Zell's OC kin assignment

Zell's OC Kin Assignment
Discover which character from Zell's world resonates with your personality! Take this engaging and fun quiz to find out who you truly kin.
Answer a series of quirky questions that delve into your preferences, emotions, and social interactions. It’s quick and entertaining!
You're actually taking this quiz? Why?
Huh? Why not?
Buddy...Come on. Iunno.
I don't need you to tell me who you think I am with that attitude.
Because you gave me the link.
Thought it might be fun
I just wanted to know my result? I don't know. Is this going to affect anything? I don't know!
I am specifically trying to see if I can get Vanille on my first try.
I can't stop myself I'm entertained easily.
Because personality quizzes are delightful little activities
Because I want to appreciate how much hard work you put into making this quiz!
Kin a Character!
Greg StevenUniverse
Rohan JojosBizarreAdventure
Vivi FinalFantasy
Mob Mobpsycho
Mai Nichijou
Sailor Moon SailorMoon
Jessie Pokemon
That baker couple from Kiki's Delivery Service? Both of them.
Link LegendofZelda
Merlee PaperMario
Toph AvatartheLastAirbender
Alphonse FullmetalAlchemist
How do we feel about helping others?
Depends. Are they going to sing my praises after? It's totally out of the question if not- and also if I dislike this person.
If they think I can do something for them, why not?
Oh I love it! Helping others often provides valuable learning experiences!
I feel... Good about it, generally? I think I'm good at offering perspective.
It's the best thing to offer what wisdom we can to each other. You should receive others who need you with open arms, I always say.
Hell yeah! I'll go way out of my way to get in someone else's business! Bonus points if it's to help someone!
I literally can not ignore a cry for help no matter how small. I have to help everyone.
It's the right thing to do, right? I don't think there's much I can do, but I always want to try.
Sometimes others can't be helped. Sometimes, it's not my business to help. That being said, if I'm being asked to help, I will do my best.
I'm not gonna go out of my way to do anything... but I have been known to help people without intending to.
Fuck that?
I'm real good at it! More people should ask me for help! I like having something to keep me busy!
Food preferences?
I have a refined palette. I don't really eat much, but I enjoy exquisite dinners prepared with plenty of culinary expertise.
Most breakfast foods I guess. Eggs, sausage, bacon... Has a homey feel to it.
I'm a real snacky person. I love a good healthy meal, don't get me wrong! I just sometimes wind up filling up on snacks. Oops!
I keep my diet pretty simple. My stomach upsets easily. I like veggies.
Hearty meals like meaty soups with bread
Don't really care. I'll eat what's in front of me without much consideration.
Nah. I gotta remember to eat to have preferences.
Food that I can carry easily in my pockets! I'm always on the move... But also always hungry.
That's kind of hard to think about! I like most food I think! Maybe not anything bitter?
Spicy, flavorful food
I have a weakness for sweet foods- desserts.
What's your role in a friend group?
I'm the perfect candidate for just chilling out and doing nothing together.
I'm the ride or die friend. I'll tag along and support whatever's happening.
I'm the mad lad. You can either watch me do some sick stunts or join me. I'm gonna make things wild.
Being in a friend group makes me nervous. I'd rather not be around long enough to find out.
I'm everyone's darling, of course. I better be.
Massive goofster. Big silly clown friend. I don't think you understand how funny I think I am.
I think most people would say I'm the "Mom Friend"
Everyone's always looking out for me and offering me advice. I think I have a lot to learn from them. I don't know what that says about me.
Voice of reason.
"Role"? I'm just here to have fun.
Badass big sibling energy. I convince everyone to do cool crimes.
You just did something REALLY cool! ...And no one responded to it.
I don't care. I'm not performing for anyone.
What?! Oh I am going to scream. They'll pay attention next time.
Aw, haha. I'll try harder next time!
I didn't even notice. What did I do?
...? That's fine. I'd be embarrassed if they did.
Must not have been THAT cool, then.
That's ok~ *I* noticed. That's what matters~
Ahh, that's just how it is sometimes. Maybe I'm getting rusty.
It doesn't bother me. People don't really notice me to begin with.
Doesn't matter. I do really cool things all the time. I only ever do really cool things. If they miss it this time, they'll see it next time.
Eh. That's probably what I deserve.
Those losers are missing out!
What's the first thing people usually notice about you?
My award winning smile
I'm a mess lmao
The bright array of colors I'm adorned with
It would have to be the charm of my highly attractive physical features. It could also be my luscious speaking voice and extensive vocabulary. Or-
People usually say I'm adorable!
My powerful fists in action
Fluffy hair.
They don't.
My unfettered lesbian energy
My very strong arms for hugging and supporting others, as well as my open shoulder for crying on.
I'd rather not think about this.
How hard and fast I can infodump
Others describe you as...
Immaculate. Talented. Beautiful.
I've been told I'm a great listener.
Warm. Very warm. Personality-wise, but also probably body-temperature-wise.
Mysterious and cool
A delightfully mischievous little fool!
I haven't talked to the others about it. I think they usually say "A sweetheart" though?
Intimidating, cold, judgmental. The ones who don't know me, at least. They need to relax.
A bad influence.
Neat dude. Maybe a lil nasty?
Eccentric and wise
A rowdy little troublemaker
Weird but nice
What do your booty shorts say on the back?
Please don't ask me this. I do not wear booty shorts. I wear big sweaters that say "lil guy" on them.
I dunno. You tell me.
"Justice", but it's spelled "JUSTASS"
Ha. Which ones? I have booty shorts for every day of the week.
