Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 15 Jun 21
[2106.06554] Thomas P. Fay, David T. Limmer: The origin of chirality induced spin selectivity in photo-induced electron transfer
[2106.06557] G Kamalakshi, Prita Pant, M P Gururajan: Stacking fault energy induced softening in the nucleation limited plasticity regime: a molecular dynamics study on Cu-Al alloys
[2106.06564] Swagata Acharya, Dimitar Pashov, Brian Cunningham et al.: Electronic Structure of Chromium Trihalides beyond Density Functional Theory
[2106.06609] Marco Baldovin, Giacomo Gradenigo, Angelo Vulpiani: Statistical Features of High-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems
[2106.06619] Tosson Elalaily, Olivér Kürtössy, Zoltán Scherübl et al.: Gate-controlled supercurrent in an epitaxial Al/InAs nanowires
[2106.06647] Eric Lechner, Jonathan Angle, Fred Stevie et al.: RF surface resistance tuning of superconducting niobium via thermal diffusion of native oxide
[2106.06648] Yu Qiao, Rui Kou, Zhaoru Shang: Entropy Decrease in an Isolated System: Experiment and Theoretical Analysis of Molecular-Sized Outward-Swinging Gate
[2106.06659] Ping-Yuan Lo, Guan-Hao Peng, Wei-Hua Li et al.: Inherently high valley polarizations of momentum-forbidden dark excitons in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers
[2106.06729] Kai Zhou, Marc Hennes, Berenike Maier et al.: Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Growing Bacterial Colonies
[2106.06734] Vijay Kumar Gudelli, Guang-Yu Guo: Large bulk photovoltaic effect and second-harmonic generation in few-layer pentagonal semiconductors PdS$_2$ and PdSe$_2$
[2106.06754] Mingji Huang, Wensi Hu, Siyuan Yang et al.: Circular swimming motility and disordered hyperuniform state in an algae system
[2106.06793] Guangzheng Zuo, Safa Shoaee, Martijn Kemerink et al.: General Rules for the Impact of Energetic Disorder and Mobility on Nongeminate Recombination in Phase-Separated Organic Solar Cells
[2106.06826] Samir F. Matar, Jean Etourneau, Vladimir L. Solozhenko: Tricarbon: two novel ultra-hard metallic carbon allotropes from first-principle calculations
[2106.06829] Purbasha Sharangi, Braj Bhusan Singh, Sagarika Nayak et al.: Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in CoFeB/C$_{60}$ bilayers
[2106.06852] Christoph P. Hofmann: Emergence of Spin Order in Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
[2106.06879] M. Ostilli, Claudionor G. Bezerra, G. M. Viswanathan: Spectrum of the tight-binding model on Cayley Trees and comparison with Bethe Lattices
[2106.06923] Gilmar F. Arends, John M. Shaw, Xuehua Zhang: How fast do microdroplets generated during liquid-liquid phase separation move in a confined 2D space?
[2106.06928] Xiaoming Wang, Tao Zhou: Fragile topology in nodal-line semimetal superconductors with double band inversion
[2106.06930] Vikas Nandal, Sumanshu Agarwal, Pradeep R. Nair: Deciphering capacitance frequency technique for performance limiting defect state parameters in energy harvesting perovskites
[2106.06948] Lijie Wang, Huanyi Xue, Guanqun Zhang et al.: Two-dimensional superconductivity at heterostructure of Mott insulating titanium sesquioxide and polar semiconductor
[2106.06958] Pierpaolo Bilotto, Lorenzo Caprini, Angelo Vulpiani: Excess and loss of entropy production for different levels of coarse-graining
[2106.06977] Xiaoyu Liu, Peizhe Tang, Hannes Hübener et al.: Floquet Engineering of Magnetism in Topological Insulator Thin Films
[2106.06995] A. Escobar, F. Donado, R. E. Moctezuma et al.: Direct observation of crystal nucleation and growth in a quasi-two-dimensional nonvibrating granular system
[2106.07001] Ofir E. Alon: Morphology of an interacting three-dimensional trapped Bose-Einstein condensate from many-particle variance anisotropy
[2106.07004] Thomas Jebb Sturges, Magdalena Stobińska: Modelling lattices of organic polaritons
[2106.07008] Nikolaj Bittner, Denis Golež, Michele Casula et al.: Photo-induced Dirac cone flattening in BaNiS$_2$
[2106.07014] Victor S. L'vov, Yuri V. Lvov, Sergey Nazarenko et al.: Theory of anisotropic superfluid He-4 counterflow turbulence
[2106.07019] Michal Kobecki, Alexey V. Scherbakov, Serhii M. Kukhtaruk et al.: Giant photoelasticity of polaritons for detection of coherent phonons in a superlattice with quantum sensitivity
[2106.07081] Shoeib Babaee Touski, Nayereh Ghobadi: Vertical Strain-Induced Modification of the Electrical and Spin Properties of Monolayer MoSi2X4 (X= N, P, As and Sb)
[2106.07090] Bohayra Mortazavi: Ultrahigh thermal conductivity and strength in direct-gap semiconducting graphene-like BC6N: A first-principles and classical investigation
[2106.07120] Yuanran Zhu: Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics for stationary turbulent dispersion
[2106.07130] Efe Ilker, Özenç Güngör, Benjamin Kuznets-Speck et al.: Counterdiabatic control of biophysical processes
[2106.07132] Angel Yanguas-Gil, Joseph A. Libera, Jeffrey W. Elam: Reactor scale simulations of ALD and ALE: ideal and non-ideal self-limited processes in a cylindrical and a 300 mm wafer cross-flow reactor
[2106.07147] Motohiko Ezawa: Nonlinear Anderson localization in Toda lattices
[2106.07164] Ivan C. Christov: Soft hydraulics: from Newtonian to complex fluid flows through compliant conduits
[2106.07180] D. Hatanaka, H. Yamaguchi: Mode-sensitive magnetoelastic coupling in phononic-crystal magnomechanics
[2106.07187] Leonardo Masi, Tommaso Petrucciani, Alessia Burchianti et al.: Multimode Trapped Interferometer with Ideal Bose-Einstein Condensates
[2106.07201] Wooil Yang, Seung-Hoon Jhi, Sang-Hoon Lee et al.: Ab initio study of lattice dynamics of group IV semiconductors using pseudohybrid functionals for extended Hubbard interactions
[2106.07212] Zachary J. Krebs, Wyatt A. Behn, Songci Li et al.: Imaging the breaking of electrostatic dams in graphene for ballistic and viscous fluids
[2106.07223] H. Murayama, T. Tominaga, T. Asaba et al.: Universal scaling of the specific heat in $S=1/2$ quantum kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite
[2106.07232] Alessandra Serva, Laura Scalfi, Benjamin Rotenberg et al.: Effect of the metallicity on the capacitance of gold - aqueous sodium chloride interfaces
[2106.07235] Bartosz Kusmierz, G J Sreejith: Cluster-cluster correlations beyond the Laughlin state
[2106.07248] Aryan Afzalian, Elaheh Akhoundi, Gautam Gaddemane et al.: Advanced DFT-NEGF transport techniques for novel 2D-material and device exploration including HfS2/WSe2 van-der-Waals Heterojunction ...
