Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 12 May 21
[2105.04563] Martin Hoferichter, Bai-Long Hoid, Bastian Kubis et al.: Improved Standard-Model prediction for $π^0\to e^+e^-$
[2105.04565] Andrea Caputo, Ciaran A. J. O'Hare, Alexander J. Millar et al.: Dark photon limits: a cookbook
[2105.04572] Yifan Chen, Yuxin Liu, Ru-Sen Lu et al.: Stringent constraints on axion-photon coupling with Event Horizon Telescope polarimetric measurements of supermassive black hole M87$^\star$
[2105.04582] Jakub Filipek, Shih-Chieh Hsu, John Kruper et al.: Identifying the Quantum Properties of Hadronic Resonances using Machine Learning
[2105.04585] Bakul Agarwal, Federico Buccioni, Andreas von Manteuffel et al.: Two-loop helicity amplitudes for diphoton plus jet production in full color
[2105.04603] Itay M. Bloch, Gil Ronen, Roy Shaham et al.: NASDUCK: New Constraints on Axion-like Dark Matter from Floquet Quantum Detector
[2105.04669] Ivan Esteban: European Spallation Source: a future for Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Scattering
[2105.04715] J. S. Alvarado, S. F. Mantilla, R. Martinez et al.: A non-universal $U(1)_{X}$ extension to the Standard Model to study the $B$ meson anomaly and muon $g-2$
[2105.04765] Ying Chen, Yunheng Ma, Shun Zhou: Quantum Simulations of the Non-Unitary Time Evolution and Applications to Neutral-Kaon Oscillations
[2105.04819] Irinel Caprini: Conformal mappings in perturbative QCD
[2105.04838] Gyula Bencedi, Antonio Ortiz, Antonio Paz: Disentangling the hard gluon Bremsstrahlung effects from the relative transverse activity classifier in pp collisions
[2105.04844] Andreas Crivellin, Luc Schnell: Complete Set of Feynman Rules for Scalar Leptoquarks
[2105.04877] Stefan Pokorski, Kazuki Sakurai: Goldstone boson decays and chiral anomalies
[2105.04898] Denny Lane B. Sombillo, Yoichi Ikeda, Toru Sato et al.: Model independent analysis of coupled-channel scattering: a deep learning approach
[2105.04899] T. de Boer, R. Busse, A. Kappes et al.: Indirect detection constraints on the scotogenic dark matter model
[2105.04907] Jun-Ya Wang, Man-Yu Duan, Guan-Ying Wang et al.: The scalars $a_0(980)$ and $f_0(980)$ in the process $D_s^+ \to K^{+} K^{-} π^{+}$
[2105.04952] T. G. Khunjua, K. G. Klimenko, R. N. Zhokhov: Influence of chiral asymmetry on phase structure of the two-color quark matter
[2105.04955] Shan-Liang Zhang, Meng-Quan Yang, Ben-Wei Zhang: Parton splitting scales of reclustered large-radius jets in high-energy nuclear collisions
[2105.05095] Jorge Alda, Jaume Guasch, Siannah Penaranda: Anomalies in B mesons decays: Present status and future collider prospects
[2105.05097] Jiri Kvita: Semi-boosted all-hadronic $t\bar{t}$ reconstruction performance on kinematic variables for selected BSM models using a 2D extesion of the BumpHunter algorithm
[2105.05114] Richard D. Ball, Rosalyn L. Pearson: Decorrelation of Theoretical Uncertainties in PDF Fits and Theoretical Uncertainties in Predictions
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 12 May 21","img":""}