L1 - General Knowledge: In Canada, what federal law allows the Minister of Transport to create regulations for aviation?
a. The Motorized Vehicle Act
b. The Aeronautics Act
c. The Criminal Code
d. The Air Safety Act
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: If you permanently change your address, you shall notify the Minister within?
a. Three (3) calendar days
b. Seven (7) business days
c. Seven (7) calendar days
d. Three (3) business days
L1 - Registration: If you paint registration marks on the bottom of a wing, the tops of the letters shall be towards?
a. The left side
b. The leading edge
c. The trailing edge
d. The right side
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: What is the minimum amount of experience required to keep your AME license current?
a. 6motnhs AME experience in the preceding 12 months
b. 6 months AME experience in the previous 24 months
c. 12 months AME experience in the previous 18 months
d. 12 months AME experience in the previous 24 months
L1 - General Knowledge: What kind of document is 622.02?
a. A Standard
b. Policy document
c. A Regulation
d. An advisory document
L1 - General Knowledge: Which one of the following statements best defines 'Maintenance'?
a. The modification or repair of an aircraft or any form of inspection on an aircraft or its components
b. The overhaul, repair, required inspection or modification of an aeronautical product
c. Any work on an aircraft or part requiring the entire task is completed by an AME
d. Any work on an aircraft or part thereof
L1 - General Knowledge: Where would you find the fees payable to the Minister of Transport for the issuance of an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer license?
a. CAR 101, Interpretation
b. CAR 102, Application
c. CAR 103, Administration and Compliance
d. CAR 104, Charges
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: What is the minimum age to hold an AME license?
a. 19 years old
b. 20 years old
c. 21 years old
d. 22 years old
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer license is typically valid for how many years following the applicant's last birthday?
a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 10 years
d. 8 years
L1 - Maintenance Requirements: What is the purpose of a maintenance release?
a. To certify the aircraft as airworthy
b. To return the aircraft to service
c. To certify only the maintenance performed
d. To attest to the conformity of the aircraft
L1 - General Knowledge: Identify which Subpart of Part I authorizes the minister to assess a monetary penalty for a contravention of the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
a. Subpart 1 (Interpretation)
b. Subpart 2 (application)
c. Subpart 3 (Administration and Compliance)
d. Subpart 4 (Charges)
L1 - General Knowledge: Currently, which of the following registration marks can only be issued to a 'Vintage Aircraft'?
a. CF-xxx
b. C-Fxxx
c. C-Ixxx
d. CG-xxx
L1 - Aircraft Registration: Which of the following is considered a 'Lighter than Air' aircraft?
a. Gyroplane
b. Glider
c. Airship
d. Ultra-Light Aeroplane
L1 - General Knowledge: Express the seventh part of the Canadian Aviation Regulations the correct Roman Numeral format
a. CAR Part IIV
b. CAR Part VII
c. CAR Part XII
d. CAR Part IIX
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: What is the expiry date of an AME license based on?
a. The date the license was issued
b. The date of the license application
c. The applicant's birth date
d. The date the CAR's exam was passed
L1 - General Knowledge: For maintenance purposes, if you wanted to know if an aircraft was being operated commercially, where would you look?
a. The National Aircraft Database, (NAB)
b. The Canadian Civil Aircraft Register Computer System, (CCARCS)
c. The Canadian Vessel Information System, (CVIS)
d. The Canadian combined Vehicle Registration Registry, (CCVRR)
L1 - General Knowledge: How are information notes' identified within the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
a. All information notes are identified and are typed in italic font
b. All information notes are identified and found inside parentheses
c. All information notes are identified and typed in bold face
d. All information notes are identified and found inside square brackets
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance: In what area of the CAR's would you find guidance on how to determine if a repair or modification is considered 'Major' or 'Minor'?
a. CAR's Part V, Subpart 73
b. CAR's Standard 573
c. CAR's Part VI, Subpart 5
d. CAR's Standard 571, Appendix 'A'
L1 - General Knowledge: Which Federal Government agency maintains the 'Regulations' part of the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
a. Transport Canada
b. Department of Justice
c. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
d. Royal Canadian Mounted Police
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: What is the maximum number of hours per month that an AME license applicant may get experience credit for, when working part time?
a. 100 hours
b. 150 hours
c. 160 hours
d. 200 hours
L1 - General Knowledge: What is the name of the newspaper where amendments to the CAR's are published before they take effect?
a. The Canada Gazette
b. The Ottawa Citizen
c. The Hill Times
d. The National Enquirer
L1 - General Knowledge: Which of the following is considered a 'large aircraft'?`
a. A rotorcraft that is capable of carrying more than 9 passengers excluding crew
b. A rotorcraft that is capable of carrying more than 15 passengers excluding crew
c. A rotorcraft that has a maximum permissible takeoff weight in excess of 2730 kg
d. A rotorcraft that has a maximum permissible takeoff weight in excess of 3600 kg
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: True or False? You must be a Canadian Citizen in order to get an AME license?