[2106.07264] Vikas Saini, Souvik Sasmal, Ruta Kulkarni et al.: Linear unsaturated magnetoresistance in YSi single crystal
[2106.07266] Simone Di Cataldo, Wolfgang von der Linden, Lilia Boeri: La-$X$-H hydrides: is hot superconductivity possible?
[2106.07290] Rafał Ołdziejewski, Alessio Chiocchetta, Johannes Knörzer et al.: Excitonic Tonks-Girardeau and charge-density wave phases in monolayer semiconductors
[2106.07309] Linchao Ding, Jahyun Koo, Changjiang Yi et al.: Quantum oscillations, Magnetic breakdown and thermal Hall effect in Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$
[2106.07322] Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan, Zhong-Yi Lu et al.: Phonon-mediated high-temperature superconductivity in ternary borohydride KB$_2$H$_8$ around 12 GPa
[2106.07339] Yoshiki Fukusumi, Osor S. Barišić: Kubo's response theory and bosonization with a background gauge field and irrelevant perturbations
[2106.07366] Conor P. Cullen, Oliver Hartwig, Cormac Ó Coileáin et al.: Synthesis and thermal stability of TMD thin films: A comprehensive XPS and Raman study
[2106.07383] Ziluo Zhang, Gunnar Pruessner: Field Theory of Free Run and Tumble Particles in d Dimensions
[2106.07392] Arthur Vesperini, Roberto Franzosi, Stefano Ruffo et al.: Fast collective oscillations and clustering phenomena in an antiferromagnetic mean-field model
[2106.07404] Zeeshan Ahmad, Egor A. Muljarov, Sang Soon Oh: Extended frequency range of transverse-electric surface plasmon polaritons in graphene
[2106.07421] Simon Vendelbo Bylling Jensen, Lars Bojer Madsen: Edge-state and bulk-like laser-induced correlation effects in high-harmonic generation from a linear chain
[2106.07438] Chi-Yuan Yang, Deyu Tu, Tero-Petri Ruoko et al.: Low-power/high-gain flexible complementary circuits based on printed organic electrochemical transistors
[2106.07457] W. Tabiś, P. Popčević, B. Klebel-Knobloch et al.: Arc-to-pocket transition and quantitative understanding of transport properties in cuprate superconductors
[2106.07503] Matti Tomi, Mikhail R. Samatov, Andrey S. Vasenko et al.: Transport in Josephson junctions with a graphene interlayer
[2106.07509] Jasleen Kaur, Aritra Ghosh, Malay Bandyopadhyay: Quantum counterpart of energy equipartition theorem for a dissipative charged magneto-oscillator: Effect of dissipation, memory and magnetic ...
[2106.07517] Qi-Bo Zeng, Rong Lü: Topological Phases and Anderson Localization in Off-Diagonal Mosaic Lattices
[2106.07519] Krzysztof P. Wójcik, Johann Kroha: RKKY interaction and two Kondo impurities: the complete phase diagram
[2106.07543] He Zhao, Hong Li, Lianyang Dong et al.: Visualizing nematic transition and nanoscale suppression of superconductivity in Fe(Te,Se)
[2106.07570] Lorenzo Buffoni, Michele Campisi: Spontaneous fluctuation-symmetry breaking and the Landauer principle
[2106.07576] B. Schmidt, J. Sichelschmidt, K. M. Ranjith et al.: Yb delafossites: unique exchange frustration of 4f spin 1/2 moments on a perfect triangular lattice
[2106.07607] Yu-Ru Ge, Xin Zhao, Hong Zhao et al.: Physical Mechanism of Superconductivity Part II Superconductivity and superfluidity
[2106.07614] Chang-Jiang Zhu, Limin Liu, Peng-Bo Song et al.: Direct Observation of the Scale Relation between Density of States and Pairing Gap in a Dirty Superconductor
[2106.07640] Haoxin Zhou, Tian Xie, Takashi Taniguchi et al.: Superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 15 Jun 21","img":""}
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