Psych Final

The scientific study of origin, symptoms, and development of psychological disorders is know as:
Social psychology
Cognitive psychology
In order for something to be labels as a psychological disorder it must:
Be fun to have
Cause significant distress and impart function
Not cause significant distress
Not impair
Psychologists use the ________ to determine if an individual meets the criteria for a specific diagnosis.
Research suggests that up to _______ % of people will experience a psychological disorder at some point in their lives.
In general, research has shown that individuals with psychological disorders:
Are more violent than the "normal" population
Are less violent than the "normal" population
Have violence levels similar to the "normal" population
None of the above
Anxiety is maladaptive when it is:
All of the above
Sara sits and worries about everything that could go wrong in her life. At night she has difficulty sleeping because she can't stop worrying. She is constantly tense and anxious . It is likely that Sara suffers from:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
A specific phobia
John has a history of panic attacks. He is fearful of having of having another panic attack in a public place where he might be unable to escape or get help that he has stopped leaving his house all together. John has:
A specific phobia
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Julie feels she must open and shut her oven door 15 times before she leaves the kitchen. This type of repetitive behavior is known as a(n):
Mike was a war veteran of Vietnam. Since his return from the war, he has frequent nightmares and intrusive flashbacks of the death and destruction he witnesses. Mike likely is suffering from:
Obsessive-complusion disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
A mood disorder is described as:
An intense fear of emotions
A serious disturbance in a person's emotions
A serious disturbance in cognitions
An intense fear of heights
All of the following are symptoms of depression EXCEPT:
Feelings of sadness
Frequent crying
Difficulty sleeping
Grandiose thoughts
Sara has been consistently sad for over two years. She is still able to work and have relationships with people, but she just feels chronically unhappy. Sara would most likely be diagnosed with:
Bipolar Disorder
Major depression
Dysthymic Disorder
Cyclothymic Disorder
Jackson declares, "I am the smartest man in the world! I will create inventions that will solve all of our species problems! I will solve those problems by the end of the week. I am a genius like Einstein, I will be rich and famous!! People who don't believe me are ignorant and jealous! I am the greatest man who ever lived!" Jackson also hasn't slept in two days. It is very likely that Jackson is:
Experiencing a Manic Episode
A genius
Kim despises the winter because she knows that the constant cold weather and lack of sunlight will likely instigate feelings of depression. Kim likely suffers from:
Spring fever
Seasonal affective disorder
Bipolar disorder
The symptoms of anorexia nervosa include all of the following except:
Excessive weight loss
A fear of gaining weight
Distorted perception of body size
Unlike individuals with anorexia, people who suffer from bulimia often area:
Of normal body weight
Unaware they have an illness
Severely underweight
Mistaken regrading their actual body size and shape
An individual with a personality disorder has personality traits that are:
Fun and entertaining
Inflexible and maladaptive
Adaptive and rigid
Frank is constantly suspicious of the motives of others. He always feels that people are out to get him. It is likely that Frank suffers from:
Paranoid personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Nancy has a history of rocky relationships. She often declares total and complete love of someone after knowing them for a short time; then as soon as they disappoint her, she flies into a rage and instantly hates them. Nancy has a history of suicide attempts that often follow the end of yet another relationship in which she felt she abandoned. Nancy likely suffers from:
Antisocial personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Anorexia nervosa
Paranoid personality disorder
All of the following are dissociative disorders except:
Dissociaitve fugue
Dissociative identity disorder
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative schizophrenia
Dissociative disorders are described as disruption in:
All of the above
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are described as:
An excess or distortion of normal functioning
An excess or distortion of abnormal behaviors
Positive experiences
Symptoms that are generally deemed as goof
The symptoms of the paranoid type of schizophrenia usually include:
Organized delusional beliefs
Bizarre postures
Disorganized speech
Cognitive impairments
The main cause of schizophrenia is:
According to psychoanalytic theory, ____ is one of the most important processes that occur in the relationship between the therapist and client.
Free association
Using medications or other medical treatments to treat psychological disorders is known as:
Biomedical therapy
Cognitive therapy
Humanistic therapy
According to psychoanalytic theory, ____ experience are paramount
Mid life
Early childhood
As a humanistic therapist, you must convey:
Unconditional positive regard
Emphatic understanding
All of the above
The most important factor in predicting therapeutic effectiveness is:
The clients IQ
The therapists educational level
The relationship between therapist and client
The clients expectations
Behavioral therapist assume that maladaptive behaviors are:
Due to irrational thoughts
Behavioral therapists use ____ to treat phobias and other anxiety disorders.
Free association
Systematic desensitization
Cognitive therapists assume that psychological problems are caused by:
Faulty thinking
Faulty learning
Family of origin issues
Genetic factors
The key premise of RET is that people's problems are caused by:
Learned responses
Faulty expectations and irrational beliefs
Family of organs issues
Group therapy is advantageous because:
T is cost effective
The therapist can observe the client's interactions with others
The group provides clients with an opportunity to try out new behaviors
All of the above
{"name":"Psych Final", "url":"","txt":"The scientific study of origin, symptoms, and development of psychological disorders is know as:, In order for something to be labels as a psychological disorder it must:, Psychologists use the ________ to determine if an individual meets the criteria for a specific diagnosis.","img":""}
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