Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 25 May 20
[2005.10835] Yongchan Yoo, Junhyun Lee, Brian Swingle: Non-equilibrium steady state phases of the interacting Aubry-Andre-Harper model
[2005.10861] T. Basu, V. Caignaert, F. Damay et al.: The cooperative Ru(4d)-Ho(4f) magnetic orderings and phase coexistence in the 6H-perovskite Ba3HoRu2O9
[2005.10877] Amangeldi Torayev, Luke Sperrin, Maria A. Gomez et al.: Local distortions and dynamics in hydrated Y-doped BaZrO$_3$
[2005.10886] Abel Rojo-Francàs, Artur Polls, Bruno Juliá-Díaz: Static and dynamic properties of a few spin $1/2$ interacting fermions trapped in an harmonic potential
[2005.10894] Rodolfo E. López-Romero, Dulce Y. Medina, R. Escudero: Reentrant superconductivity in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-d}$ microstructured particles
[2005.10897] Rajneesh Bhardwaj, Amit Agrawal: Likelihood of survival of coronavirus in a respiratory droplet deposited on a solid surface
[2005.10914] Vidar Gudmundsson, Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Chi-Shung Tang et al.: Self-induction and magnetic effects in electron transport through a photon cavity
[2005.10932] Lara Román Castellanos, Ortwin Hess, Johannes Lischner: Dielectric engineering of hot carrier generation by quantized plasmons in embedded silver nanoparticles
[2005.10935] Ivan Maryshev, Alexander Morozov, Andrew B. Goryachev et al.: Pattern formation in active model C with anchoring: bands, aster networks, and foams
[2005.10971] Jie Liu, Lin Wang, Ka Shen: Dipolar spin waves in uniaxial easy-axis antiferromagnets: A natural topological nodal-line semimetal
[2005.10976] Agarwal Shashank, Karsai Andras, Goldman I Daniel et al.: A generalized resistive force theory for rate-dependent intrusion phenomena in granular media
[2005.10978] Yi Yang, Bo Zhen, John D. Joannopoulos et al.: Non-Abelian Generalizations of the Hofstadter model: Spin-orbit-coupled Butterfly Pairs
[2005.10980] Jintae Kim, Minsoo Kim, Naoki Kawashima et al.: Construction of Variational Matrix Product States for the Heisenberg Spin-1 Chain
[2005.11012] Wei Yang, Shi-Bin Fu, Yu Yang et al.: The soft-mode phonons mediated unconventional superconductivity in monolayer 1T'-WTe2
[2005.11025] Kentaro Sato, Kazuhiko Ikeuchi, Ryoichi Kajimoto et al.: Coexistence of Two Components in Magnetic Excitations of La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ ($x$ = 0.10 and 0.16)
[2005.11058] Klaus Zollner, Martin Gmitra, Jaroslav Fabian: Swapping exchange and spin-orbit coupling in ex-so-tic 2D heterostructures
[2005.11060] N. Shahabi, A. Phirouznia: Normal electric field enhanced light-induced polarizations in silicene
[2005.11063] Anoop Mutneja, Smarajit Karmakar: Dynamics of Rod like Particles in Supercooled Liquids -- Probing Dynamic Heterogeneity and Amorphous Order
[2005.11112] Johann Ostmeyer, Evan Berkowitz, Stefan Krieg et al.: The Semimetal-Mott Insulator Quantum Phase Transition of the Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice
[2005.11119] Diana Vaclavkova, Alex Delhomme, Clément Faugeras et al.: Magnetoelastic interaction in the two-dimensional magnetic material MnPS$_3$ studied by first principles calculations and Raman exper...
[2005.11133] Zheng Zhou, Dong-Xu Liu, Zheng Yan et al.: Quantum tricriticality of incommensurate phase induced by quantum domain walls in frustrated Ising magnetism
[2005.11148] Shun Asano, Kenji Ishii, Kohei Yamagami et al.: Revisiting the phase diagram of T*-type La$_{1-x/2}$Eu$_{1-x/2}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ using Oxygen $K$-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy
[2005.11174] Marios Zacharias, Pantelis C. Kelires: Temperature dependence of the optical properties of silicon nanocrystals
[2005.11206] Juba Bouaziz, Julen Ibañez-Azpiroz, Filipe S. M. Guimarães et al.: Zero-point quantum swing of magnetic couples
[2005.11274] Guilhem Semerjian, Gabriele Sicuro, Lenka Zdeborová: Recovery thresholds in the sparse planted matching problem
[2005.11276] Herbert F. Fotso, James K. Freericks: Characterizing the Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Field-Driven Correlated Quantum Systems
[2005.11286] Áttis V. M. Marino, Lucas Madeira, André Cidrim et al.: Momentum distribution of Vinen turbulence in trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
[2005.11292] Cengiz Şen, Elbio R. Dagotto: Properties of La$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$MnO$_3$ Under Extreme Tensile Strain
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