What's Your Preferred Learning Style?

1. You're waiting for a lecture to start. Where do you sit?
Doesn't matter, as long as I can hear the lecturer.
Close to the door, in case I need to stretch my legs.
Close enough to read the board
In the front row.
Close enough to easily ask questions as they arise
Close to where others are already seated
2. When trying to learn a new skill, which of the following do you most prefer?
Watching an instructional video
Trying it yourself first
Discussing it with someone else learning the same skill
Follow the step-by-step instructions
Sign up for coaching/1:1 instruction
Reading about it on your own first
Listen to a podcast that discusses ways to learn the skill
3. When trying to memorize information, which technique do you most prefer?
Using mnemonic devices
Reading your notes aloud
Drawing diagrams or rewriting notes
Working with a study/discussion group
Look for patterns in the information
Tying the information to personal experiences
4. When you're presented with information, which of the following do you most prefer?
A quick presentation followed by an exercise
A traditional lecture
Infographics and charts
Anything I can take with me to a quite space
Flow charts
Discussion groups
Having the ability to work with a coach/mentor
5. Which of the following e-learning modules would you find most helpful?
A simulation-based course
A video-based course
Listening to recordings of lectures
Course with puzzle or game elements
A course that includes a discussion room component
Guided readings
A check-list-style approach that highlights my progress
{"name":"What's Your Preferred Learning Style?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. You're waiting for a lecture to start. Where do you sit?, 2. When trying to learn a new skill, which of the following do you most prefer?, 3. When trying to memorize information, which technique do you most prefer?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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