So close yet so FAR
What certificate is issued under part 145
Repair station certificate
Repair station manual
Quality control manual
Number of days if there’s a revision in records of management, supervisory and etc. Personnel for reporting
Within 10 business days
Within 5 business days
Within 15 business days
Number of months required for supervisory and RTS personnel
Can repair station have a satellite repair station
Yes as long as satellite repair station will have a the same certificate issued by FAA
Yes as long as satellite repair station has its OWN certificate issued by FAA
Condition for applying new repair certificate
Change of location and name of repair station, request to add or amend a rating and if the owner sells the repair station, and the new owner decides to operate as it is, NEW CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED
Foreign registered aircraft
part 121 and part 145
part 121 and part 135
part 66 and part 125
Contains the rules a certificated repair station must follow related to its performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations of an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part to which part applies?
How to obtain repair station certificate or REPAIR STATION
part 125
Part 145
Part 66
Accountable manager
person designated by repair station who is responsible for and has the authority overall the repair station
Ensure its employee performing the maintenance, preventive maintenance and alterations, and
Under part 65
Appropriately certificated mechanic
Means any a/c, engine, propeller and etc.
Airworthiness directives
Can the work be performed at another location
Yes if the work is necessary due to special circumstances determined by FAA and necessary to perform in recurring basis
No, since it would not pass the approval of FAA
Can repair station contract a maintenance function to a non-certificated person
Yes if non-certificated person follows quality control system equivalent to QC system followed by cert. Repair station and cert. Repair station remains directly in charge of the work performed and cert. Repair station verifies via inspection the performed work before approving to RTS
Can repair station contract a maintenance function outside US
Yes if FAA approves the maintenance function, repair station make and maintain available to flight standard office the maintenance function contracted it’s name of the facility and it’s rating/certificates held
No, since contracting a maintenance outside US is illegal and would not pass FAA's approval
Hazardous material requirement for personnel within US
49 CFR part 172 subpart H.
49 CFR 171.08
Trained in ICAO technical instructions of Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
Hazardous material requirement for personnel outside US
49 CFR part 172 subpart H.
Trained in ICAO technical instructions of Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
49 CFR 171.08
hazmat employees”
49 CFR 171.8
49 CFR part 172 subpart H.
Trained in ICAO technical instructions of Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
Repair station can employ a former FAA personnel if he/she resigned -
2 years ago
3 years ago
5 years ago
Repair Station repercussions if falsification, reproduction, alterations and omission or doing fraudulent acts
Suspension/revocation of repair certificate, civil penalty and denial of applications
Suspension/revocation of repair certificate
Revocation of repair certificate
Repair station certificate and operational specifications issued
Must be hidden inside a safe
Must be always carried by the accountable manager
Must be available on the premises for inspection by public and FAA
Qualifications of inspection, supervisory and return to service personnel
Tools, equipment, test and inspection to determine airworthiness determination of articles
Must be maintained properly
Must be calibrated to standard acceptable to FAA
Must be stored after use
The FAA issues limited ratings for
Airframes of a particular make and model
Engines of a particular make and mode
Propellers of a particular make and model
Instruments of a particular make and model;
Radio equipment of a particular make and model;
Accessories of a particular make and model;
Landing gear components;
Floats, by make;
Nondestructive inspection, testing, and processing;
Emergency equipment;
Rotor blades, by make and model;
Aircraft fabric work.
Any other purpose for which the FAA finds the applicant’s request is appropriate.
Hours needed to report to FAA after serious failure, malfunction or defect of an articl
Base Maintenance
Line Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Major repair or alterations unless the major repair or alterations is performed in accordance with
RSM only
Can repair station contract for the performance of maintenance function of an article with a non certificated person?
No, unless non-certificated person allow FAA to make an inspection and observe it’s performance
Yes, because non certificated person can still do task even with no supervision
Repair Station with limited airframe rating must provide
Suitable permanent housing
Hangar and facilities
Privilege and benefits
Importance of repair station training program
Ensure its employee performing the maintenance, preventive maintenance and alterations, and inspection of an article is capable of performing the assigned task
Validity of repair Station Certificate WITHIN US
no later than 30 days
Effective from the date of issue until the last day of the 12th month after the date of issue
Effective until repair station SURRENDERS it or FAA suspends or revoked it
Validity of repair Station Certificate OUTSIDE US
Effective from the date of issue until the last day of the 12th month after the date of issue unless the repair station surrenders the certificate and the FAA accepts it for cancellation, or the FAA suspends or revokes it.
Effective until repair station SURRENDERS it or FAA suspends or revoked it
no later than 30 days
Renewal of Repair station cert outside US
The FAA may renew the certificate or rating for 12 months if the repair station has operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of part 145 within the preceding certificate duration period.
The FAA may renew the certificate or rating for 24 months if the repair station has operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of part 145 within the preceding certificate duration period.
The FAA may renew the certificate or rating for 36 months if the repair station has operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of part 145 within the preceding certificate duration period.
Application for renewal before expiration?
Submit its request for renewal no later than 45 days before the repair station's current certificate expires.
Submit its request for renewal no later than 30 days before the repair station's current certificate expires.
Submit its request for renewal no later than 365 days before the repair station's current certificate expires.
Any unscheduled maintenance resulting in unforeseen events, NO HANGAR, schedule check that DO NOT require specialized training, equipment and facilities
Preventive Maintenance
Base Maintenance
Line Maintenance
A person directly in charge does not need to physically observe and direct each worker constantly bu
Must be available for consultation on matters requiring instruction or decision from higher authority.
Directly in charge
Accountable manager
Repair Station Certificate application requirements
RSM and QCM. Acceptable to FAA and training program APPROVED by FAA
QCM. Acceptable to FAA and training program APPROVED by FAA
Certificated Repair Station must retain records in English compliance to p.43, format is acceptable to FAA. Must keep it’s record in 2 years, provide copy to owner/operator and must make all required record available for inspection by FAA and NTSB
Certificated Repair Station must retain records in English compliance to p.43, format is acceptable to FAA. Must keep it’s record in _______ provide copy to owner/operator and must make all required record available for inspection by FAA and NTSB
5 years
3 years
2 years
A320 with v2500 engine
Limited engine rating
Limited propeller rating
Limited airframe rating
Boeing 777 equipped with GE90
Limited airframe rating
Limited propeller rating
Limited engine rating
Holder of expired, suspended, surrendered or revoked certificate
Must return it to the FAA
Must keep it
Must throw it away
personnel and equipment from the certificated repair station with managerial control and from each of the satellite repair stations _____?
May be shared
Shall not be shared
Will be shared
A certificated repair station under the managerial control of another certificated repair station may operate as a satellite repair station with its own certificate issued by the FAA. A satellite repair station:
May not hold a rating not held by the certificated repair station with managerial control;
Must meet the requirements for each rating it holds;
Must submit a repair station manual acceptable to the FAA as required by §145.207
Must submit a quality control manual acceptable to the FAA as required by §145.211(c)
True or false. A satellite repair station may not be located in a country other than the domicile country of the certificated repair station with managerial control.
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