Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 18 Aug 20
[2008.06504] Peco Myint, Denise Erb, Xiaozhi Zhang et al.: Measurement of Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier contribution to the self-organized formation of ordered surface patterns on Ge(001)
[2008.06509] Maxime Dupont, Snir Gazit, Thomas Scaffidi: Evidence for deconfined $\mathrm{U}(1)$ gauge theory at the transition between toric code and double semion
[2008.06513] Ahana Chakraborty, Francesco Piazza: Non-BCS-Type Enhancement of Superconductivity from Long-Range Photon Fluctuations
[2008.06516] A. De la Torre, K. L. Seyler, L. Zhao et al.: Anomalous mirror symmetry breaking in a model insulating cuprate Sr$_2$CuO$_2$Cl$_2$
[2008.06519] Qianheng Du, Myung-Geun Han, Yu Liu et al.: Room-Temperature Skyrmion Thermopower in Fe3Sn2
[2008.06521] Daniel Datz, Gergely Nemeth, Aron Pekker et al.: Polaritonic Enhancement of Near-field Scattering of Small Molecules Encapsulated in Boron Nitride Nanotubes
[2008.06522] Yuji Nozawa, Hirokazu Tsunetsugu: Generalized hydrodynamics study of the one-dimensional Hubbard model: Stationary clogging and proportionality of spin, charge, and energy currents
[2008.06527] Adam Chiciak, Ettore Vitali, Shiwei Zhang: Magnetic and charge orders in the ground state of the Emery model -- accurate numerical results
[2008.06528] Tianle Wang, Nick Bultinck, Michael P. Zaletel: Flat band topology of magic angle graphene on a transition metal dichalcogenide
[2008.06544] Shaozhi Li: Reinvestigation of the homogeneous spin model in YbMgGaO$_4$
[2008.06548] Felip Sandiumenge, Laura Rodriguez, Miguel Pruneda et al.: Metallic Diluted Dimerization in VO2 Tweeds
[2008.06582] Li Zhu, Hiroyuki Takenaka, R. E. Cohen: Stable Polar Oxynitrides
[2008.06637] Jia Chen, Hai-Ping Cheng, James Freericks: A Quantum-Inspired Algorithm for the Factorized Form of Unitary Coupled Cluster Theory
[2008.06638] Ryan Thorngren, Ashvin Vishwanath, Ruben Verresen: Intrinsically Gapless Topological Phases
[2008.06663] Hanxing Zhang, Caoping Ni, Jie Zhang et al.: Spin-crossover induced ferromagnetism and layer stacking-order change in pressurized 2D antiferromagnet MnPS$_3$
[2008.06666] Pok-Lam Tse, Laura Mugica-Sanchez, Fugu Tian et al.: Microwave AC voltage induced phase change in Sb2Te3 nanowires
[2008.06735] Tomer Markovich, Étienne Fodor, Elsen Tjhung et al.: Thermodynamics of active field theories: Energetic cost of coupling to reservoirs
[2008.06748] Paul C. Bressloff: Target competition for resources under diffusive search-and-capture
[2008.06751] Amin Bakhshandeh: Theoretical investigation of a polarizable colloid in the salt medium
[2008.06754] I. S. Lobanov, V. M. Uzdin: The lifetime of big size topological chiral magnetic states. Estimation of the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius law
[2008.06757] Vladimir Yagovtsev, Natalia Pugach, Matthias Eschrig: The inverse proximity effect in strong ferromagnet-superconductor structures
[2008.06758] Sridevi Krishnamurthi, Geert Brocks: 1D metallic states at 2D transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor heterojunctions
[2008.06762] Hans T. Nembach, Emilie Jué, Kay Poetzger et al.: Tuning of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction by He$^+$ ion irradiation
[2008.06777] Ting-Wei Liu, Fabio Semperlotti: Synthetic Kramers pair in phononic elastic plates and the imaging helical edge states on a dislocation interface
[2008.06789] Zhenyi Ni, Shuang Xu, Jinsong Huang: Response to comment on "Resolving spatial and energetic distributions of trap states in metal halide perovskite solar cells"
[2008.06791] Sebastian F. Maehrlein, Prakriti P. Joshi, Lucas Huber et al.: Polarization Dressed Light Propagation in Lead Halide Perovskites
[2008.06794] Sam Vaziri, Victoria Chen, Lili Cai et al.: Ultrahigh Doping of Graphene Using Flame-Deposited MoO3
[2008.06796] Andrei G. Lebed: Restoration of superconductivity in high magnetic fields in UTe$_2$
[2008.06800] Daniel Souza Cardoso, Vinicius Fonseca Hernandes, Thiago Pulcinelli Orlandi Nogueira et al.: Structural behavior of a two length scale core-softened fluid in two dimensions
[2008.06807] Cameron Rudderham, Jesse Maassen: Thermoelectric calculations of ring-shaped bands in two-dimensional Bi$_2$Te$_3$, Bi$_2$Se$_3$ and Sb$_2$Te$_3$: a comparison of simple scattering approximat...
