Compre Part 6

What is the allowable minimum penetration of piles in firm material?
A) 4.0 m
B) 2.5 m
C) 3.0 m
D) 2.0 m
What is the maximum allowable variation at the butt end of a pile in any direction from its location shown in the approved plans?
A) 75 mm
B) 50 mm
C) 25 mm
D) 40 mm
In pile driving, when the desired penetration cannot be obtained by driving alone, other schemes are used. Which of the following is not acceptable?
A) Water jets
B) Pilot holes
C) Both jet and holes
D) Square hole
What is the technical term used in repairing the foundation of piers and abutments that have an indication of scouring and erosion?
A) Shotcreting
B) Underpinning
C) Riveting
D) Plastering
In underpinning a pier the following methods may be undertaken before the repair work starts, with exception of:
A) Earth-filled wood cofferdaming
B) Water diversion on thru dikes of rock and earth
C) Use of steel sheet piles
D) Spurdiking
Which of the following is not classified as a type of caisson foundation?
A) Pneumatic foundation
B) Box Caisson
C) Open Caisson
D) Hydraulic Caisson
What is the simplest type of superstructure of a concrete bridge with a limited span of 8 meters?
A) Reinforced concrete slab
B) Concrete plank deck
C) Girder and slab superstructure
D) Beam or plank bridge
What do you call the additional support on steel sheet piles to support embankment of the abutment of a bridge embedded in the ground designed to increase load safety factor against overturning?
A) Dead man
B) Pile
C) Bridge panel
D) Cross bracing
A project is about to be started, but the as-staked plan shows a reduction in length or shortening of the proposed structure. What should the Project Engineer do?
A) Issue Notice to Proceed and disregard the as-staked survey
B) Proceed with work, reflect the underrun in the as-built plan
C) Suspend work and request for review if redesign is needed
D) Recheck the as-staked plan
Excavation of indurated rocks can be undertaken by:
A) Pick and shovel
B) Ripper
C) Road grader
D) Bulldozer
You are assigned as a new Project Engineer on an almost completed spillway project and you found out per field survey that the spillway elevation is lower by one meter. What should you do?
A) Accept the project as is
B) Require the contractor to redo the spillway
C) Install corresponding ogee
D) Reprimand the former Project Engineer
Which of the following structures is constructed parallel to the flow of the river?
A) Spurdike
B) Revetment
C) Mini dam
D) Groin
Dams are hydraulic structures constructed to:
A) Increase conveyance capacity of the river
B) Arrest scouring on meandering river sections
B) Arrest scouring on meandering river sections
D) Retard flood runoff and minimize effect of flash floods
Which of the following complements as a regulating flood control structure:
A) main canal
B) weir or control gate
C) drainage lateral
D) groin and spurdike
In embankment works, which of the following is undertaken first?
A) Clearing and grubbing
B) Excavation of core trench
C) As-stake survey works
D) Construction of the impervious fill
Before actual construction of a dam is started, which of the following should be secured first?
A) Maintenance of access road
B) Delivery of construction materials
C) Stripping of ground surface
D) Installation of safety requirements
If the void ratio (e) of a soil is 1, the porosity (n) is equal to:
A) 10 %
B) 20 %
C) 30 %
D) 50 %
What is the apparatus used in determining the consistency of a liquid asphalt?
A) penetrometer
B) Viscometer
C) Thermometer
D) viscometric meter
Which of the following is not a quality test for cement?
A) Compressive strength
B) Loss of ignition
C) Soundness
D) California Bearing Ratio
What Kind of joint is required to be constructed when there is an interruption of more than 30 minutes in the concreting operations of a road pavement?
A) longitudinal
B) transverse expansion
C) transverse contraction
D) transverse construction
Which of the following project documents attests that the materials incorporated into the project works corresponds to the quantity accomplished and conform with specifications?
A) Certificate of Quality Control Assurance
B) QualityControl Program
C) Notice to Proceed
D) Statement of Work Accomplished
Concrete in the area represented by the cores will be considered adequate if their average strength is equal to:
A) at least 85% of and no single core is less than 85% of f’c
B) at least 75% of and no single core is less than 75% of f’c
C) at least 85% of and no single core is less than 75% of f’c
D) at least 75% of and no single core is less than 85% of f’c
To attain a uniform consistency of concrete during the pouring operation of a concrete pavement, the slump should not be more than:
A) 40 mm (1½ inches)
B) 50 mm (2 inches)
C) 62 mm (2½ inches)
D) 75 mm (3 inches)
The flexural strength of concrete is considered satisfactory when the average strength of all sets of 3 consecutive strength test results equal or exceed the specified strength and when no individual strength test result is deficient by more than:
A) 10 % of 550 psi
B) 15 % of 550 psi
C) 20 % of 550 psi
D) 25 % of 550 psi
For a compacted pavement, what does the stability value in the Marshall test measure?
