What's for Dinner? Discover your meal planning style and get tips to help you meal plan.

It’s Sunday and your partner takes the kids to the park. You’ve got two hours free. What’s for dinner?
I’m headed to the store to grocery shop. I’ll pick up something there.
I’m making lasagna! But after that runs out I have no idea what we’ll eat.
I’m prepping food for the week, including dinner for tonight, obviously.
It’s Wednesday night. You just got home from work. What’s for dinner?
I have no idea. Probably pasta. Again.
I got this, my plan says I’m making one of our family’s 30 minute meals
If I have time I’ll run to the store on the way home and pick something up. If not, pizza.
It’s Thursday night and you don’t feel like cooking. What’s for dinner?
I think I’ll order a pizza. Or maybe Chinese food.
I’ve got a casserole in the freezer I can throw in the oven.
I’ll pick up some ingredients at the store.
You get a call from a friend you haven't seen for awhile. She wants to drop by with her kids around dinner time. What's for dinner?
I'll stop at the store on the way home so I can double the meal I had already planned to make.
They'll have to come another night, we are completely out of food!
I'll ask her to stop and pick something up if she wants to eat dinner with us.
Three of your best friends are coming over for dinner. What's for dinner?
Lots of wine and maybe some bread and cheese.
Oh no! I don't have time to go back to the store, we're going out.
Homemade pasta with sauteed mushrooms and fresh parmasean, arugula salad with balsamic vinaigrette, chocolate mousse and raspberries.
{"name":"What's for Dinner? Discover your meal planning style and get tips to help you meal plan.", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"It’s Sunday and your partner takes the kids to the park. You’ve got two hours free. What’s for dinner?, It’s Wednesday night. You just got home from work. What’s for dinner?, It’s Thursday night and you don’t feel like cooking. What’s for dinner?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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