[2008.06811] Peihao Sun, J. B. Hastings, Daisuke Ishikawa et al.: Liquid-like to gas-like dynamical crossover in supercritical water
[2008.06819] Youngjun Ahn, Arnoud S. Everhardt, Hyeon Jun Lee et al.: Dynamic Tilting of Ferroelectric Domain Walls via Optically Induced Electronic Screening
[2008.06827] Xiaojian Bai, Randy S. Fishman, Gabriele Sala et al.: Magnetic Excitations of the Hybrid Multiferroic (ND4)2FeCl5D2O
[2008.06838] Duo Wang, Lei Liu, Neha Basu et al.: High-throughput computational characterization of two-dimensional compositionally complex transition-metal chalcogenide alloys
[2008.06857] Hanen Hamdi, Gergő Thiering, Zoltán Bodrog et al.: Stone-Wales defects in hexagonal boron nitride as ultraviolet emitters
[2008.06875] Lara C. Ortmanns, Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Yaroslav M. Blanter: Magnon dispersion in bilayers of two-dimensional ferromagnets
[2008.06876] Yonatan Dubi, Ieng Wai Un, Yonatan Sivan: Reply to comment on "Thermal effects -- an alternative mechanism for plasmon-assisted photocatalysis"
[2008.06879] Hong Wu, Bao-Qin Wang, Jun-Hong An: Floquet second-order topological insulators in non-Hermitian systems
[2008.06888] Jin-Guo Liu, Lei Wang, Pan Zhang: Tropical Tensor Network for Ground States of Spin Glasses
[2008.06907] Rui Lyu, Zachary Tuchfeld, Nishchhal Verma et al.: Strange metal behavior of the Hall angle in twisted bilayer graphene
[2008.06945] John T. Tokarski III, Clifford R Bowers, Sunil K. Thapa et al.: Light-Activated Nuclear Spin Polarization in Dilute Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As
[2008.06950] Rachel Owen, Elizabeth Drueke, Charlotte Albunio et al.: Second-order nonlinear optical and linear UV-VIS absorption properties of type-II multiferroic candidates RbFe(AO4)2 (A = Mo, Se, S)
[2008.06953] Arnab Pal, Shlomi Reuveni, Saar Rahav: Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for systems with unidirectional transitions
[2008.06960] Lucas Barreto, Luis Henrique de Lima, Daniel Coutinho Martins et al.: Selecting "Convenient Observers" to Probe the Atomic Structure of Epitaxial Graphene Grown on Ir(111) via Photoelectron D...
[2008.06962] M. Mofazzel Hosen, Gyanendra Dhakal, Baokai Wang et al.: Observation of gapped state in rare-earth monopnictide HoSb
[2008.06969] Jaeuk Kim, Salvatore Torquato: Characterizing the Hyperuniformity of Ordered and Disordered Two-Phase Media
[2008.07016] Jianjun Hu, Wenhui Yang, Rongzhi Dong et al.: Contact Map based Crystal Structure Prediction using Global Optimization
[2008.07017] Simon Merminod, John R. Edison, Huang Fang et al.: Direct Measurements and Modeling of Avidity and Surface Mobility in Multivalent Ligand-Receptor Binding
[2008.07021] Depei Zhang, Xiao Hu, Tianran Chen et al.: Temporally-decoherent and spatially-coherent vibrations in metal halide perovskite
[2008.07033] A. A. Aligia: Comment on "Relevance of Cu-3d multiplet structure in models of high Tc cuprates''
[2008.07035] Takafumi Sato, Keiko Yamada, Takao Kosaka et al.: Unusual temperature evolution of band structure of Bi(111) studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory
[2008.07038] David Niepce, Jonathan J. Burnett, Marina Kudra et al.: Stability of superconducting resonators: motional narrowing and the role of Landau-Zener driving of two-level defects
[2008.07042] C.M. Varma: Majoranas in mixed-valence insulators
[2008.07084] A.I. Volokitin: Electric double layer effect in an extreme near-field heat transfer between metal surfaces
[2008.07086] Kha Tran, Junho Choi, Akshay Singh: Moiré and beyond in transition metal dichalcogenide twisted bilayers
[2008.07088] Zijun C. Zhao, Maxim Goryachev, Jerzy Krupka et al.: Emergence of dielectric anisotropy of crystalline Strontium Titanate due to temperature-dependent phase transitions
[2008.07100] Shiro Sakai, Akihisa Koga: Effect of Electron-Electron Interactions on Metallic State in Quasicrystals
[2008.07102] Kartik Sau, Tamio Ikeshoji, Shigeyuki Takagi et al.: Colossal barocaloric effects in the complex hydride Li$_{2}$B$_{12}$H$_{12}$
[2008.07117] Livio Nicola Carenza, Giuseppe Gonnella, Davide Marenduzzo et al.: Chaotic and periodical dynamics of active chiral droplets
