IM Eleetro

A thoughtful medical professional reviewing patient charts in a bright, modern hospital environment, surrounded by anatomical models and medical textbooks.

Clinical Knowledge Challenge

Test your clinical knowledge with our engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students. This quiz consists of challenging questions that cover a range of topics related to internal medicine, diagnosis, and patient care.

Participate and enhance your understanding with:

  • 26 multiple-choice questions
  • Detailed clinical scenarios
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
26 Questions6 MinutesCreated by TestingDoc42
A 74-year-old type 2 diabetic woman undergoes a bowel resection for cancer of the colon. She is well prior to the operation with well-controlled diabetes and no other underlying disease. The operation is successful and the patient is given postoperative insulin and IV dextrose. Two days after the operation she becomes very agitated. Sodium 124 (135-145), Potassium3.3 (3.5- 5.0), Urea 3.1 (3.0-7.0), Glucose 7.2 (2.5--6.0), Serum osmolality 265 (275-295), Urine osmolality 150. The most likely cause of the hyponatraemia is:
Addison's disease
Syndrome of inappropriate anti-ditrretic hormone (SIADH)
Diabetic nephropathy
Excess insulin
Water overload
A 55-year-old woman with metastatic pancreatic cancer attends the oncology clinic prior to her second cycle of chemotherapy. She tolerated her first cycle well but her husband mentions that there have been occasions where she has been confused. Her urea and electrolyte blood tests reveal a serum sodium of 116 mmol/L. All other results were within the normal range. The chemotherapy is delayed and a urine specimen is sent off. This reveals a urine osmolality of 620 mmol/kg. The most likely cause of the hyponatraemia is:
Water overload
Diabetes insipidus
Addison's disease
Synch·ome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
Renal impairment
An 18-year-old student is admitted to the Emergency room after a collapse in a night club. He has no recollection of the incident, was assisted by his friends and had begun to regain consciousness by the time the ambulance had arrived. On direct questioning in the Emergency room he admits to 2 previous syncopal episodes. He denies elicit drug use. On examination his BP is 123/72 mmHg, his pulse is 72 regular. Investigations; Hb 13.2 g/dl, WCC 5.3 x109/l, PLT 199 x109/I, Na 142 mmol/1, K 4.6 mmol/1, Creatinine 90 μmol/1, ECG Sinus rhythm, QT interval 0.52s. A defect in which ion channel is the most likely cause of his symptoms?
A 60-year-old man presents to accident and emergency with a 3-day history of increasingly severe chest pain. The patient describes the pain as a sharp, tearing pain starting in the centre of his chest and radiating straight through to his back between his shoulder blades. The patient looks in pain but there is no pallor, heart rate is 95, respiratory rate is 20, temperature 37°C and blood pressure is 155/95 mmHg. The most likely diagnosis is:
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial iscbaenua
Aortic dissection
Pulmonary e1nbolism
A 67-year-old woman is admitted to accident and emergency with pyrexia (38.1 °e) and a cough productive of green sputum. The observations show a pulse rate of 101, BP 80/60 and respiratory rate of 32. She is alert and orientated in space and time. Blood results reveal a wee of 21, urea of 8.5 and chest x-ray shows a patch of consolidation in the lower zone of the right lung. She is treated for severe community-acquired pneumonia. Which of the following is the correct calculated eURB-65 score?
A 16-year-old boy presents with a low-grade fever which started 1 week ago. The patient also reports feeling fatigued and indicates pain in his joints. His parents mention that he has been visiting the toilet more often than usual. A urine dipstick shows trace proteins, while a blood test shows raised eosinophils. The most likely diagnosis is:
Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis
Renal failure
Diabetes mellitus
Reactive arthritis
A 32-year-old builder presents in accident and emergency in a distressed state. He reports suffering from chest pain for the last 2 weeks, the pain is sharp and only occurs when he moves heavy objects. He has a family history of cardiovascular disease and is worried about a heart attack. His blood gas findings are as follows: pH= 7.47; PC02 = 3.3; P02 = 15.3; bicarbonate=
17.53. The most likely diagnosis is:
Respiratory acidosis witl1 metabolic co1npensation
Acute metabolic acidosis
Respi1·atory alkalosis witl1 metabolic compensation
Metabolic acidosis with respiratory co1npensation
Acute respiratory alkalosis
A 60-year-old diabetic man recovering from sepsis after collapsing at home was treated with appropriate antibiotics after blood culture and aggressive fluid management with 0.9 per cent saline for 2 days for hypotension. Although blood pressure returned to normal, the patient had the following abnormal biochemical blood results: pH 7.32, PC02 5.2, P02 11.1, Sodium 147 mmol/L, Potassium 3.5 mmol/L, Chloride 119 mmol/L, Bicarbonate 19.5. The most likely diagnosis is:
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Lactic acidosis
Conn's syndrome
Renal tubular acidosis type 1
Hyperchloremic acidosis
A 14-year-old girl is brought to clinic by her parents who have been worried about a fever the patient has had for the last week. The patient looks pale and unwell. Blood tests reveal a neutropenia with normal red blood counts (RB Cs) and platelets. A bone marrow exam reveals no abnormalities. The patient has been otherwise fit and well. There is no organomegaly or
lymphadenopathy. The most likely diagnosis is:
Acute myeloid leukae1nia
Aplastic anaemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Bacterial infection
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic pu1-pura
A 75-year-old man has been recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and started on levodopa (L-DOPA), which has helped his tremor and bradykinesia significantly. However, in the past week he had a fall shortly after getting out of his chair, during which he briefly blacked out, and afterwards was sweating and felt cold. Which of the following side effects most likely explains the fall?
None, he actually has multiple system atrophy and n.ot Parkinson's disease
Postural hypotension
A 78-year-old lady is admitted from home by ambulance. She was found lying on the floor by her home help after suffering a fall. She has a history of hypertension managed with ramipril 10mg PO daily. On examination her temperature is 30.0oC, her BP is 100/50 mmHg, with a pulse of 52/min. She has a fractured left neck of femur. Bloods; Hb 14.5 g/dl, WCC 4.5 x109/l, PLT 192 x109/l, Na+ 143 mmol/1, K+ 5.3 mmol/1, Creatinine 195 μmol/1. Which of the following ECG features is most characteristic of moderate to severe hypothermia?
Long QT interval
Short PR interval
2nd degree heart block
Complete heart block
J waves
A 62-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with collapse. She felt dizzy when she tried to stand up from a sitting position. She did not lose consciousness. She denied any visual disturbances, headache or head injury. She also complained of fatigue over the past month. She takes only omeprazole and paracetamol. An electrocardiogram (ECG) showed normal sinus rhythm. Her blood pressure was 102/50 mmHg. A blood test revealed the following: Na+ 126 mmol/L, K+ 6.5 mmol/L, urea 10.0 mmol/L, and creatinine 139 μmol/L. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Adrenal insufficiency
C11shing's disease
A 63-year-old male smoker, on diuretics for essential hypertension, presents to the emergency department with chest pain. His ECG is presented to you. Amongst other signs, you notice T-wave inversion. Which of the following does not cause T-wave inversion?
Left bundle branch block
Left ve11tricular hypertrophy
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial ischaemia
A 59-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department following a fall. He complains of increased tiredness and jerking movement of his legs, which led to his fall from the staircase. He is a smoker. On arrival, he has an oxygen saturation level of 76% in air, and an arterial blood gas reading-demonstrates: pH 7.40, Pa02 6 kPa, PaC02 9.3 k.Pa, HC03 35 mmol/L on room air. His respiratory rate was 20/min. What does this blood gas result show?
Acute type 1 respiratory failure
Acute type 2 respiratory failure
Co1npensated chronic type 2 respiratory failure
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
A 32-year-old woman presents to her GP complaining of tingling and numbness around her mouth for 1 week. Occasionally, she also develops painful carpal spasm. She has a past medical history of Graves disease for which she just recently had subtotal thyroidectomy. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 73-year-old man has been admitted with severe sepsis and acute renal failure secondary to a urinary tract infection. He has been treated with intravenous antibiotics and fluid resuscitation but the following day you are called to see him as he is worse. He looks extremely unwell. His airway is patent and he has laboured breathing at a rate of 22 breaths/min. His saturations are 98o/o on air and his chest sounds clear. His pulse is 120 bpm and blood pressure 85/55 mmHg. His capillary refill rate is 4 seconds. His urine output has been 40 ml in the last 5 hours. You see from his blood tests that his creatinine level has increased slightly. You take an arterial blood gas reading. Which of the following is the most likely result?
PH 7 .22, p02 8, pC02 8.3, HC03- 24
PH 7.22, p02 18, pC02 2.3, HC03- 10
PH 7.22, p02 18, pC02 8.3, HC03- 10
PH 7.40, p02 8, pC02 8.3, HC03- 38
PH 7.51, p02 18, pC02 2.3, HC03- 24
A 56-year-old woman who has recently been discharged from your ward, with oral antibiotics for right basal community-acquired pneumonia, is re-admitted with transient pyrexia and shortness of breath. She is found to have a right-sided pleural effusion which is drained and some pleural aspirate sent for analysis. The results reveal an empyema. Which of the following, from the pleural aspirate analysis, would typically be found in a patient with an empyema?