A) cohesion resistance
B) resistance to displacement
C) diametric distortion
D) skid resistance
If the required thickness of Item 200 is 300 mm, the material may be spread and compacted in layer (s).
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Uniform
If the type of soil in Item 200 material is non-plastic, what Atterberg limit test can be performed.
A) Plastic limit
B) Liquid limit
C) Shrinkage limit
D) Both a and b
The plasticity Index (PI) required for Item 201, Aggregate Base Course materials, should not be greater than:
A) 8 %
B) 12 %
C) 6 %
D) 9 %
When the grading test results of the three (3) stockpiles are not in accordance with Item 201 requirements, which of the following is economical to recommend?
A) Replace the three (3) stockpiles with quality Item 201 materials
B) Blend the three (3) stockpiles to produce a correct proportion that will meet the specified grading
C) Allow the use of the materials provided corresponding deduction in payment will be affected
D) Increase the thickness of Item 201
In identifying project location intended for asphalt pavement, which of the following criteria is not appropriate to recommend?
A) Drainage facilities is well - maintained
B) Location is not in a typhoon belt area
C) Existing base course is stable
D) Flood-prone road section
After three weeks of completion, the asphalt overlay exhibited reflection cracking. What will you recommend to correct the said defect?
A) apply seal coat
B) apply additional bituminous mix
C) redo the construction of the asphalt overlay
D) apply cover aggregates
Soil classification is determined by:
A) Atterberg limits tests
B) Sieve analysis test
C) Hydrometer test
D) a and b
The Item No. for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in the DPWH Standard Specification is:
A) 200
B) 201
C) 310
D) 311
The minimum flexural strength requirement of concrete for Item 311 (Portland Cement Concrete Pavement) is:
A) 500 psi
B) 550 psi
C) 3000 psi
D) 3,500 psi
To protect portland cement concrete pavement against rain before it has sufficiently hardened, the contractor should be required to have at all times any of the following materials with the exception of:
A) metal form or wood planks
B) burlaps or cotton mats
C) plastic sheeting material
D) plastic water stops
The minimum testing requirement of concrete for Item 405 is the compressive strength test on concrete cylinder samples consisting of a set of 3 concrete cylinder samples to represent not more than:
A) 50 m3 of concrete
B) 75 m3 of concrete
C) 100 m3 of concrete
D) 125 m3 of concrete
What is the minimum cement content (40 kg/bag) per cubic meter of class B concrete?
A) 8 bags
B) 9 bags
C) 9.5 bags
D) 11 bags
In laying stone components of Item 505 (Riprap and Grouted Riprap) each stone should be:
A) Laid with its longest axis perpendicular to the slope
B) Pitched to line along the beds and joints
C) Laid with its face parallel to the faces of the walls
D) Reasonably uniform with no projections more than 150 mm
What is Item 506 in the DPWH Standard Specification?
A) Structural concrete
B) Prestressed concrete
C) Stone masonry
D) Riprap and grouted riprap
In the DPWH Standard Specifications, what is the Item no. of Embankment?
A) 100
B) 102
C) 104
D) 106
What is the required minimum field density for embankment materials?
A) 85 %
B) 90 %
C) 95 %
D) 100 %
Who supervises the work and tests employed in project implementation?
A) Project Inspector
B) Contractor’s Engineer
C) Materials Engineer
D) Project Engineer
Who recommends actions to resolve problems during field implementation of a project?
A) Project Engineer
B) Materials Engineer
C) Project Inspector
D) Resident Engineer
Who gives orders to equipment operators, labor foremen and supply controllers in the work operations at the project site?
A) Project Inspector
B) Resident Engineer
C) Project Engineer
D) Contractor’s Engineer
In PERT/CPM networking, the process of compressing the duration of a project is called:
A) Time optimization
B) Crashing
C) Contract time adjustment
D) Reduction
Which of the following need not be resorted to when compressing the duration of a project?
A) Use of two-shift work force
B) Use of advanced construction technology
C) Use of additional equipment
D) Use of additional materials
. In the calculation of total project duration in an infrastructure project (equipment oriented), which of the following is the most important consideration?
A) Right-of-Way acquisition
B) Local manpower capability
C) Climatic condition in the area
D) Availability of funds
In the calculation of total project duration in an infrastructure project (equipment oriented), which of the following is the most important consideration?
A) Right-of-Way acquisition
B) Local manpower capability
C) Climatic condition in the area
D) Availability of funds
In a PERT/CPM network, this is the sequence of activities in the project that comprises the longest time duration from start to finish:
A) Early Finish
B) Late Finish
C) Critical Path
D) Zero Slack
In project monitoring of a river channel, which of the following is the origin station (Sta. 0+000) of a river?