[2008.07131] Towfiq Ahmed, Jinkyoung Yoo, Rohit Prasankumar et al.: A real-time TDDFT study of femtosecond laser driven monolayer NbSe2
[2008.07150] Assael Cohen, Avinash Patsha, Pranab K. Mohapatra et al.: Ultra-High Optical Quality WS2 Atomic-Layers via a Growth-Etch MOCVD Approach
[2008.07155] Ling Zhang, Yinqiao Wang, Jie Zheng et al.: Level statistics and Anderson delocalization in two-dimensional granular materials
[2008.07160] Yuanbo T. Tang, Neil D'Souza, Bryan Roebuck et al.: Ultra high-temperature deformation in a single crystal superalloy: Meso-scale process simulation and micro-mechanisms
[2008.07174] Xuefei Liu, Zhaofu Zhang, Zhao Ding et al.: Highly Anisotropic Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Monolayer and Bilayer As2S3
[2008.07187] M. B. Shoker, O. Pagès, V. J. B. Torres et al.: Phonon-based partition of (ZnSe-like) semiconductor mixed crystals on approach to their pressure-induced structural transition
[2008.07201] Eial Teomy, Yair Shokef: Constraint relaxation leads to jamming
[2008.07208] Steffen B. Fischer, Erin Koos: Using an added liquid to suppress drying defects in hard particle coatings
[2008.07224] Suman Mondal, Sebastian Greschner, Luis Santos et al.: Topological inheritance in half-SSH Hubbard models
[2008.07237] Kohei Kawabata, Masatoshi Sato, Ken Shiozaki: Higher-order non-Hermitian skin effect
[2008.07256] Sheng Fang, Zongzheng Zhou, Youjin Deng: Percolation effects in the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Ising model on the complete graph
[2008.07268] Oleksandr Balabanov, Mats Granath: Unsupervised interpretable learning of topological indices invariant under permutations of atomic bands
[2008.07272] Daigo Shimizu, Tomoki Nagase, Yeong-Gi So et al.: Interaction between skyrmions and antiskyrmions in a coexisting phase of a Heusler material
[2008.07305] Christopher R. Gubbin, Simone De Liberato: Nonlocal Scattering Matrix Description of Anisotropic Polar Heterostructures
[2008.07308] Ritwik Mondal, Andreas Donges, Ulrich Nowak: Terahertz Spin Dynamics Driven by an Optical Spin-Orbit Torque
[2008.07319] Degang Zhang: Parameter-dependent unitary transformation approach for quantum Rabi model
[2008.07345] Sander H. Kooi, Guido van Miert, Carmine Ortix: Bulk-corner correspondence of time-reversal symmetric insulators: deduplicating real-space invariants
[2008.07377] Fedor Šimkovic IV, Riccardo Rossi, Michel Ferrero: Efficient One-Loop-Renormalized Vertex Expansions with Connected Determinant Diagrammatic Monte Carlo
[2008.07395] Jike Lyu, Ignasi Fina, Florencio Sanchez: Fatigue and retention in the growth window of ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films
[2008.07399] Masafumi Udagawa, Shintaro Takayoshi, Takashi Oka: STM as a single Majorana detector of Kitaev's chiral spin liquid
[2008.07402] Spencer V Taylor, Abdel R Moustafa, Zachary C Cordero: Architectured Chain Lattices with Tailorable Energy Absorption in Tension
[2008.07429] Thibaut Dessolier, Thomas McAuliffe, Wouter J. Hamer et al.: Effect of high temperature service on the complex through-wall microstructure of centrifugally cast HP40 reformer tube
[2008.07464] Cedric Robert, Hanan Dery, Lei Ren et al.: Measurement of Conduction and Valence Bands g-factors in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayer
[2008.07465] Xiangang Wan, Vsevolod Ivanov, Giacomo Resta et al.: Calculated Exchange Interactions and Competing S=0 and S=1 States in Doped NdNiO2
[2008.07489] M. Molina-Ruiz, Y. J. Rosen, H. C. Jacks et al.: Origin of Mechanical and Dielectric Losses from Two-Level Systems in Amorphous Silicon
[2008.07506] Nikolai Yurttagül, Matthew Sarsby, Attila Geresdi: Coulomb blockade thermometry beyond the universal regime
[2008.07518] Dmitry Miserev, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss: Magnetic phase transitions in two-dimensional two-valley semiconductors with in-plane magnetic field
[2008.07521] Qianheng Du, Huixia Fu, Junzhang Ma et al.: Surface Conductivity in Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor CrSb$_2$
[2008.07523] Benjamin M. Janzen, Piero Mazzolini, Roland Gillen et al.: Isotopic study of Raman active phonon modes in $β$-Ga$_{2}$O$_{3}$
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 18 Aug 20","img":""}
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