PH >7.2, DLDH, Dglucose
PH <7.2, DLDH, Dglucose
PH >7.2, DLDH, Dglucose
PH <7.2, DLDH, Dglucose
PH <7.2, -LDH, -glucose
You are told that a patient in clinic has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis using the sodium chloride sweat test. Which of the following results from the latter test would indicate a positive diagnosis of cystic fibrosis?
Sodium chloride <40 mmol/L
Sodium chloride >60 mmol/L
Sodium chloride >50 mmol/L
Sodium chloride <60 mmol/L
Sodium chloride <30 mmol/L
A 21-year-old woman complains of urinary frequency, nocturia, constipation and polydipsia. Her symptoms started 2 weeks ago and prior to this she would urinate twice a day and never at night. She has also noticed general malaise and some pain in her left flank. A urine dipstick is normal. The most appropriate investigation is:
Serum phosphate
Serum calcium
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Plas1na glucose
Serum potassium
Which of the following arterial blood gas results, taken on room air, would you expect to see in a 67-year-old patient who has been suffering with COPD for two years and is not on home oxygen?
PH 7.35, P02 11, PC02 5.3, HC03 24, S02 98 per cent
PH 7.47, P02 12, PC02 5.1, HC03 30, S02 97 per cent
PH 7 .44, P02 8.3, PC02 6.7, HC03 28, S02 93 per cent
PH 7.31, P02 10.2, PC02 6.8, HC03 25, S02 95 per cent
PH 7.30, P02 11.5, PC02 5.2, HC03 18, S02 96 per cent
A 39-year-old man presents with a three-month history of depression. The patient recently lost a family member and around the same period began to feel unwell with constipation and a depressed mood. He has started taking analgesia for a sharp pain in his right lower back that often radiates towards his front. The most appropriate investigation is:
Serum parathyroid hormone
Serum thyroid sti1nulating hormone
Fasting se1-um calciu1n
MRI scan
A 42-year-old man presents with a 2-day history of severe chest pain. The patient reports a sudden ripping sensation at the front of the chest that occasionally radiates to the back. The patient has tried paracetamol and ibuprofen to alleviate the pain, but has had no success. The patient suffers from poorly controlled hypertension and at the last GP appointment his blood pressure was 167/95 mmHg. The most definitive investigation is:
Chest x-ray
MRI scan
Transoesophageal echo
CT scan with contrast
You are informed that one of your ward patients has been breathless over the last hour and has been quite anxious since her relatives left after visiting. The patient is a 67-year-old woman who was admitted 6 days ago for a left basal pneumonia which has responded well with intravenous antibiotics. Her past medical history includes dementia and hypertension. You are asked by your registrar to interpret the patient's arterial blood gas (ABG) measurements taken during her tachypnoea: pH 7.49 kPa, P02 14.1, PC02 3.1 kPa, HC03 24. From the list of answers below, choose the most appropriate ABG interpretation:
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Type 1 respiratory failure
Respiratory acidosis
None of the above
A seven-year-old girl is brought to accident and emergency by her mother because of a nose bleed that keeps on bleeding despite pressure and ice-packs. Petechiae and ecchymoses can be seen on examination and the mother reports the child has recently recovered from a throat infection. You suspect the patient is suffering from immune thrombocytopenic purpura and organize tests to measure platelets (Pit), bleeding time (BT), prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT). Which of the foil owing is the most appropriate result?
PT: prolonged; PTT: prolonged; BT: prolonged; Plt: decreased
PT: normal; PTT: normal; BT: prolonged; Plt: decreased
PT: normal; PTT: normal; BT: prolonged; Plt: normal
PT: normal; PTT: prolonged; BT: prolonged; Plt: normal
PT: normal; PTT: prolonged; BT: normal; Pit: normal
A 66-year-old man with a 10-year history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is assessed in the respiratory clinic for eligibility for long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for prescription of long-term oxygen therapy?
No exacerbation of chronic obstructive puln1onary disease (COPD) for the previous 5 weeks
Patient has stopped smoking
Patient has chronic hypoxaemia with Pa02 <7 .3 kPa
Presence of pt1lmonary hypertension with Pa02 <8.0 kPa
Two arterial blood gases showing Pa02 <7.3 kPa within 7 days
{"name":"IM Eleetro", "url":"","txt":"Test your clinical knowledge with our engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students. This quiz consists of challenging questions that cover a range of topics related to internal medicine, diagnosis, and patient care. Participate and enhance your understanding with: 26 multiple-choice questionsDetailed clinical scenariosImmediate feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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