a. True
b. Fale
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: If you have a task signed off in your AME logbook, it is your way of demonstrating:
a. Experience
b. Knowledge
c. Regulatory requirements
d. Skill
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: If you have an M2 rating on your AME license, what categories of aircraft are you able to certify?
a. 522
b. 523
c. 524
d. 525
L1 - General Knowledge: How many parts are the Canadian Aviation Regulations divided into?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
L1 - General Knowledge: To which people and / or organizations, are maintenance engineers responsible to?
a. The minister of transport
b. The general public
c. Aircraft owners / operators
d. To your employers
e. All of the above
L1 - General Knowledge: How are 'information notes' identified within the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
a. All information notes are identified and are typed in italic font
b. All information notes are identified and found inside parentheses ( )
c. All information notes are identified and typed in bold face
d. All information notes are identified and found inside square brackets [ ]
e. All information notes are identified and found inside braces { }
L1 - General Knowledge: Of the following documents, identify the correct order of authority, with the most authoritative being first: 1 - Policy and Procedural documents 2 - Standards documents 3 - Regulatory documents 4 - Advisory documents 5 - Aeronautics Act
a. 1,3,5,2,4
b. 5,3,2,4,1
c. 3,5,2,1,4
d. 5,2,3,4,1
e. 5,4,1,3,2
L1 General Knowledge: On what date did the Canadian Aviation Regulations come into force?
a. 10 October 1996
b. 27 September 2001
c. 12 December 1944
d. 16 October 1980
L1 - General Knowledge: Which level of government is responsible for the administration of aeronautical laws in Canada?
a. Provincial government
b. Municipal government
c. Federal government
d. The United Nations General Assembly
e. The International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O)
L1 General Knowledge: Which Federal Government agency maintains the 'Standards' of the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
a. Transport Canada
b. Department of Justice
c. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
d. Royal Canadian Mounted Police
e. Department of National Defence
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: When applying for an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License, what is the maximum number of hours per year that an applicant may get experience credit for, when working full time?
a. 1000 hours
b. 1400 hours
c. 1800 hours
d. 2000 hours
e. 2200 hours
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: True or False? If someone works a lot of overtime in one month and puts in over 200 hours working civilian aircraft, that person cannot receive more than one month's experience credits towards their AME license application?
a. True
b. False
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: True or False? If you work on an aircraft with a special certificate of airworthiness in the owner maintenance category, you may use experience gained towards your Aircraft Maintenance Engineers application?
a. True
b. False
L1 - General Knowledge: An aircraft with a Special Certificate of Airworthiness may fly into another country's airspace with no special requirements
a. True
b. False
L1 - General Knowledge: Which of the following best describes a standard?
a. Provides a detailed procedure to follow in order to comply with a provision
b. Provides explanation of the continent or some examples for a previous passage
c. Gives the minimum criteria to follow in order to comply with the provision
d. Tells us 'what to do' or 'what not to do'
L1 - General Knowledge: Which of the following identifies an advisory document in CAR Part V
a. AWM 543.01
b. Standard 571 Appendix A
c. CAR 543.01
d. ADV 593.01
L1 - General Knowledge: Which of the following is / are excluded from operating under the requirements of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)?
a. An Air Canada 777 flying from England to Vancouver
b. A Westjet 737 on route to Vancouver from Toronto
c. An FAA registered United Airlines 767 operating between New York and Toronto
d. A Canadian Forces CF-18 on patrol within Canadian air space
L1 - General Knowledge: What would the regulation number be associated with Standard 571.10?
a. CAR 501.10
b. AWM 501.10
c. AWM 571.10
d. CAR 571.10
L1 - General Knowledge: In the Canadian Aviation Regulations, where would you find the regulatory standards for aircraft equipment and maintenance?
a. CAR 625
b. CAR 605
c. CAR 602
d. CAR 525
L1 - General Knowledge: The regulations contained in Canadian Aviation Regulations, PART VI, Sub-part 4 is directed towards what industry group?
a. Commercial operators of large aircraft transporting passengers
b. Commercial operators of small aircraft transporting passengers
c. Private operators of small piston engine aircraft
d. Private Operators of pressurized turbine engine and large aircraft transporting passengers
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: Where will you find the standard relating to AME licensing?
a. CAR 403
b. CAR 443
c. AWM 566
d. CAR 566
L1 - General Knowledge: Before any amendments are made to the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the proposed changes must first be published in what newspaper?
