Which Starcraft 2 Race do you Lean Toward?

A dynamic and colorful illustration depicting the three Starcraft 2 races: Terran, Zerg, and Protoss, in a fierce battle setting, showcasing their unique units and abilities, with an epic sci-fi backdrop.

Which Starcraft 2 Race Do You Lean Toward?

Discover your ideal race in Starcraft 2 with our engaging quiz! Answer 26 thought-provoking questions to determine whether you resonate more with the Terran, Zerg, or Protoss. Dive into your gaming preferences and uncover your strategic personality.

  • Find your gaming style
  • Explore your tactical preferences
  • Engage with fellow Starcraft enthusiasts
26 Questions6 MinutesCreated by StrategicSlinger204
In fantasy games, what character do you like to see yourself as?
Always as a Human!
I like the ethereal and intelligent primordial beings!
I prefer to play as the resourceful and adaptive alien!
In RTS, do you prefer the ability to defend well early at the expense of late game power? Or would you rather have difficulty early, but with the advantage of constantly growing stronger the longer the game goes?
I want to defend well! I will make up the late game with sheer early dominance!
I want to be the most powerful person in the late game, regardless of how difficult the early game can be!
I want the ability to defend pretty well early, and have plenty of options late game for victory, although knowing that I need to constantly scout to survive at all stages!
When attacking, what is your preferred tactical approach?
I like to group all of my attacking units into one unstoppable army, and bust down the front door!
I like to attack them in 2-3 different locations at once, try to pull them apart with my superior multitasking ability!
I like to overwhelm them! Pick an area, or multiple areas, and send the waves and hordes!
In general, how would you describe your play style?
Aggressive, I want to apply constant pressure!
Passive, I like turtling up to 200/200, and then smashing across the map!
Economic, I want to take an economic lead and deal with situations as they present themselves!
What is your favorite color?
Which is best?
What sounds like more fun?
Lots of spell casting, throwing flashy and intimidating spells out on yourself and your opponent.
Taking care of stuff at home, not worrying about the front lines as much as the improvements happening back at home.
Tons of unit control. Baby-sitting your units when they aren't in a fight, but getting a lot of value out of your units when you control them well.
Overall, you like:
Melee units
Ranged units
A mixture of both
How quickly do you like to push across the map?
As fast as possible! Hit them fast, hit them hard.
Slowly! Let them feel the life being drained from the map, and from their grasp on the game...
What units do you tend to like on the tech tree?
Tier 1! I like lots of entry level units, working together in harmony to achieve the goal!
Tier 2! I want a strong mix of mid-level units to handle all situations well.
Tier 3! I want the biggest, baddest units available to complete the tech tree! I feel a sense of accomplishment when I get all of the tech units every game!
Aesthetically, what is the most pleasing?
Blacks and very very dark greys
Gold and silver
Purples and greens
How important do you want "Sim City," or the way you build your buildings, to be?
Not important at all. I want to slam them down wherever I want.
Somewhat important. I want a decent flow to my base, with the ability to build how I like.
Very important. I want the game to sometimes be decided by how well I placed my buildings. (Rewarded with a win for good placement, losing the game with bad building placement.)
What feels better?
Having a ton of options and tools to use every game, and using those tools properly given the situation as it unfolds.
Having very few tools, but all of your tools can be used in all situations.
Having to react with the correct tool for the correct job. Always having the advantage when using the correct tool.
How good would you like to be at scouting?
Flawless. I want to know what he is doing 24/7.
I will check in regularly, but have periods of no vision.
Scouting is a lesser valued skill, I could be getting better at macro.
How important is static defense to you?
Very! I want to make defensive structures that will aid me in the event of a counter attack!
Moderately! I want the OPTION to make defensive structures, but not extremely important.
Not very. I would prefer to use units and be in position.
In the mirror matchup, would you rather play:
Russian Roulette
What is your preferred tempo of music to play?
Allegro. I want to feel like I'm cruising along at a considerable speed!
Moderato. I like things to move at a predictable and consistent speed.
Adagio. I like things to move with surgical calculation. I see the beauty and majesty in a complex slow piece, leaving more room for dynamic exaggeration.
If you see the opponent expanding, what do you do?
Go kill it right now.
Take another expansion myself!
Prepare a timing attack to punish the new base.
In RTS, which do you think in the most important?
What is more important to you?
Mechanics. I want to out-muscle my opponent by using my hands very well, and not having to use critical decision making as often.
Thought process. I want to be able to out-smart my opponent with clever builds and strategies.
Adaptability. I want to react to my opponent with good mechanics and solid decision making.
How important are build orders to you?
Not very. I want to have a general opener to get me going, and then be able to do whatever I want from there.
Moderately. I want some solid build orders to get me going, and then more freedom as they game goes on.
VERY! I want my race to have structure. I want to practice build orders to the point where I know exactly what I'm doing, and what my next step is all the time.
How important is the map pool to you?
Not very. I will play on all maps, and all situations, and it won't bother me.
Somewhat. I like maps that favor my race, but will generally not be picky.
Very. I need maps that do well for my race. I do not want to be punished because the map isn't optimal for me.
How much do you care about detection?
I want detection easily attainable at all times.
I want to know I can have detection, but it isn't super necessary.
Detection is always important, but I will tech to it. It does not need to be given to me for free.
Macro or Micro?
Macro. I want to focus on making more units all the time. I will be ready for fights, and take engagements as well as I can, but worry mostly about making tons of units.
Micro. I want to focus on getting the MOST value and cost efficiency out of every fight and unit. Macro is important, but winning fights decisively is more important.
Macro and micro are equally as important.
Of the three races, which one is the coolest? Which one looks the coolest, sounds the coolest, and looks like the most fun?
Bonus: You are on the field of battle. As you charge in, you cry:
"For the ______!!!"
"My life for _____!!!"
My race is full of degenerates and machines incapable of feeling emotion.
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