NewsUp 2020 SPECIAL

India has approved the first two vaccines for emergency use against COVID-19. Countries like the US & UK have already given approval to vaccines, making this the fastest vaccine development in history. What was the earlier record?
5 years
4 years
3 years
2 years
Due to the impact fo the pandemic, India’s GDP is expected to contract by 7-10% in FY21, the lowest in its history. When had the economy contracted the most before this?
The India-China border tensions flared up in 2020, leading to several import restrictions from the country. But even though imports fell considerably, India’s biggest trade deficit was with China. What was the trade deficit with China in 2020 (Jan-Nov data)?
$35 Billion
$45 Billion
$50 Billion
$60 Billion
2020 brought an end to Donald Trump’s term as the 45th President of the United States, with Joe Biden set to take oath as the new president this month. Which of these is not an action taken by Trump during his presidency?
Trump moved to withdraw the US from the World Health Organisation and redirect funds
Trump strengthened the US commitment to the Iran Nuclear deal which is aimed at placing restrictions on the uranium stockpile in Iran for relief from economic sanctions
Trump led US to be the first nation to pull out of the Paris climate deal which looks to put caps on emissions to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius
Trump brokered peace deals between Israel and Gulf states such as UAE and Bahrain, aimed at normalising relations among the countries.
Bitcoin closed the year 2020 at an all time high, reaching close to $30,000, and has crossed the mark since in just the past few days. What was the price of a Bitcoin at the beginning of 2020?
{"name":"NewsUp 2020 SPECIAL", "url":"","txt":"India has approved the first two vaccines for emergency use against COVID-19. Countries like the US & UK have already given approval to vaccines, making this the fastest vaccine development in history. What was the earlier record?, Due to the impact fo the pandemic, India’s GDP is expected to contract by 7-10% in FY21, the lowest in its history. When had the economy contracted the most before this?, The India-China border tensions flared up in 2020, leading to several import restrictions from the country. But even though imports fell considerably, India’s biggest trade deficit was with China. What was the trade deficit with China in 2020 (Jan-Nov data)?","img":""}
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