De Bono's Thinking Hat Quiz

In group projects, you...
Join a group and immediately start doing research for your topic.
Look more towards all of the good things that could happen in the end.
Think that your group won't finish the project in time.
Be happy with your group members and talk to them (being nice and getting to know them).
Think about different ideas for your project and ways you can present.
Decide what group member can do each job (Be the "Boss").
What are your thoughts on self driving cars?
Self driving cars will revolutionize the safety standards of all cars and the way we drive.
They will save so many lives by being able to avoid accidents and drive on their own.
They are dangerous! I don't trust a robot to drive me around.
I LOVE the idea! It's so cool!
I think it's a good idea, but if the cars had more abilities that would be better.
In the future when all cars can drive themselves, we will never have accidents or traffic.
What are your thoughts on Stores closing because of shopping online being more popular?
A. Stores are going out of business, so it’s good they close before they go bankrupt.
Shopping online is more convenient.
I don't like it. Technology is ruining everything.
It sucks that the store employees are losing their jobs.
Soon, all stores will be online and convenient.
Everything for purchase is slowly becoming online.
How do you handle stress?
Ignore it
Think of positive things in your life to calm you down
Think about how stressed you are, stress more
Talk to someone about how you feel
Write down your thoughts and think of a solution
Think of what is causing you that stress and ways to calm yourself down
When making plans with someone, you are most likely to…
Check the weather, check availability of places you can go
Think of how much fun you guys can have
Overthink the plans and think they don’t like your ideas of what to do
Just be happy to be with them
Plan the entire time you guy will hangout, what you will do and how (make an itinerary)
Think of why you’re hanging out and what you like to do together, make ideas of things to do with each other
How do you face a problem?
Look at the facts and find a logical solution
Pick a solution and hope for the best outcome
Over think and get stressed
Go with your ‘gut’ feeling
Brainstorm different solutions and choose the solution with the most positive outcomes
Think of why you have this problem and if having different ideas would avoid this problem
What are your thoughts on technology being incorporated in school learning?
Everything uses technology now, so it would make sense for it to be used in school
It’s a cool idea, student might learn better if they learn with something they are familiar with
Technology is unpredictable, I don’t like the idea
I love the idea! I think it is smart that it is being used
It’s a cool idea, but it would be better if everything was digital
It would be even better if all of their school work was online
Which option best describes the way you think?
A logical thinker
A positive thinker
A cautious thinker
Your feelings towards the option
A creative thinker
Always have the ‘Big Idea’ in mind
How would you start a business to be successful?
Find out what is need in the market/area and sell that product
Just sell what you are passionate about
I could never be a business owner, that’s too much work
I would just work with what makes me happy
Create a business of what you would want to sell and hope your business is successful
Brainstorm about ideas for your business and get all the necessary information first, then try and build your business
What do you do when you have a cold?
Go to the doctors and figure out what’s wrong
Do nothing and hope for the best
Look up your symptoms online, and think you have a terminal illness
Feel sad for yourself
Figure out your symptoms and take medicine to get healthy again
I never get sick because I take Vitamins and take care of myself
What would you rather do in your free time?
Have fun hanging out with friends
Be by yourself, doing anything
Watch a funny show/movie
Create/design something
A. What’s free time? I’m always working
What is your dream job?
Something where I just follow the rules and do what is needed to be done
A job that I would even do as a hobby
A nice job where I will always feel safe, no risk taking
A job where I love getting up to go to work
A hands-on job where you design/create things
A job where I am in charge and make the decisions
What are you most likely to do if you mess up?
Figure out what I did wrong, learn from my mistakes and move on
Look at the bright side of things and not let this one mistake discourage you
Overreact and forever be cautions when getting into scenarios where the mistake could happen again
Feel guilty and do what you think is the right next move
Figure out what you did wrong and find a new way to avoid making this mistake again
Accept you messed up and take initiative by finding a new way to do things and teach others your way
What are/were your favourite types of projects?
Projects where you need to research a subject and present your findings
Any projects are fine, I stay postie and get through it with a high mark!
I hate presenting, standing in front of people and talking scares me, plus I’m afraid I’ll fail
Any project where I can choose a topic I am passionate about and can easily find information
The projects where they’re very little rules and I can create what I want
Group projects where I can take charge and make everything be the way I want
What is your favourite part about moving into a new living space?
I don’t have a favourite part, I just get what is necessary
Having a house warming party and being with people I enjoy
I don’t like moving, what if my things get lost on the way to my new place!
I don’t live moving, I find it sad leaving from all the memories I made and people I met
I love being able to redesign my living space and all the ways it can look
Getting my loved ones to help move my things and feel like an owner of a moving company by telling them where to put everything
Which option do you most relate to if you were to book a trip for your family/friends
A. I would book the essentials (room, transportation, reservations) and make a list of the best tourist attractions
A. I would choose a well know Airline (if needed) and best rated Hotel for them
A. I can’t even book a trip for myself, let alone someone else.
A. I would make the destination somewhere that they have been dreaming of going to forever
A. I would book a trip to somewhere close, but make an itinerary full of fun activates so they will be sure to have a great time
A. Book random plane tickets a Hotel, it’s not my trip so I don’t care
{"name":"De Bono's Thinking Hat Quiz", "url":"","txt":"In group projects, you..., What are your thoughts on self driving cars?, What are your thoughts on Stores closing because of shopping online being more popular?","img":""}
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