Surah Mumtahinna

Create a visually appealing infographic that represents Surah Mumtahinna, incorporating Islamic themes, Quranic text, and visual representation of tajweed rules.

Surah Mumtahinna Quiz

Test your knowledge on Surah Mumtahinna with this engaging quiz! Dive into the details of Quranic verses, rules of Tajweed, and historical context related to this Surah.


  • Multiple choice questions
  • Covers Tajweed rules and Quranic history
  • Perfect for students and enthusiasts
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LearningLight342
What is the مخرج of ق:
Soft Palate
Hard Palate
What rule is this phrase following? غَٝٝورٌ الرَّحٝيم
ادغام ناقص بٝغٝنَّه
ادغام كامل بٝغٝنَّه
ادغام كامل بغير غٝنَّه
What is the name of the rule in this phrase: مَنْ بَخٝلَ وَاسْتَغْنٰى
How many rules are there for noon sakinah and how many rules are there for meem sakinah?
4 for noon sakinah and 4 for meem sakinah
3 for noon sakinah and 4 for meem sakinah
4 for noon sakinah and 3 for meem sakinah
How many main makharij are there?
Name of the person who asked the slave girl to deliver the letter about Prophet (SAW)’s plan to Makkah’s Chiefs?
Hazrat Hatib bin Abi Balta’a
Hazrat Abbad ibn Bishr
Hazrat Anas ibn Nadhar
Which three men did the Prophet (SAW) send to confiscate the letter from the slave girl?
Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Zubair bin Aswad, Hazrat Miqdad
Hazrat Aswad bin Miqdad, Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Ali
Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Miqdad bin Aswad
Where did the slave girl hide the letter?
In her shoes
In her bag
In her hair plaits (braid)
What did Prophet Ibrahim say to his father about forgiveness?
“I will pray for your forgiveness and Allah will forgive you”
“If you ask for forgiveness with me to Allah, Allah will forgive you”
€�I will pray for your forgiveness though I have no power to get anything for you from Allah”
€�_______ are not lawful for the disbelievers, nor are they the disbelievers lawful for them”
Believing women
Believing men
Believing men and women
What is the meaning of يخرجون ?
Love دوستی
Driving out و۝ نکالتے ۝یں
They despair و۝ نا امید ۝و چکے
You make them allies تم دوستی کرو ان سے
What is the meaning of عاديتم ?
You have been enemies تم عداوت رکھتے ۝و
Turns away روگردانی کریگا
Those who act justly انصاٝ کرنے والے
And deal justly اور تم انصاٝ کرو
What is the meaning of تولوهم ?
Then examine them تم ان کا امتحان کر لیا کرو
Love دوستی کا
Enmity عداوت
You make them allies تم دوستی کرو ان سے
What is the meaning of وتقسطو ?
And deal justly اور تم انصاٝ کرو
A good example ب۝ترین )چال( نمون۝
And extend اور و۝ کھولیں
Your expulsion تم۝ارے نکالنے پر
What is the meaning of ٝبايعهن?
They despair و۝ نا امید ۝و چکے
Turns away روگردانی کریگا
Then accept their pledge تو آپ ان سے بیعت لےلیں
Their hands اپنے ۝اتھ
{"name":"Surah Mumtahinna", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on Surah Mumtahinna with this engaging quiz! Dive into the details of Quranic verses, rules of Tajweed, and historical context related to this Surah.Features:Multiple choice questionsCovers Tajweed rules and Quranic historyPerfect for students and enthusiasts","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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