Teachers’ roles (5 points) select 5 answers. 1. A teacher's role involves more than simply standing in front of a classroom and lecturing. In fact, even though a teacher spends the majority of the day in the classroom, the actual teaching component is only part of the job. An effective teacher understands that teaching involves wearing multiple hats to ensure that the school day runs smoothly and all students receive a quality education. Taking into account this aspect which of the following roles are developed by teachers in their daily work:
Father and mother
Technology instructor
2. Bilingualism (2 points ) Select one answer. What does “to be bilingual in Colombia,” mean, according to the PNB?
O Perfect mastery of two or more languages.
O The ability to speak two languages with the same proficiency.
O The frequent use (as by a community) of two languages (A mother language and a different one)
O The political or institutional recognition of two languages (English and Spanish)
3. Autonomy (6 points) (Choose 6 answers) Over the last two decades, the concepts of learner autonomy and independence have gained momentum, the former becoming a 'buzz-word' within the context of language learning (Little, 1991: 2). It is a truism that one of the most important spin-offs of more communicatively oriented language learning and teaching has been the premium placed on the role of the learner in the language learning. It goes without saying, of course, that this shift of responsibility from teachers to learners does not exist in a vacuum, but is the result of:
O Adapting the curriculum
O Helping students to program study strategies
O Helping students to get awareness about their learning process.
O Parents helping their children with their homework.
O Learning styles and strategies insights.
O Active approach to the learning task.
O Parents being responsible of their children progress.
O Being ready to take risks, I.e., to communicate in the target language at all costs.
(3 points) (Choose 3 answers) Based on Holec (1981: 3, cited in Benson & Voller, 1997: 1) who describes it as 'the ability to take charge of one's learning', we can use the term autonomy for:
O for situations in which learners study depending on teachers’ tasks.
O for a set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning.
O for an inborn capacity which is suppressed by institutional education.
O for the right of learners to determine the direction of their own learning.
O for the exercise of teachers' responsibility for their students learning.
5. Critical Pedagogy (1 points) The concept of critical pedagogy was first stated by:
O Kumaravadivelu (2008)
O Holec (1995)
O Freire( 1993)
O Halliday (1973)
6. (1 point) Critical pedagogy is a teaching method that aims to help in challenging and actively struggling against any form of social oppression and the related customs and beliefs. It is a form of theory and practice which serves:
O To let pupils gain a critical awareness.
O To continue with the traditional school.
O To help students to get better results in national tests.
7. (1 point) Critical pedagogy is a type of pedagogy in which criticism of the established order and social criticism are essential. Critical pedagogy wants to:
O Use education to become students competitive in this new age.
O Question society in its understanding of the role that education has.
O Oppress society in order to gain power.
8. (5 points) Organize the words in the following paragraph: (Liberate, Social change - Inequality - Emancipation - Becoming aware) An important key concept in this pedagogy is ____________. It _____________ from oppressive social relations, which critical pedagogy is committed to. Social critique leads to _______________. With this mode of critique we want students to see clearly that phenomena like___________ are not necessary, but arose in a certain historical context that has been established and produced by man-made social processes. Upon ____________________ of this reality, a person no longer needs to feel like a manipulable object anymore.
1 point) Freire criticized _________________ of simply depositing knowledge, or what he called the “banking concept of education”; which only strengthens the established order. Instead of communicating with the students, the teacher gives deposits which the students have to patiently receive. They are not considered as able to do more than to organize and accumulate the deposits.
O The progressive education method.
O The traditional education method
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{"name":"UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGÓGICA Y TECNOLÓGICA DE COLOMBIA MODERN LANGUAGES PROGRAM TOPICS: Bilingualism- Autonomy- Teachers’ roles- Critical Pedagogy FINAL EXAM (25 points) TEACHER: YUDY MARIANA IBAÑEZ GALINDO", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Teachers’ roles (5 points) select 5 answers. 1. A teacher's role involves more than simply standing in front of a classroom and lecturing. In fact, even though a teacher spends the majority of the day in the classroom, the actual teaching component is only part of the job. An effective teacher understands that teaching involves wearing multiple hats to ensure that the school day runs smoothly and all students receive a quality education. Taking into account this aspect which of the following roles are developed by teachers in their daily work:, 2. Bilingualism (2 points ) Select one answer. What does “to be bilingual in Colombia,” mean, according to the PNB?, 3. Autonomy (6 points) (Choose 6 answers) Over the last two decades, the concepts of learner autonomy and independence have gained momentum, the former becoming a 'buzz-word' within the context of language learning (Little, 1991: 2). It is a truism that one of the most important spin-offs of more communicatively oriented language learning and teaching has been the premium placed on the role of the learner in the language learning. It goes without saying, of course, that this shift of responsibility from teachers to learners does not exist in a vacuum, but is the result of:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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