The Peacock Test ©

He feels he is achieved or in the process of becoming achieved in his career or job.
All of the time
Most of the time
Some of the time
He feels that he is of equivalent or greater fitness level to you.
All of the time
Some of the time
Equivalent level
He considers his family to be above yours in class or socio-economic level.
Equivalent level
Not at all
He feels he is a more attractive male than you are an attractive female.
Not at all
He would classify you as a prize or “out of his league.”
Very much so
To some degree
Not at all
He is younger than you.
Between 5-10 years younger
Within a 1-4 years of my age
5 years older
More than 5 years older
He has a higher level of education than you.
He considers himself to be more intelligent than you.
In most all areas
In one or two areas
He feels we’re equal
He feels less than
Compared to you, financially he feels...
More well off
Slightly better off
Equivalent level
Less well-off
He feels his hobbies, avocational endeavors or interests are more valuable or in some way superior to yours.
He has none
He feels comfortable in your preferred social setting (tastes) and group.
We’re have the same taste level/group
He is different but enjoys my group
He goes out with my group for my sake
We don’t have similar tastes/he doesn’t feel very comfortable w/my group
{"name":"The Peacock Test ©", "url":"","txt":"He feels he is achieved or in the process of becoming achieved in his career or job., He feels that he is of equivalent or greater fitness level to you., He considers his family to be above yours in class or socio-economic level.","img":""}
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