Davidson_10, Exam 02

1.Which one is not a cause of finger clubbing?
Lung abscess
2.Uncommon cause of pleural effusion-
Pulmonary infarction
3. Which of the following is a cause of chronic type-1 respiratory failure?
Primary alveolar hypoventilation
Right to left shunt
4. Regarding pulmonary nodule risk, of malignancy doesn't include -
Exposure to asbestos
Spiculated margin
Smoking history
70% of lung cancers occur in lower lobes
5. Not true-
Ethylene glycol poisoning may be a cause of acute breathlessness
Intracavitary mycetoma can cause catastrophic bronchial haemorrhage
Microscopically, neutrophil leucocytes are present in large numbers in empyema
In PET scan the presence of high metabolic activity is strongly suggestive of benign lesion
. 6.Not a condition of Light's criteria regarding exudate-
Pleural fluid protein:serum protein ratio >0.5
Pleural fluid LDH:serum LDH ratio >0.6
Pleural fluid LDH > two-thirds of the lower limit of normal serum LDH
7. Bronchial causes of hemoptysis do not usually include -
Foreign body
8.Primary alveolar hypoventilation is a cause of -
Type 1 acute respiratory failure
Type 1 chronic respiratory failure
Type 2 chronic respiratory failure
Type 2 acute respiratory failure
9. Which of the following usually doesn't cause stridor?
Inhaled foreign body
Tracheal tumor
Laryngeal edema
10. A patient was admitted in respiratory medicine ward with cough and SOB. You examined him and found central cyanosis, tachypnoea, fine inspiratory crackles at bases along with finger clubbing. Imaging showed small sized lungs. His blood gas analysis report shows PO2<8KPa. Which other finding do you expect from the followings?
Reduced pH
Reduced pH
PaCO2 >6kPa
Increased H+
{"name":"Davidson_10, Exam 02", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1.Which one is not a cause of finger clubbing?, 2.Uncommon cause of pleural effusion-, 3. Which of the following is a cause of chronic type-1 respiratory failure?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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