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Which Character From Our Novel Are You?

A whimsical forest scene depicting various characters, each representing different personality traits, with a mystical vibe.

Which Character From Our Novel Are You?

Discover which character from our novel resonates with your personality through this fun and engaging quiz! Answer a series of intriguing questions that explore your traits, preferences, and fears.

  • Find out if you're a rebel or a caretaker.
  • Explore your hobbies, fears, and outlook on life.
  • Get ready to embrace your inner character!
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CuriousWriter42
Which words best describe you? Choose as many as you'd like.
Do you have murderous thoughts/tendencies?
Yeah, who doesn't?
No, the fuck
Maybe, maybe not. You'll never know.
Drugs and alcohol?
Did somebody say drugs and alcohol? Give me your entire supply.
Optimist or pessimist?
Optimist, I'm usually quite outgoing and I see the bright side of things.
Pessimist, I'm usually quite negative and I can't help but see the faults in things.
Somewhere in the middle
Chose a quote:
"Confidence is not "they will like me." Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't.” " -Christina Grimmie
"Listen to the silence. It has so much to say." -Rumi
"No matter how busy a person is, if they care about you, they'll make time for you."
"There are friends, there are family. Then, there are friends who become family."
"Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better." -Wenry Rollins
"This is my cup of care. Oh look, it's empty."
"I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream."
What's your biggest fear/phobia?
Losing control
Fake people
Going insane
Not being enough
Not knowing what's going on
Creepy dolls
What are your hobbies? Chose as many as you'd like.
Playing an instrument
Other/I don't know
Your sexuality?
Pick an outfit (it won't let me attach images sorry ugh)
Lipstick red criss-cross shirt, black leather miniskirt
Ripped black jeans, white top and a blue denim jacket
Off-white button down shirt, black and gold belt and blue jeans
Casual gray oversized shirt and a pair of black shorts or leggings
Tan fuzzy bomber jacket, white crop top and blue mom jeans
Sleeveless gray tee with black skinny jeans
Colorful hoodie with a pair of black leggings
How do you feel about conflict?
I try to stay as far away from conflict as possible.
I don't care to get involved. I watch as it goes down.
I often get involved in conflict as it progresses.
I start the conflict.
Who would you be in this situation? A young girl and her friend are walking through woods when they hear a distant voice screaming "help!". The girl does not approach it as she does not want to put her own life in danger. The friend wants to help and investigates the scream. (Ik I could have asked a simple question but I wrote an entire story instead 🙄)
The girl; I wouldn't put my own life on the line for a stranger.
The friend; I'm selfless and would want to help, even risking my own life to do so.
The one screaming; I always happen to get myself into trouble.
{"name":"Which Character From Our Novel Are You?", "url":"","txt":"Discover which character from our novel resonates with your personality through this fun and engaging quiz! Answer a series of intriguing questions that explore your traits, preferences, and fears.Find out if you're a rebel or a caretaker.Explore your hobbies, fears, and outlook on life.Get ready to embrace your inner character!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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