World Hist Unit 5

How did militarism increase tensions among European nations?
A. European rulers paid experienced generals from rival nations large amounts of money to train their soldiers.
b. Each nation wrote books declaring their army as the best in Europe.
c. Each nation shared military secrets with everyone.
d. European nations believed that to be truly great, they needed to have a powerful military.
What was the quest for colonies that sometimes pushed European nations to the brink of war known as?
A. imperialism
b. militarism
c. nationalism
d. annexation
How did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, of Austria-Hungary, lead to armed conflict?
a. Austria blamed France for the assassination, and declared war on France.
b. Germany tried to colonize Austria after the assassination, and Austria defended itself.
c. Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany was a cousin of Ferdinand, and went to war with Serbia on his behalf.
d. The assassin was a Serbian national, so Austria decided to punish Serbia and declared war on them.
Before World War I, an alliance, known as the Triple Alliance, formed between which three nations?
A. Germany, Great Britain, and Japan
b. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
c. Great Britain, France, and Serbia
d. Italy, France, and Spain
What was “The Black Hand”?
A. A type of disease that killed millions of Europeans before World War I
b. The armed forces of Germany
c. A secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule
d. The name of the alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
What did Russia do in response to Austria declaring war on Serbia?
A. Russia allied with Serbia, and began moving its army along its border with Austria and Germany.
b. Russia also declared war on Serbia.
c. Russia declared war on France, knowing that they would come to the aid of Austria.
d. Russia waited until Germany also declared war on Serbia.
How did Germany get involved in the war?
A. France attacked them after Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.
b. Germany came to the aid of Serbia.
c. To Germany, Russia’s mobilization along their border was a declaration of war, so
Germany declared war on Russia.
d. Germany got involved after the United States entered the war.
The battle strategy that called for attacking and defeating France in the west and then rushing east to fight Russia was known as what?
A. the Western Front
b. the Eastern Front
c. the Schlieffen Plan
d. the Battle of the Marne
What is trench warfare?
Warfare common in Europe, in which soldiers engage in hand-to-hand combat with bayonets
c. A form of warfare in which soldiers would ambush advancing troops from trenches
d. A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the
What is “no man’s land”?
A. Cities that were bombed during the war
b. The space between opposing trenches, where soldiers were usually met by enemy
c. The area between Germany and Russia that no country wanted to claim
d. the European countryside where most of the fighting took place
Which country initiated unrestricted submarine warfare?
A. the United States
b. France
c. Germany
d. Austria
What was the Lusitania?
A. the German U-boat which sank three U.S. Passenger ships at the start of the war
b. The region of the Ottoman Empire that the Allies attacked to establish a supply line
to Russia
c. The name of the railway car that French and German officials met in to sign an armistice
d. the British passenger ship sunk by a German U-boat, killing 128 American citizens,
among many others
What is a conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort known as?
a. A total war
b. rationing
c. An armistice
d. An unrestricted war
What was not a reason that led to the United States entering the war?
a. The U.S. Was outraged by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
b. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare, which led to the sinking of U.S. ships.
c. The Zimmermann note, in which Germany tried to gain the support of Mexico.
d. The U.S. Already had strong economic ties with the Allies.
What was the significance of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
a. The treaty established a new government in Russia, following Czar Nicholas’ failures.
b. The treaty ended the war between Germany and Russia.
c. The treaty forced Russia to pull all of its troops off of the Western Front.
d. The treaty forced the surrender of the Ottoman Turks to the Russians.
As men rushed to the battlefields of World War I, women moved into many traditionally male occupations in industry.
Russia was part of the Big Four, a group which made most of the decisions during the Paris Peace Conference.
The idea of self-determination proposed by President Wilson meant allowing people to decide under what form of government they wish to live.
The Treaty of Versailles established the League of Nations, whose purpose was to keep peace among nations.
The Treaty of Versailles punished Austria, who lost substantial territory and had severe restrictions placed on its military operations.
The Treaty of Versailles placed full responsibility for the war on Germany’s shoulders.
The United States was the only country outside of Europe to participate in the war
The Ottoman Empire was allowed to keep all of its land after the war.
Most Americans believed that the United States’ best hope for peace was to stay out of European affairs.
The Treaty of Versailles left a legacy of bitterness and hatred in the hearts of the German people.
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