Citizen survey - Clean Mumbai

A vibrant street scene in Mumbai showcasing clean public spaces, people enjoying the areas, and awareness campaigns about cleanliness and sanitation, with colorful signage promoting environmental responsibility.

Clean Mumbai Citizen Survey

Join us in our mission to make Mumbai a cleaner, greener city! This survey aims to gather your valuable opinions on cleanliness and sanitation in our great city.

Your feedback will help shape future initiatives and improve the quality of public spaces. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts.

  • Voice your opinions on cleanliness.
  • Help us identify key areas for improvement.
  • Contribute to a better living environment for all Mumbaikars.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CleaningWave547
About you: Your Sex
Chose not to disclose
About you: Your Age group
< 18 years
18-35 years
35-45 years
46-60 years
> 60 years
About you: Area
What does ‘Clean Mumbai’ mean to you? (Select top three)
Clean Beaches and sea face areas.
No litter or garbage dumps on the streets, railways, or public areas
No Construction debris lying around
No waterlogging due to plastic
No open defecation or urination or spitting
How happy are you with the current levels of cleanliness in City
At par with best global cities
Best in Country
Best in State
Not Happy
How would you rate BMC/MCGM’s performance on cleanliness in your area in the following activities
How would you rate BMC/MCGM’s performance on cleanliness in your area in the following activities
Street Sweeping
Waste collection
Maintenance of Public Toilets
Maintenance of Public amenities (Bus stops, subways etc.) and Public spaces (Beach, Sea fronts etc.)
Timely emptying & upkeep of public litter bins
Complaint/ Grievance redressal mechanism
For Mumbai to become a world class city in cleanliness by 2030, which of the following needs most improvement - (Select top three)
Clean streets and roads
Beautiful and clean public areas
Cleaner water bodies such as nallahs, Mithi river and beaches
Scientific recycle or process all waste
Cleaner public toilets
What other facilities and amenities would you aspire for in a Cleaner Mumbai
Special Toilets for women, with diaper changing areas and resting areas
Special toilets for the disabled
Better sanitation amenities in Public and tourist areas
Designated recycling centers and collection of segregated waste
Provide opportunities for waste recycling
As a citizen of Mumbai, how will you support the city in becoming clean and sustainable
Will segregate my waste into wet, dry and Domestic Hazardous Waste daily
Will not litter, defecate, urinate or spit in public places
Stop using banned plastic
Compost my own wet waste
Reduce, reuse, and recycle
Actively participate in various citizen awareness activities on waste management
Will pay user charges for solid waste management if applicable
{"name":"Citizen survey - Clean Mumbai", "url":"","txt":"Join us in our mission to make Mumbai a cleaner, greener city! This survey aims to gather your valuable opinions on cleanliness and sanitation in our great city.Your feedback will help shape future initiatives and improve the quality of public spaces. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts.Voice your opinions on cleanliness.Help us identify key areas for improvement.Contribute to a better living environment for all Mumbaikars.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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