BBKA Basic Assessment Revision

How long do eggs (of all castes) take to hatch
2 days
3 days
5 days
Worker larvae are capped on day...
Workers emerge on day...
Drone larvae are capped on day...
Drones emerge on day...
Queen cells are capped on day...
Queens emerge on day...
Worker larvae are fed on...
Royal jelly for one day, then bee bread
Royal jelly for three days, then bee bread
Royal jelly for six days, then bee bread
New queens should start laying on roughly day...
Queen cells on the bottom and sides of the frame are more likely to be...
Swarm cells
Supercedure cells
Emergency queen cells
Practice cells
Which of these is roughly equivalent to one bee space?
What are these?
Metal ends (frame spacers)
Porter bee escapes
Queen cages
Entrance blocks
What is this used for?
Uncapping sealed honey
Removing drone brood for varroa control
Keeping the queen safe
Holding frames for inspection
What are these called?
Snelgrove frames
Hoffman frames
Pagden frames
Langstroth frames
How long can a queen bee live?
1 - 2 years
3 - 4 years
6-9 years
10 years +
How long will a worker born in spring live?
1 week
3 - 4 weeks
6 - 7 weeks
12 weeks
How long will a worker born in autumn live?
6 - 7 weeks
1 - 3 months
4 - 6 months
6 months +
Check, clean, fix and replace equipment. Add a mouse guard. Check for animal or weather damage at the apiary. Feed fondant if required.
Return wet supers to bees. Treat for varroa if necessary. Feed heavy syrup. Reduce entrance size to guard against robbing.
Check stores and feed as required. Monitor varroa drop and plan treatment if necessary. Remove and harvest honey.
Check for the presence of the queen, level of stores and signs of disease. Feed if necessary. Add a super. Check for queen cells.
Check, clean, fix and replace equipment. Add a mouse guard. Check for animal or weather damage at the apiary. Feed fondant if required.
Return wet supers to bees. Treat for varroa if necessary. Feed heavy syrup. Reduce entrance size to guard against robbing.
Check stores and feed as required. Monitor varroa drop and plan treatment if necessary. Remove and harvest honey.
Check for the presence of the queen, level of stores and signs of disease. Feed if necessary. Add a super. Check for queen cells.
Check, clean, fix and replace equipment. Add a mouse guard. Check for animal or weather damage at the apiary. Feed fondant if required.
Return wet supers to bees. Treat for varroa if necessary. Feed heavy syrup. Reduce entrance size to guard against robbing.
Check stores and feed as required. Monitor varroa drop and plan treatment if necessary. Remove and harvest honey.
Check for the presence of the queen, level of stores and signs of disease. Feed if necessary. Add a super. Check for queen cells.
Check, clean, fix and replace equipment. Add a mouse guard. Check for animal or weather damage at the apiary. Feed fondant if required.
Return wet supers to bees. Treat for varroa if necessary. Feed heavy syrup. Reduce entrance size to guard against robbing.
Check stores and feed as required. Monitor varroa drop and plan treatment if necessary. Remove and harvest honey.
Check for the presence of the queen, level of stores and signs of disease. Feed if necessary. Add a super. Check for queen cells.
What is the ratio of water to sugar needed to make heavy syrup?
What is the aim of an artificial swarm?
Separate the queen and the flying bees from the brood and house bees.
Separate the queen and brood from the workers.
Transfer the whole colony into a new hive.
Separate the brood and workers from the queen.
If you find a capped queen cell, how long should you wait to guarantee she has emerged?
3 - 4 days
6 - 7 days
8 - 9 days
12 - 14 days
How many days after finding a capped queen cell would you expect to start seeing eggs?
7 days
10 days
14 days
20 days
If a queen is killed and the bees raise a new one how much brood will be left in the hive just before the new queen starts to lay?
Sealed brood only
Brood of all ages
You find a patchy brood pattern with multiple eggs in each cell and eggs laid on the walls of the cell. What is going on?
Drone laying queen
Laying workers
Two queens in the hive
Poorly mated queen
What is this used for?
Clearing bees from a super
Marking the queen
Clipping the queen's wings
Applying varroa treatment
What is this?
A porter bee escape
A queen excluder
A mouse guard
A hive strap
An uncapping fork is used for uncapping honey and...
Cleaning the queen excluder of propolis
Removing drone brood for varroa control
Levering up frames for inspection
Damaging rival beekeepers
What is the name of bacterium that causes American Foulbrood?
Melissococcus plutonius
Aethina tumida
Paenibacillus larvae
Ascosphaera apis
How does AFB spread?
The larvae ingest spores in their food
Varroa mites carry it
Funghi in soil
Tracheal mites carry it
At what stage of their lifecycle do bees with AFB die?
Eggs fail to hatch
Uncapped larvae
Capped larvae
Adult bees
What is the name of the bacterium that causes European Foulbrood?
Nosema ceranae
Bacillus thuringiensis
Melissococcus plutonius
Paenibacillus larvae
{"name":"BBKA Basic Assessment Revision", "url":"","txt":"How long do eggs (of all castes) take to hatch, Worker larvae are capped on day..., Workers emerge on day...","img":""}
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