The Tower of Babel

What made it easier for the people to work together to build the Tower of Babel? (Genesis 11:1,6)
They were all skilled in workmanship.
The whole earth was of one language.
There were trained leaders able to guide the workers.
They had prior experience in Canaan.
In what land did the people journey to from the east? (Genesis 11:2)
The land of Shinar
The land of Canaan
The land of Nod
The land of Havilah
What materials did they use for the tower? (Genesis 11:3)
Stone and mortar
Stone and clay
Brick and slime
Brick and clay
The tower was to be designed to reach to... (Genesis 11:4)
The stars.
The moon.
In their plans, what did they suppose the building of the tower would protect them from? (Genesis 11:4)
Their enemies
Being scattered
Another flood
Wild animals
Who came to see the city and the tower? (Genesis 11:5)
The Lord
What was God's reaction to the tower? (Genesis 11:7)
He sent an earthquake to destroy it.
He was pleased at their workmanship.
He confounded their language.
He repented that He had made man.
Why did the people stop building the tower? (Genesis 11:7-8)
Because they ran out of materials.
Because they didn't understand one another's speech.
Because the anger of God was kindled against them.
Because it was finished.
What happened to the people after that? (Genesis 11:9)
They praised God.
They made merry.
They were struck dead.
They were scattered.
What does the name Babel mean? (Genesis 11:9)
The land of plenty
Tall tower
{"name":"The Tower of Babel", "url":"","txt":"What made it easier for the people to work together to build the Tower of Babel? (Genesis 11:1,6), In what land did the people journey to from the east? (Genesis 11:2), What materials did they use for the tower? (Genesis 11:3)","img":""}
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