Supreme Court Cases

Defendants must be given counsel under the 14th in what trial?
N.J v T.L.O
Gideon v Wainright
Brown v Board of Education
Gregg v Georgia
In what case was the right to counsel during interrogation agreed upon?
Atkins v Virginia
Olmstead v USA
Escobedo v Illinois
Miliken v Bradley
What case stated that defendants must be read their rights?
Miranda v Arizona
Shelley v Kraemer
Regents of UIC v Bakke
Terry v Ohio
Which of these cases struck down the death penalty in 1972?
California v Ciraolo
Furman v. Georgia
US v Virginia
Oberfell v Hodges
Which of these overturned the decision made in Furman v. Georgia?
Coolidge v New Hampshire
Plessy v Fergusson
Massachusetts v Feeney
Gregg v Georgia
In which case was it agreed that the mentally disabled could not face the death penalty?
Weeks v USA
Atkins v Virginia
Gratz v Bollinger
Vacco v Quill
Which case involved both an invalid warrant and the automobile exception?
Coolidge v New Hampshire
US v Leon
Mobile v Bolden
Yick Wo v Hopkins
In which case an aerial observation carried out without a warrant?
Bucky v Valeo
Lawrence v Texas
California v Ciraolo
Gideon v Wainright
In which case was it agreed that an arrest warrant does not give the officer the right to conduct a search of the house?
Planned Parenthood v Casey
Craig v Boren
Escobedo v Illinois
Chimel v California
Which case centered around the automobile exception and lack of probable cause?
Vacco v Quill
Michael M v Sonoma County
US v Ross
Katz v US
Which case began the movement towards desegregation?
Citizens United v FEC
Mapp v Ohio
Frontiero v Richardson
Brown v Board of Education
Which case established "Terry Stops?"
Furman v Georgia
Terry v Ohio
Dred Scott v Sandford
Shapiro v Thompson
Which case established the school exception?
Chimel v California
N.J v T.L.O
Bush v Gore
Muller v Oregon
In which case was wiretapping used by the FBI to get a conviction?
Griswold v Connecticut
Pyler v Doe
Cruzan v Missouri Dept of Health
Olmstead v USA
In which case was evidence used in court that was illegally seized?
Weeks v USA
Gregg v Georgia
US v Virginia
Craig v Boren
Which case agreed that the exclusionary rule applied to state courts?
Shapiro v Thompson
Atkins v Virginia
Vacco v Quill
Mapp v Ohio
In which case was the 'good faith' exception established?
Gideon v Wainright
US v Leon
Grutter v Bollinger
Massachusetts v Feeney
Which case overturned the use of wiretapping as it invaded privacy?
Terry v Ohio
Bradwell v State
Katz v US
Smith v Allwright
Which case agreed that Negroes were not citizens of the USA?
Griswold v Connecticut
Furman v Georgia
Regents of UIC v Bakke
Dred Scott v Sandford
The Separate but Equal doctrine was established in what case?
Plessy v Ferguson
Miliken v Bradley
Bush v Gore
Yick Wo v Hopkins
Which case held that the state could not enforce racial covenants?
Coolidge v New Hampshire
Mapp v Ohio
Shelley v Kraemer
Michael M v Sonoma County
In what case was it agreed that segregation may exist as long as it is not an explicit policy?
California v Ciraolo
Weeks v USA
Cruzan v Missouri Dept of Health
Miliken v Bradley
Which case supported affirmative action but not racial quotas?
Gregg v Georgia
Regents of UIC v Bakke
Grutter v Bollinger
Oberfell v Hodges
Which case established that there was a compelling state interest in ensuring diversity in schools?
Brown v Board of Education
N.J v T.L.O
US v Leon
Grutter v Bollinger
Which case held that giving 20 points to racially diverse applicants was unconstitutional?
Gratz v Bollinger
Rostker v Goldberg
Mobile v Bolden
Craig v Boren
In which case was it held that the right to practice a profession was not protected by the Equal Protection Clause?
Forntiero v Richardson
Bradwell v State
Griswold v Connecticut
Lawrence v Texas
Which case supported female labour laws of less than 10 hours work a day?
Pyler v Doe
Katz v USA
Muller v Oregon
Chimel v California
Which case held that gender cannot effect the giving of US military benefits?
Frontiero v Richardson
Yick Wo v Hopkins
California v Ciraolo
Terry v Ohio
Which case held that it was not unconstitutional to only apply the draft to men?
Miranda v Arizona
Bucky v Valeo
Miliken v Bradley
Rostker v Goldberg
Which case held that sexual classifications were subject to immediate scrutiny?
Grutter v Bollinger
Weeks v USA
Mapp v Ohio
Craig v Boren
Which case held that giving preference to veterans did not violate the Equal Protections Clause?
Olmstead v USA
Massachusetts v Feeney
Atkins v Virginia
Mobile v Bolden
Which case opened the Virginia Military Institute to female applicants?
US v Virginia
Lawrence v Texas
Furman v Georgia
Escobedo v Illinois
Which case held that it was unconstitutional for an otherwise neutral policy to cause racial discrimination?
US v Ross
Plessy v Ferguson
Yick Wo v Hopkins
Gratz v Bollinger
Which case protected an individuals right to travel?
Bradwell v State
Cruzan v Missouri Dept of Health
Shapiro v Thompson
Shelley v Kraemer
Which case held that the denial of public education violates the Equal Protection Clause?
Griswold v Connecticut
Gideon v Wainright
Vacco v Quill
Pyler v Doe
Which case established a right to marital privacy?
Griswold v Connecticut
Katz v US
Miranda v Arizona
Regents of UIC v Bakke
Which case - revolving around the right to die - included the parents opinions and witness testimony?
Terry v Ohio
Coolidge v New Hampshire
Cruzan v Missouri Dept of Health
Olmstead v USA
Which case established that the state had an interest in preventing assisted suicide?
Gregg v Georgia
Vacco v Quill
N.J v T.L.O
Bush v Gore
In which case were the limits on abortion eased back?
Roe v Wade
Bradwell v State
Planned Parenthood v Casey
Oberfell v Hodges
Which case argued that judging gay sex violates the privacy and liberty of adults?
Grutter v Bollinger
Mobile v Bolden
Rostker v Goldberg
Lawrence v Texas
Which case held that gay marriage was constitutional under the Equal Protection Clause?
Oberfell v Hodges
Katz v US
US v Ross
Chimel v California
Which case held that elections should be open to all races?
Bradwell v State
Brown v Board of Education
Smith v Allwright
Regents of UIC v Bakke
Which case upheld facially neutral electoral districts?
Coolidge v New Hampshire
Mobile v Bolden
US v Leon
Shelly v Kraemer
Which case held that expenditure limits were unconstitutional?
Terry v Ohio
Bucky v Valeo
Miranda v Arizona
Plessy v Ferguson
{"name":"Supreme Court Cases", "url":"","txt":"Defendants must be given counsel under the 14th in what trial?, In what case was the right to counsel during interrogation agreed upon?, What case stated that defendants must be read their rights?","img":""}
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