A vibrant and historical-themed collage showcasing different encyclicals, each represented with symbolic illustrations denoting themes such as social justice, human dignity, and environmental care, all set against a backdrop of a church or biblical imagery.

The Encyclicals Challenge

Test your knowledge on the various encyclicals within the Catholic Church! This quiz covers important themes, authors, and the historical context of these vital documents.

Challenge yourself and see how many encyclicals you can accurately identify based on their key details!

  • Effective learning tool
  • Enhances understanding of Church teachings
  • Engaging format with multiple-choice options
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectingLight42
Select all that apply to the 15th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Rei Socialis
Rerum Novarum
New Things
Of New Things
Pope Leo XIII (13th)
Pope Paul McCartney
"the rights of workers are protected"
"the rights of the christians are protected"
Select all that apply to the 14th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Qualitative Physika
Quadragesimo Anno
On My 40 Years
On The 40th Year
Pope Pius XI (11th)
Pope John XXIII (23rd)
"fascism, communism, child & female labor is BAD"
"the economy of the world is declining"
Select all that apply to the 13th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Matir et Magicstra
Mater et Magistra
Mom and Magic
Mother and Teacher
Pope John the XIII (13th)
Pope John XXIII (23rd)
"the church must be more involved with society as they take the role of a 'mother and teacher' "
"the church must take in mothers and teachers"
Select all that apply to the 12th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Populorum Progressio
Pacem in Terris
Peace Be With You
Peace on Earth
Pope Ronald XXX (30th)
Pope John XXIII (23rd)
"racism + the arms race = bad, the encyclicals are for everyone"
"we only accept white christians in the church"
Select all that apply to the 11 encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Dignitatis Humanae
Dignitities Humanaries
Human Suffering
Human Dignity
The Second Vatican Council
Pope Paul VI (6th)
"inequality affects not only the economy, but human development as well"
"religious freedom must be declared. Christianity is for everyone"
Select all that apply to the 10th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Octogesima Adveniens
Gaudium et Spes
The Joys and Hopes
The Happy and Pag-asa
Pope Paul VI (6th)
The Second Vatican Council
"the church must share in the joys and hopes of society"
"the church must be happier than the people"
Select all that apply to the 9th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Populorum Progressio
Popolorom Progrosso
Popular Progress
The Progress of The People(s)
Pope Paul VI (6th)
Pope Benedict XVI (16th)
"inequality affects not only the economy, but human development as well"
"the people must progress into their christian faith"
Select all that apply to the 8th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Octogesima Adveniens
Octopus Advantage
On The 80th Year
On The 70th Year
Pope Paul VI (6th)
Pope Francis
"illegal labour is bad, but there is no solution for it"
"illegal labor is bad, but there is a christian solution for it"
Select all that apply to the 7th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Laborem Exercens
Solicitudo Rei Socialis
The Society of The Church
Through Work
Pope John Paul II (2nd)
Pope John XXIII (23rd)
"workers are humans too: they have dignity and rights"
"christians are all required to work for the church"
Select all that apply to the 6th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Solisitudoh Socialite
Solicitudo Rei Socialis
The Society of The Church
The Social Concern of The Church
Pope John Paul II (2nd)
Pope John XXIII (23rd)
"the gap between rich and poor does not exist"
"people do not exist"
Select all that apply to the 5th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Centisimus Annus
Centipedisimus Annus
On The 1000th Year
On The 100th Year
Pope John Paul II (2nd)
Pope Benedict XVI (16th)
"all deals in the market are illegal"
"all deals must be fair and just in the market. Market idolatry must be abolished"
Select all that apply to the 4th encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Evangle Quadratic
Evangelium Vitae
The Gospel of Life
The Gospel of The Lord
Pope John Paul II (2nd)
Pope Francis
"killing is illegal"
"the culture of life is good, the culture of death is a sin"
Select all that apply to the 3rd encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Caritas in Veritate
Evangalii Gaudium
Charity in Truth
Charity in Soul
Pope Benedict XVI (16th)
Pope Francis
"we must always give to charity"
"we must look at the world and its problems with charity and truth"
Select all that apply to the 2nd encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Evangelus Veritate
Evangelii Gaudium
The Fruit of The Gospel
The Joys of The Gospel
Pope Francis
Pope Francois
"the joys of the gospel must be shared with all"
"the gospel only talks about happiness"
Select all that apply to the 1st encyclical. (hint: this includes the YEAR, LATIN + ENGLISH NAMES, AUTHOR, AND SUMMARY)
Rerum Novarum
Laudato Si
On Care for The Environment
On Care for Our Common Home
Pope Frank Drilon
Pope Francis
"we must care for our home, mother earth"
"trashing the environment should be strictly illegal through death penalty"
{"name":"CL CST ENCYCLICALS", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the various encyclicals within the Catholic Church! This quiz covers important themes, authors, and the historical context of these vital documents.Challenge yourself and see how many encyclicals you can accurately identify based on their key details!Effective learning toolEnhances understanding of Church teachingsEngaging format with multiple-choice options","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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