METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT 4 - Venture Creation: Individual and Team

This assessment contains 28 multiple-choice questions. The passing score is 80 percent.
Read each question or statement. Select the best answer or completion from the options provided.
This assessment contains 28 multiple-choice questions. The passing score is 80 percent.
Read each question or statement. Select the best answer or completion from the options provided.
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Your _______ identity is who you are, whether or not you or others recognize it. It is the seed of your potential.
Your ____________ identity unfolds over time if you work with it. Conversely, it diminishes or becomes stagnant if you work against it.
The challenge in life is to discover your core identity and fulfill the purpose and destiny attached to it.
Creativity, innovation, passion, significance, and success as an entrepreneurial leader all flow from _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Applying your native intelligence, skills, and charming personality to achieve your goals.
Discovering your core identity and starting to fulfill the purpose and destiny attached to it.
Pulling together the very best business team from the most talented people you can recruit.
The top business school you attended and your most influential networks and relationships.
Where you live at various times in your life, your work experience, spiritual life, education, hobbies, relationship status, military service, etc. Are all examples of which dimension of personal identity?
Characteristics you are "born with" or are born into
Choices you make and what occurs on your "life path"
"Defining moments" that mark key points in your life
All of the above
Historical and generational events, dramatic events in your personal or family life, significant experiences in your culture/society or even in other parts of the world, are examples of what dimension of personal identity?
Characteristics you are "born with" or are born into
Choices you make and what occurs on your "life path"
"Defining moments" that mark key points in your life
All of the above
Individual development is influenced by biological growth, bodily functions, your spirit, influence from the environment, and __________________________________ as a result of things you do or say.
Reflection on external feedback
Things that happen to you
What other people say about you
All of the above
A group of people brought together to work towards accomplishing a common goal is a ____________________.
Teams should have knowledgedeable members, but they do not need to have a clear purpose, direction, and responsibilities to work effectively.
A company sets up a temporary team with cross-functional members to work on a specific issue. This is most likely a/an _____________________ team.
Friends who want to create a start-up meet in a small office to begin discussing their business ideas. This is a/an _____________________ team.
In a leadership team meeting, the CEO asks three of the company's directors to meet together over the next 3 months to work on a project of mutual interest to their areas of responsibility in the company. They can conduct their work in any way the three of them agree to do it. This is most likely a ____________________ team.
It is important for you as an entrepreneurial leader to understand the stages and dynamics of team development. This is because the entrepreneurial team needs to stay aligned with you, your organization, the business model, and each other to __________________________________________________________________________.
Achieve optimum synergy where the sum is greater than its parts.
Avoid poor performance due to discord and confusion on the purpose.
Perform as a united, focused group to avoid getting off track.
All of the above
The _________________________________ needs to set the tone and example for team culture, behavioral norms, appropriate interaction styles, and general adherence to organizational values.
Company's legal counsel
Entrepreneurial leader
Firm's board of directors
Human resources director
In the ________________________ stage of team development, the team is typically (1) orienting to purpose, tasks and roles; (2) eager to get started but tentative; (3) more dependent on the team leader; (4) feeling some fear and anxiety; and (5) likely to have low task accomplishment.
In the __________________________ stage of team development, the team is typically (1) orienting to purpose; (2) negotiating on tasks and roles; (3) showing some resistance to tasks, argumentativeness, and defensiveness; (4) expressing frustration or hostility towards the leader; and (5) experiencing some task accomplishment.
In the ___________________ stage of team development, the team is typically (1) experiencing increased cohesion, common spirit and goals; (2) showing mutual respect, increased trust, and acceptance; (3) avoiding conflicts and drift; and (4) experiencing flat task accomplishment.
In the ___________________________ stage of team development, the team is typically (1) doing shared problem-solving and constructive self-change; (2) showing more interdependence and understanding of their strengths and weaknesses; (3) having open, honest communication; and (4) experiencing high task accomplishment.
In the ___________________________ stage of team development, the team is typically (1) more distant, less interested, and less enthusiastic; (2) expressing concern regarding separation; (3) manifesting a mixture of sadness and happiness, and not sure of their direction; and (4) experiencing either high or low task accomplishment, depending on how individuals are being affected.
In the ________________________ stage of team development, the team is typically (1) changing into something different and (2) possibly undergoing a shift to a new purpose or direction.
An entrepreneurial leader should facilitate team ____________________ in order to create a group whose members want to contribute, collaborate, and bond as a functioning work unit, and to help the team form a strong shared identity.
Even considering the individual qualities of team members, team identity stems MOSTLY from the interrelationship of the team with (1) the larger culture, (2) the organizational culture, (3) the team's configuration, and (4) ______________________________________________.
The current stage of team development.
How well members know the founder(s).
Members' position in the organization.
The nature or purpose of the work.
The _____________ of an entrepreneurial venture or organization has an important role in setting the tone, the confidence, the pace and direction, and the culture for the entrepreneurial team members to follow or work within.
After a founder has an idea for a new enterprise, the next step is to create a __________________ based on initial consensus that the idea is good.
Focus group
Founding group
GoFundMe campaign
Project team
Containing and absorbing anxiety and risk, stimulating innovation, and synergizing the best of the old and new as the entrepreneurial organization grows are all part of the extraordinary role of the ______________________________.
Key investors
Management group
Original team
Venture's founder
Instead of trying to make the individual identities in your venture "fit in" to an inflexible mold, you should leverage the differences in unique ways to support your business model. The reason this works is that diverse identities in your organization can ________________________________________________________________________________.
Create a kinder, less discriminatory environment and culture for your team.
Decrease the chances that your venture will violate government regulations.
Make it harder for the entrepreneurial team to agree and make decisions.
Expand access to networks, assets, capital, and wealth to support the venture.
The development process for self-leadership includes becoming a self-leader and modeling self-leadership, encouraging yourself and others to set your own goals, creating constructive thought patterns, and promoting self-leadership through __________________________________________________________________________.
Applying better technology to work on your business model and plan.
Opening bank accounts, fundraising, obtaining patents, and incorporating.
Reasonable operating procedures and healthy interpersonal relationships.
Reward and constructive reprimand, teamwork, and an appropriate culture.
Which of these is a behavior strategy that can help you become a self-leader?
Adapt your pesonal behaviors to the environment in your workplace.
Ask your mentor or coach to provide self-leadership goals for you.
Focus most of your efforts on aspects of your work that you dislike.
Physically or mentally practice work activities before doing them.
{"name":"METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT 4 - Venture Creation: Individual and Team", "url":"","txt":"Since we view the Globalstratos \/ Afribiz companies as a\/an _____________________ economy, we set ourselves up to do business in much the same way as we believe the new economy should work – by regarding community needs and inclusion, as well as other environmental factors, to be the key components of a venture, project, or business. This allows us to model our vision of the new economy to our customers, partners, and other stakeholders., One important mission of the Globalstratos \/ Afribiz companies is to help individuals, communities, and organizations develop entrepreneurial enterprises that can ____________________________________________________________., A key differentiator for the Globalstratos \/ Afribiz model is that we not only build capacity, but we also address how to plug people, organizations, and communities into opportunities that we create by ____________________________________________________________________.","img":""}
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