Which of these Motherfuckers is You?

Ideal Saturday?
A wild night out - drinking, maybe some drugs, definitely hooking up with somebody.
A cosy night in with a hot drink and a good book.
A drink with the boys at the local pub or a midnight drive with my best friend.
A nice hot meal with my best friend and some trash TV, followed by an early bedtime because I have to get up early.
Stay up all night drawing or studying. Literally all night. I haven't slept in days.
A lazy night after a tough week. Maybe a movie, but mostly I'm on Instagram or pinterest.
Playing games online until 5am. I don't even need energy drinks!
Favourite outfit?
Tight jeans, a tshirt and a leather jacket or trench coat.
A plain jumper or a casual button up shirt... But on the down-low I'll wear some tacky clothes and brighter colours in my own time!
Earthy colours like grey, brown and tan. Tweed or tartan; farmer, but trendy farmer.
Tartan and leather, don't care how, as long as I'm wearing some!
Something dark and gothic, very victorian era-esque.
Pastel colours and sweaters.
A pokemon hoodie and some black jeans will do me, who cares if it's 30 degrees?
What are you addicted to?
Tea and bad puns.
Cigarettes, hard drugs, sex, booze and going out clubbing.
Thrills and adventure, nature and gossip.
Nothing much, though I'll happily munch an entire pack of shortbread without even noticing!
Morphine.. I should see my therapist.
Work! After a good hard day at work I bring my passion home with me.
Technology. You'll have to pry my laptop from my cold dead hands!
What do you think of kids?
They're okay though I'd never volunteer to babysit, some of them are assholes.
Children? Where?! Ireally can't stand children...
Too loud, too smelly, too stupid. I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
I love kids! They're funny and adventurous, they give me back some of my old energy!
I like children as long as they don't misbehave too much. They need to be brought up properly.
I love kids until they start fucking around breaking things and screaming. Spoilt or rebellious kids need a good smack. Otherwise, I have strong maternal instincts.
If I had kids I'd be very loving and proud. It's important they grow up happy and healthy and successful, they can learn harsher realities when they're older.
Where would you like to go on a first date?
Out for a walk in the woods or to a fancy ball.
My bedroom to play games, watch movies and eat junk food.
To a wonderful luxury restaurant or somewhere cute like the aquarium.
Im not interested in dating...
To a bar or a club so we can dance the night away, or to a fancy restaurant if they're paying..
Somewhere quiet and private like the beach or gardens at night
To get ice cream or cocktails, somewhere fun so if the date is a disaster I can still enjoy my night! "
How confident would you say you are?
Confidence is my middle name.
Im not really sure, I tend to focus on pleasing my friends and being happy so I have to be confident enough to do that.
I'm very confident in my abilities and talents but less so socially.
I'm confident in my skills to the point I'm a bit too big for my boots. I'm confident around my friends but awkward and quiet around strangers.
I'm confident in my appearance, my work and myself as a whole though I am paranoid about secrets getting out or failure.
I'm not body confident but I can approach nearly anyone. I'm loud and proud and a little over confident sometimes.
Favourite food?
Chicken fried rice.
Sausages... I mean, everything, but mostly sausages.
Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings.
Hearty meat broth or steak and kidney pie.
Lamb stuffed with mint and pine nuts. But only with fresh ingredients.
Anything, I have an appreciation of good, fresh food.
Spinach is pretty good... I don't eat much.
What are you going to do after this shit quiz is over?
Start microwaving 14 ready meals.
Go and see my boss, I'm ready and waiting as always!
Read the news or a good non-fiction book.
Head to the gym or to the woods for a jog.
Draw or fiddle about with science and mechanics in my bedroom.
I suppose I could try and squeeze in a wank before work...
Hop online to check my blogs and post a new photo of my latest meal.
{"name":"Which of these Motherfuckers is You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Ideal Saturday?, Favourite outfit?, What are you addicted to?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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