Choose the correct answer

It is one of the best-preserved temple complexes in Egypt
The temple of dendera
Al-Omari mosque
The church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
The most famous monument in the Fatimid era
Deir Al Salib
The temple of dendera
Al-Omari mosque
One of the most famous cities in Qena especially during spring
Nag Hammadi
Named after the most famous Sufi Copts in Upper Egypt
Qus temple
Sedi Abdelrehem Al Qenawy's mosque
Deir Al-Salib and Saint Shenoute
{"name":"Choose the correct answer", "url":"","txt":"It is one of the best-preserved temple complexes in Egypt, The most famous monument in the Fatimid era, One of the most famous cities in Qena especially during spring","img":""}
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