Discover Your Career Interest
{"name":"Discover Your Career Interest", "url":"","txt":"Hello there! Are you excited to explore your interests? Welcome to PEAKMIND's Connecting Careers - the perfect tool to help you discover your passions and find your true calling. This test consists of various questions about your goals, hobbies, abilities, and interests in different occupations. It will assist you in identifying careers and fields of study that are more likely to satisfy you, such as Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. After completing the assessment, you will receive the percentages of the top three key traits that best describe your interests., Please select the response that best describes you. Answer honestly to open up more career paths. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Are you ready to know a suitable career paths? Let's begin!, I like to fix my bike on my own when there is a problem.","img":""}