a. The Canadian Gazette
b. The Ottawa Citizen
c. The Hill Times
d. The National Enquirer
L1 - General Knowledge: Why does the format for the numbering system in Part V differ from the rest of the parts in CARs?
a. To make it easier for the AME to understand
b. So that it aligns as close as possible with the FAA & EASA numbering system associated with these areas of regulations
c. So that it aligns with the ATA 100 numbering system associated with these regulations
d. Because it was the last part developed, and it is the new format to be followed
L1 - General Knowledge: The authority for the Minister of Transport to create regulations to control civil aviation in Canada comes from where?
a. The Aeronautics Act
b. The Criminal Code
c. The Air Safety Authority
d. The Governor General
L1 - General Knowledge: The minimum height for registration marks displayed on the bottom surface of a wing of a heavier than air aircraft shall be not less than?
a. 10cm
b. 25cm
c. 50cm
d. 75cm
L1 - General Knowledge: Which of the following best describes a regulation?
a. Provide a detailed procedure to follow in order to comply with the provision
b. Provides explanation of the content or some examples for a previous passage
c. Gives the minimum criteria to follow in order to comply with the provision
d. Tell us 'what to do' or 'what not to do'
L1 - General Knowledge: Part VI of the Canadian Regulations deals with what subject matter?
a. Airworthiness
b. General Operating and Flight Rules
c. Personnel Licensing and Training
d. Air Navigation Services
L1 - General Knowledge: What kind of document is AWM 525.02?
a. A Standard
b. A policy document
c. A regulation
d. An advisory document
L1 - General Knowledge: 'Airworthy' in respect of an aircraft part, means?
a. Maintained in accordance with industry standard practices
b. That the part can be worked on when installed on the aircraft
c. Fit and safe for flight
d. Fit and safe for flight, and in conformance with its type design
L1 - General Knowledge: If the preface of a regulatory reference were changed from 'Car' to 'STD', what type of document would it become? (Example: CAR 571.10 becomes STD 571.10)
a. An Aeronautics Act document
b. A Standard document
c. An information Note document
d. A Regulation document
L1 - General Knowledge: What kind of time is recorded in the Journey Logbook and is used to schedule maintenance? [CAR 101.01]
a. Hard time
b. Flight time
c. Air time
d. Calendar time
L1 - General Knowledge: An aircraft operator that has a CAR 604 certificate is said to be operating as?
a. A 'Commercial Operator'
b. A 'Private Operator'
c. A 'Flight Training Unit'
d. A 'Private Aircraft'
L1 - General Knowledge: An aircraft that is being operated under PART VII, Sub-Part 5 of the CARs is said to be operating as? [CAR 705.01]
a. A 'Commercial Operator'
b. A 'Private operator Passenger Transporation'
c. A 'Flight Training Unit'
d. A 'Private Aircraft'
L1 - General Knowledge: An aircraft that is being operated under PART IV, Sub-Part 6 of the CARs is said to be operating as? [CAR 406.02]
a. A 'Commercial Operator'
b. A 'Private operator Passenger Transportation'
c. A 'Flight Training Unit'
d. A 'Private Aircraft'
L1 - General Knowledge: Flight Time is defined as?
a. The time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface of the earth until it returns at the next point of landing
b. The time from the moment, an aircraft first starts its engine until the completion of the shutdown checklist after landing
c. The time when the aircraft commences the take off roll until the time the aircraft completes its landing roll
d. The time from when the aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off until the moment it comes to rest and the end of the flight
L1 - General Knowledge: Part VI of the Canadian Aviation Regulations deals with what subject matter?
a. Airworthiness
b. General Operating and Flight Rules
c. Personnel Licensing and Training
d. Air Navigation Services
L1 - General Knowledge: When you apply to renew your aircraft Maintenance Engine License, the fee payable to the Minister of Transport is how much? [ CAR 104 Schedule IV, Item 12]
a. $40.00 Canadian Dollars
b. $80.00 Canadian Dollars
c. $115.00 Canadian Dollars
d. $145.00 Canadian Dollars
L1 - General Knowledge: A 'Large Aeroplane' is defined by the Canadian Aviation Regulations as? [CAR 101.01]
a. An aeroplane that carries more than 30 people, excluding flight crew
b. An aeroplane with a maximum certified takeoff weight of more than 5700KG
c. An aeroplane that carries more than 50 people, excluding flight crew
d. An aeroplane with 2 or more passengers
L1 - General Knowledge: Which Federal Government agency maintains the 'Standards' of the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
a. Transport Canada
b. Department of Justice
c. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
d. Royal Canadian Mounted Police
L1 - General Knowledge: To determine what kind of data is required to perform a repair or modification, an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer may look in what area of the Canadian Aviation Regulations for step by step guidance? [CARs - Maintenance]
a. CARs Part V, Subpart 73
b. CARs Standard 573
c. CARs Part VI, Subpart 5
d. CARs Standard 571, Appendix A
L1 - General Knowledge: For the purpose of applying aircraft registration marks to an aircraft, a 'vintage aircraft' is one that was manufactured before? [CAR 200.01]
a. January 1, 1980
b. January 1, 1974
c. January 1, 1957
d. January 1, 1945
L1 - General Knowledge: Which type of aircraft does NOT require a valid flight authority to fly in Canada [CAR 507.01]
a. An owner maintained aircraft
b. A glider
c. An amateur built aircraft
d. A hang glider
L1 - General Knowledge: In Canada, what is the minimum age to be the registered owner of an aircraft? [CAR 202.15(2)]
a. 16 years old
b. 18 years old
c. 21 years old
d. 25 years old
L1 - General Knowledge: What kind of document is 202.02?