A) at the river bank
B) at the uppermost station
C) at the confluence station
D) at the mouth of the river
If a contractor continues to disregard agreed project plans and specifications, what recommendation should you prepare?
A) Contractsuspension
B) Termination of contract
C) Rescission of contract
D) Blacklisting of contractor
. The catch-up schedule reflects:
A) Financial expenditures
B) Accomplishment-duration relationship
C) The advance accomplishment
D) Preliminary engineering activities
For reference in the preparation of catch-up plans the following are the prevailing weather conditions in the Philippines with the exception of:
A) Two pronounced seasons, dry from November to April, wet during the rest of the year
B) No dry season, with a very pronounced maximum rainfall from November to January
C) Dry and rainy season is equally distributed throughout the year
D) Rainfall more or less distributed throughout the year
If a project is started more than 8 months after the bidding, the contractor is entitled to claim for:
A) Bonus
B) Additional advance payment
C) Price adjustment
D) Extra work order
In an inspection report, aside from the findings, which is the most important item to be included?
A) duration of inspection
B) members of the inspectorate team
C) copy of the memorandum to inspectorate team
D) recommendation of possible actions to be undertaken
A logbook contains the following data with the exception of:
A) activities done during the day
B) materials delivered and used for the day
C) the day’s weather condition
D) survey data
What formula is used in computing price escalation?
A) No loss – no gain formula
B) Economic Formula
C) Parametric Formula
D) Parabolic Formula
Where do we base and reckon the computation of contract price escalation of a project that is awarded thru public bidding?
A) Notice to proceed
B) Effectivity of the contract
C) Date of approval of the contract
D) Date of bidding
Where do we base and reckon the computation of the contract price escalation of a project that is awarded thru simplified bidding?
A) Notice to proceed
B) Date of bidding
C) Approval of the contract
D) None of the above
What is the allowable variance from the original unit price, so that a contract will be entitled to contract price escalation?
A) Less than 2 %
B) Less than 5 %
C) More than 5 %
D) Less than 3 %
The government may rescind the contract work if there is:
A) Delay in the payment of contractor’s claim for billing
B) Existing right-of-way problem
C) Undue delay attributable solely to the contractor
D) Adverse peace and order conditions
From the time of project was bid to the issuance of notice to proceed, how many calendar days is required for a project to be entitled to contract priced adjustment?
A) 60
B) 90
C) 120
D) 150
Under which of the following conditions must a change order not be issued?
A) Where there is a decrease in work due to deletion of work items
B) Where there is reclassification of item of works
C) Where the aggregate cost has increased and is limited to 25 % of the original cost
D) Where there is increase in cost in construction materials
Which of the following is not considered a Variation Order?
A) Change Order
B) Extra Work Order
C) Resume Order
D) Supplemental Agreement
A project with delays due to reasons beyond the control of the contractor may be granted a time extension if the affected works, as shown in the PERT/CPM diagram, are:
A) dummy activities
B) critical activities
C) non-critical activities
D) hammock activities
If after fifty (50%) completion, the work is satisfactorily undertaken and on schedule no additional retention should be made otherwise the progress payment should be imposed a retention rate of:
A) 5 %
B) 10 %
C) 15 %
D) 20 %
In the compaction of sub-base, the compacted dry density of each layer should not be less than what value of the maximum dry density, determined according to the AASHTO method?
A) 95%
B) 96%
C) 98%
D) 100%
Camber on gravel roads is provided to:
A) Establish a smooth riding surface.
B) Prevent water from stagnating on the carriageway.
C) Provide boundary line for the two lanes.
D) Plant grass for sodding.
Before an asphalt pavement or asphalt surface treatment is placed on a granular base, what liquid asphalt is applied?
A) seal coat
B) tack coat
C) prime coat
D) epoxy coat
The process of maintaining sufficient moisture and favorable temperature in concrete is called:
A) consolidation
B) shrinkage
C) curing
D) evaporation
A supplemental agreement may be entered into when the aggregate amount of the variation order:
A) exceeds 25 % but less than 100 % of the escalated original contract price
B) does not exceed 25 % of the escalated original contract price
C) exceeds 100 % of the escalated original contract price
D) is limited to 25 % of the escalated original contract price
Whose engineering judgement will prevail in the overall field implementation of a project?
A) Project Inspector
B) Resident Engineer
C) Project Engineer
D) Materials Engineer
How often can progress payment be requested by a contractor?
A) once a month
B) twice a month
C) as soon as an item of work is completed
D) as often as he desires
The Atterberg Limit Tests are performed on the soil fraction passing sieve no.
A) 4 (4.75 mm)
B) 16 (1.18 mm)
C) 40 (0.425 mm)
D) 200 (0.075 mm)
Clay can be distinguished from silt by performing:
A) Sieve Analysis Test
B) Hydrometer Test
C) Plastic Limit Test
D) Liquid Limit Test
What is the single vertical datum to which elevation for all infrastructure projects should be referred to?
