Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in math-ph on Fri, 25 Dec 20
[2012.13008] Richard L. Hall, Hassan Harb: Refining the general comparison theorem for Klein-Gordon equation
[2012.13017] Stefano Marò, Claudio Bonanno: Asymptotic behaviour of orbit determination for hyperbolic maps
[2012.13068] Katsuki Kobayashi, Satoshi Tsujimoto: The ultradiscrete Toda lattice computes the Smith normal form of bidiagonal matrices
[2012.13157] Erhard Glötzl, Oliver Richters: Helmholtz Decomposition and Rotation Potentials in n-dimensional Cartesian Coordinates
[2012.13270] Alberto S. Cattaneo, Pavel Mnev, Konstantin Wernli: Constrained systems, generalized Hamilton-Jacobi actions, and quantization
[2012.13385] Akihito Yoneyama: Tetrahedron and 3D reflection equation from PBW bases of the nilpotent subalgebra of quantum superalgebras
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in math-ph on Fri, 25 Dec 20","img":""}