Dutch Citizens Force Government into Emissions Cuts Quiz

A vibrant illustration of a diverse group of Dutch citizens holding signs advocating for climate change, with government buildings in the background and a clear blue sky.

Dutch Citizens vs Climate Change: An Engaging Quiz

Test your knowledge on how Dutch citizens are taking on their government to combat climate change. Discover the implications of recent court rulings, government policies, and public reactions through a series of thought-provoking questions.

  • Learn about the impact of legal actions on environmental policies.
  • Explore the various initiatives proposed to reduce carbon emissions.
  • See how collective efforts can spark significant changes.
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ActivatingGreen52
1. Due to the court case ruling in favour of Dutch climate activists, the Dutch government has to cut carbon emissions in 2020 by:
1 Megaton
5 Megatons
10 Megatons
20 Megatons
None of the above
2. To combat climate change, the Dutch Government is shutting down what fossil fuel power generator?
Oil Refinery
Nuclear Power Plant
Gas Power Plant
Coal Power Plant
3. How many similar climate lawsuits are being launched in the world?
4. Check all the boxes that the Dutch government will do to reduce carbon emissions in 2020.
Close down coal plant
Retrofit houses
New Meat Tax
Meat Free Day
Rooftop Solar Power
Reduce Speed Limit to 100km/h
Renewable Energy Subsidies
5. Marjan Minnesma, the head of the Urgenda Foundation, which filed the initial legal challenge, says the policies are, “a great victory for the rule of law” but points out that Urgenda won its initial case in a district court in The Hague in________________. (fill in correct month & year)
6. Marjan Minnesma, who helped file the climate lawsuit against the Dutch Government said, “A year ago they wouldn’t have listened to any of that, but suddenly they were all_________________________ .” (fill in the correct three words)
7. How many groups were asked to present proposed climate initiatives (or a "green wishlist") to the Dutch Government?
None of the above
8. Jan Willem Erisman, a professor at the Free University of Amsterdam who works on emissions in agriculture says: “The lawsuits are almost needed for the work to be considered by the government. Otherwise economic concerns get in the way, targets are set, _______________________________ and then new targets get set.” (fill in the blank with the correct four words)
9. The Dutch climate agreement presented in the summer of 2019 was the product of cooperation between what groups?
Citizen groups
Energy sector
Environmental groups
All the above
10. The Dutch government believes public and social support are essential for a successful climate policy, and does not help its citizens to take climate measures themselves.
BONUS: What star rating do you give the Canadian Government on its current plan to reduce carbon emissions that will reduce the impact of climate change on our planet?
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