with few straight avenues or streets.
housed 100,000 to 200,000 people as the largest urban complex in the Americas
The society of which group of people is considered to be less patriarchal due to its system of “gender parallelism” which associated female roles with village life and male roles with hunting and forest life?
Ancestral Pueblo
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