a. A Standard
b. A policy document
c. A Regulation
d. An advisory document
L1 - General Knowledge: Which of the following pieces of aircraft equipment is not required to be around a Day VFR aircraft? [605.14]
a. An oil pressure gauge
b. An outside temperature gauge
c. An airspeed indicator
d. An altimeter
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: What rating is required on an AME license to sign a maintenance release for an aircraft that is certified under Standard 525? [STD 566.03(8)(a)(i)]
a. M1 Rating
b. M2 Rating
c. 'E' Rating
d. 'S' Rating
L1 - General Knowledge: What does transport Canada use to determine if an aircraft is considered large or small?
a. Number of engines
b. Number of passengers
c. Maximum speed
d. Maximum take off weight
L1 - General Knowledge: Which level of government regulates the rules that affect aviation?
a. Provincial
b. Municipal
c. Federal
d. Ontario
L1 - General Knowledge: What is the purpose of CARs?
a. To ensure all operators follow the same procedures
b. To ensure the government has some control over aviation
c. CARs are instituted to ensure a safe operation and maintenance of aeronautical products
d. To establish a fine process when operators do not follow regulations
L1- General Knowledge: What is the purpose of the Aeronautical Act?
a. Authorizes the creation of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
b. Regulates the operation of Aviation Products in Cnaada
c. Replaces Bilateral agreements when they cannot be upheld
d. Establishes the difference between private and commercial aircraft operators
L1 - General Knowledge: Who is responsible to sign a maintenance release?
a. The pilot
b. The minister of Transport or his deputy
c. An appropriately rated AME
d. The person performing the work
L1 - General Knowledge: What is the significance of an maintenance release?
a. It is a legal declaration that CARs rules have been met with respect to the maintenance
b. It certifies that the AME is satisfied with the work he/she personally performed only
c. It indicates that maintenance is satisfied that the aircraft has been loaded to maintenance standards
d. It certifies that only qualified people maintained the aircraft
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licensing: What is the age limit to obtain an AME?
a. 18 years of age minimum
b. 16 years of age
c. 21 years of age
d. No age requirement
L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licensing: What is the experience requirements to obtain an AME license?
a. 60 months of maintenance experience
b. 26 months of maintenance experience
c. Any amount of time as long as all tasks are completed
d. 48 months for M1, M2 and E, variable for other licenses
L1 - General Knowledge: What aircraft are exempt from having a flight authority?
a. Aircraft registered in another country
b. Single engine aircraft
c. military aircraft from Canada, ultra-light aeroplanes, and hang gliders
d. helicopters
L1 - General Knowledge: What aircraft are exempt from being Registered in Canada?
a. Ultralight aircraft
b. Helicopters
c. Military aircraft
d. Hang gliders and parachutes
L1 - General Knowledge: Other than on the aircraft exterior itself where else is the aircraft registration marking shown?
a. On the Certificate of registration
b. On the aircraft Data Plate
c. On the engine Data Plate
d. The registration marking is only shown on the aircraft exterior
L1 - General Knowledge: Where will you find the general operating and flight rules for Canadian aviation?
a. Car Part VI sub-part 5 (605)
b. In the aircraft maintenance manual
c. In the operator's policy manaual
d. General operating rules are common sense, therefore not written down
Was this quiz helpful?
a . guh suck ya mada
b. maybe
c. yes of ya bloodclat business
{"name":"CARs", "url":"","txt":"L1 - General Knowledge: In Canada, what federal law allows the Minister of Transport to create regulations for aviation?, L1 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing: If you permanently change your address, you shall notify the Minister within?, L1 - Registration: If you paint registration marks on the bottom of a wing, the tops of the letters shall be towards?","img":""}
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