Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 5 Jun 20
[2006.02435] Shamit Kachru, Arnav Tripathy, Max Zimet: K3 metrics
[2006.02438] Hao Geng, Andreas Karch: Massive Islands
[2006.02457] Sudarshan Ananth, Hannes Malcha, Chetan Pandey et al.: Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in D=6 without anti-commuting variables
[2006.02463] Enrique Alvarez, Jesus Anero, Raquel Santos-Garcia: On the Structural stability of Schwarzschild-de Sitter's spacetime
[2006.02494] Nabamita Banerjee, Ajit Bhand, Suvankar Dutta et al.: Bhargava's Cube and Black Hole Charges
[2006.02560] Nima Afkhami-Jeddi, Henry Cohn, Thomas Hartman et al.: High-dimensional sphere packing and the modular bootstrap
[2006.02613] R. V. Maluf, F. A. G. Silveira, J. E. G. Silva et al.: Dual equivalence between self-dual and topologically massive $B\wedge F$ models coupled to matter in $3+1$ dimensions
[2006.02718] Andreas Fring, Takanobu Taira: 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles in non-Hermitian quantum field theory
[2006.02792] Zachary Elgood, Patrick Meessen, Tomas Ortin: The first law of black hole mechanics in the Einstein-Maxwell theory revisited
[2006.02803] Jani Kastikainen: Conical defects and holography in topological AdS gravity
[2006.02899] Jonathan Harper: Multipartite entanglement and topology in holography
[2006.02911] Olindo Corradini, Maurizio Muratori: A Monte Carlo Approach to the Worldline Formalism in Curved Space
[2006.02943] Sandip Mahish, Aritra Ghosh, Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati: Chemical potential, microstructures and phase transition of the Schwarzschild-AdS black hole
[2006.03019] Leonard Susskind, Ying Zhao: Complexity and Momentum
[2006.03024] Xinyi Chen-Lin, Amit Dekel: Exact D7-brane embedding in the Pilch-Warner background
[2006.03030] Jie Gu, Babak Haghighat, Albrecht Klemm et al.: Elliptic Blowup Equations for 6d SCFTs. IV: Matters
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