Hahaha... Hoo-wee! Fresh, aren't you.
No text! Just shimmering silk against my perfectly sculpted- ... (this question is a little embarrassing isn't it?)
That's none of your business.
I'm afraid I have chosen not to satisfy you with an answer. I have the feeling that information is too powerful to make known.
Hot Stuff.
I do not actually have a pair of booty shorts but it's certainly fun to think about! I should get some. Maybe they'll say "Reckoning of Japes" haha
Ehehe...You'll never be able to read it.
What's most important?
Can't say with any conviction, but being alive.
Being Alive.
How am I supposed to answer this? This is stressing me out?
Bringing down those who would abuse their power and oppress others
Being connected to others!
Doing things on my own terms.
I don't want to say something that sounds cheesy. I think the answer is.
Love. Loving others. Loving yourself.
Being an unyielding force of good in this world.
Being loved
Furthering my understanding of the world we live in and helping others further theirs.
Looks like someone's way beyond pissed and wants to fight you. How do you handle this?
How vulgar. I have to think how to get out of this or I will get beaten to a pulp.
I probably provoked them. My bad. I got a little heated with my words.
Hm. I'm out of here.
They're gonna feel awful after landing the first hit on me. So I'll let them. I'm not one to fight back.
If it can't be avoided, I will end it quickly.
I'm going to brainstorm how to diffuse this as fast as possible. I am NOT resorting to fighting back.
We are fucking throwing down NOW.
I'm going to cry. I don't know what I did to upset them.
Groan. I'll defend myself, but this is gonna suck for me. Probably.
Hey now, there's no need for it to come to that. I'm gonna give them a talking to, see if I can't help them calm down.
Ugh. Rude. I don't think anyone would actually... Attack me though? Just seems like... A bad idea.
What's that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of me exchanging blows with this chump.
How do you feel about family?
They never understood me. I hope they wake up one day and realize how much they missed out on.
I love mine lots!
Family SUCKS next question.
I love my family. They're not perfect, but...
I guess they try to make me feel included, but I've always felt like an outsider. Unwanted. I don't vibe with it.
I don't really care. I'm much better off without them.
...Not good.
I realized at some point that it's more important to consider the people you surround yourself with "family" than the people you were raised by.
Blood doesn't mean anything to me, if that's what you're asking.
My family is important to me! ...Except certain members. Certain members who are dead to me.
I... Love them, but they seriously hurt me. I can't ignore that.
How are you at social interactions?
I'm fine. I don't think I'm that interesting, but I'm fine.
I'm so well spoken and interesting that people let me talk for lengthy amounts of time without interruption. I'm the most interesting person in the room by default.
I'm great! I make friends super easy!
I let others do most of the talking. It's more important for me to listen and learn.
I'm delightful and endearing to speak to. Though I can probably talk too much at times...
Heh. I'm great at making friends... AND enemies!
Pretty dang decent. I'm not a fan of boring conversations though.
I try to avoid it if possible. I have really bad anxiety. I'm seriously no good at holding a conversation.
Not amazing. It takes a while for people to notice me. But I'm not really shy or anything. If I have something to say, I'll say it.
I'm a textbook introvert.
I can't stop bullying people when I talk
Perfectly fine. I'm comfortable talking with people. I'm always interested in what others have to say.
How do you feel about romance?
Honestly, I get lost in daydreams about meeting that ideal person sometimes. Though, in reality, I highly doubt someone could meet all my standards.
Maybe a relationship would be nice. I think I always fall for people way out of my league though. It sucks.
Honestly? Fearful.
I think it can be a sweet thing. Maybe I'll give it a try one day. It's not important to me right now.
What. Am I supposed to know? I just get attracted to people and then die I guess.
My mind is focused elsewhere, but a devoted partner in crime doesn't sound bad.
I don't. It's not for me.
I've been through too much to want that sort of thing.
Haha I dunno. I don't think about it enough to be sure!
Sigh~ Love is one of the most wonderful experiences! It's not for everyone, but being in love and seeing others in love makes me happy!
Not really on the forefront of my brain, but I'm not immune to feelings.
Can't say yet!
What story appeals to you the most?
Ones with nice pictures- and a happy ending.
Stories don't really appeal to me. Maybe something short that you can tell in casual conversation?
I really like bad romance novels. They're funny.
If you try to make me think about books I will kick your ass here and now.
I prefer reading historical texts. I like to read about stuff that actually happened.
I get a little too into suspenseful murder mysteries. I can't stop turning the pages!
A fantastical poetic tale about a handsome rogue who captures the hearts of everyone! There's drama, passion and tragedy!
Admittedly, I don't spend a lot of time reading stories.
What story DOESN'T? If I HAD to pick... Possibly stories that are well informed? It's always refreshing to see creative material influenced by accurate information.
I think one with a great punchline. A lot of jokes start out with stories, you know.
Ones with lots of action and adventure! I could learn a thing or two...
Stories of a heroic champion of light in a battle of wills between good and evil
Last question!
That... Is not a question! Give me more legitimate questions, coward.
You're funny.
...? What is it?
Huh? That's not a question!
Thank you! This was fun!
I beat the quiz! I win!
Haha, this made me think harder than I expected.
Is it?
Oh boy!
{"name":"Zell's OC kin assignment", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover which character from Zell's world resonates with your personality! Take this engaging and fun quiz to find out who you truly kin.Answer a series of quirky questions that delve into your preferences, emotions, and social interactions. It’s quick and entertaining!","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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