Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 12 Aug 21
[2108.04853] Che-Yu Chen, Yu-Hsien Kung: Modified Teleparallel Gravity induced by quantum fluctuations
[2108.04858] M. S. Churilova, R. A. Konoplya, A. Zhidenko: Analytic formula for quasinormal modes in the near-extreme Kerr-(Newman)-de Sitter spacetime governed by a non-Pöschl-Teller potential
[2108.04864] B. Cuadros-Melgar, R. D. B. Fontana, Jeferson de Oliveira: Superradiance and instabilities in black holes surrounded by anisotropic fluids
[2108.04911] Rodrigo Maier: Yukawa Black Holes and the Photon Rest Mass from Interacting Dark Energy
[2108.04998] M. A. Anacleto, J. A. V. Campos, F. A. Brito et al.: Quasinormal modes and shadow of a Schwarzschild black hole with GUP
[2108.05006] Tien Hsieh, Da-Shin Lee, Chi-Yong Lin: Gravitational time delay effects by Kerr and Kerr-Newman black holes in strong field limits
[2108.05012] Srinikitha Bhagvati, Shantanu Desai: Search for variability in Newton's constant using local gravitational acceleration measurements
[2108.05108] Isaac C. F. Wong, Tjonnie G. F. Li: Signal Space in the Triangular Network of Eintein Telescope
[2108.05111] Andrea Giusti, Silvia Buffa, Lavinia Heisenberg et al.: A quantum state for the late Universe
[2108.05116] Yongbin Du, Yunlong Liu, Xiangdong Zhang: Collisional Penrose process with spinning particles in braneworld black hole
[2108.05119] Emel Altas, Bayram Tekin: Basics of Apparent Horizons in Black Hole Physics
[2108.05210] F. L. Dubeibe, Tareq Saeed, Euaggelos E. Zotos: Effect of Multipole Moments in the Weak Field Limit of a Black Hole Plus Halo Potential
[2108.05273] Zonghai Li, Junji Jia: Kerr-Newman-Jacobi geometry and the deflection of charged massive particles
[2108.05330] Suddhasattwa Brahma, Che-Yu Chen, Dong-han Yeom: Annihilation-to-nothing: DeWitt boundary condition inside a black hole
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 12 Aug 21","img":""}
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