A) Mean Sea Level
B) 10.47 m below mean Sea Level
C) 10.00 below mean Lower Low Water
D) Mean Lower Low Water
How many core samples should be taken for thickness determination of a 2- kilometer, 2-lane concrete road pavement?
A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) 40
Unless other sizes are shown in the plans, stones for stone masonry should have a minimum thickness of:
A) 100 mm
B) 150 mm
C) 200 mm
D) 250 mm
What is Item 505 in the DPWH Standard Specification?
A) Structural Concrete
B) Prestressed Concrete
C) Riprap and Grouted Riprap
D) Stone Masonry
When a contract is mutually terminated, the contractor is:
A) blacklisted by the agency
B) required to pay liquidated damages
C) allowed to submit bids
D) disallowed to submit bids
What kind of reinforcing steel is used for tie bars of a PCCP?
A) plain square bars
B) plain round bars
C) deformed square bars
D) deformed round bars
The depth of corrugation and roughened finish by brooming on the surface of a newly set concrete pavement should not be more than:
A) 6.0 mm
B) 1.5 mm
C) 3.0 mm
D) 2.5 mm
Proper storage of cement especially for big quantities stored at the jobsite must satisfy the following requirement with the exception of:
A) flooring of warehouse should be well above the ground
B) cement sacks should be stacked close together
C) warehouse doors and windows should be closed except when cement is taken out for use
D) warehouse should be located in an elevated place
After a typhoon, a dam measuring 250 meters suffered a 40-meter breach equivalent to P4.8 million. You found out that it is impossible to close the gap before the onset of rainy months, which may result in total collapse of the dam. If you are the new Project Engineer, what will you do?
A) risk 3-shift operation to attain maximum accomplishment
B) suspend the project and resume after the rainy months
C) armor the breached section with gabion-mattress and spurdike, to utilize gap as diversion channel
D) introduce a crash program sacrificing quality
What is the method of measurement for determining the depth of a river channel?
A) pacing
B) sounding
C) leveling
D) traversing
Which of the following is not a flood prevention/mitigation measure?
A) channel improvement
B) dikes
C) spillways
D) reclamation
Which of the following is not a function of a groin?
A) it decreases the flow velocit
B) it regulates the flow direction
C) it stabilizes the mountain grade
D) it decreases the scouring effect
What do you call the structure, typically less than 5.0 m., that is built across or spanning a river or waterway?
A) bridge (any type)
A) bridge (any type)
C) viaduct
D) chute
Which of the following is a bank protection structure?
A) drainage ditch
B) retaining wall
C) lateral Works
D) pier resting on piles
The system of protecting land area from ocean waves is called:
A) river protection works
B) coastal protection works
C) slope protection works
D) erosion control works
In a CPM diagram, these are points in time representing the start or completion of particular activities:
A) activities
B) connectors
C) events
D) dummies
In a PERT/CPM network, what is the latest allowable point in time that any event can occur, and still be on schedule for the scheduled completion of a project?
A) early start
B) early finish
C) late start
D) late finish
After a pre-final inspection is conducted on a project and having verified an accomplishment of 95 % or more, which of the following is issued?
A) final inspection certificate
B) acceptance certificate
C) punch list
D) turnover certificate
Measurement of concrete materials for concrete structures shall be by:
A) volume
B) weight
C) quantity
D) density
The amount withheld by the agency equivalent to 10 % of the amount due to a contractor is referred to as:
A) seed money
B) withholding tax
C) retention money
D) contractor tax
If the good and hard soil is available within 2 to 3 m below the bed level of a river, the design will generally require:
A) spread foundations
B) raft foundations
C) pile foundations
D) caisson foundations
What do you call a record or book compiled to contain the data information and history in the implementation of a project from start to completion?
A) Blue Book
B) History Book
C) Log Book
D) Statement of Work Accomplished (SWA)
In identifying project location intended for asphalt pavement, which of the following criteria is not appropriate to recommend?
A) drainage facilities is well-maintained
B) location is not in a typhoon belt area
C) existing base course is stable
D) flood-prone road section
An equation where BK (Back) is greater than AH (Ahead) means:
A) a deductive distance
B) an additive (plus) distance
C) no increase in distance
D) the road length
Which of the following modifies specific work items relative to increases/decreases in the quantities provided for in the original contract?
A) extra work order
B) change order
C) resume order
D) suspension order
{"name":"Compre Part 6", "url":"","txt":"What is the allowable minimum penetration of piles in firm material?, What is the maximum allowable variation at the butt end of a pile in any direction from its location shown in the approved plans?, In pile driving, when the desired penetration cannot be obtained by driving alone, other schemes are used. Which of the following is not acceptable?","img":""}
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