Am I in love

How often do you think about the person you're interested in?
How do you feel when you're around the person you're interested in?
Nervous and excited
Comfortable and at ease
Overwhelmed and suffocated
How important is physical attraction to you in a romantic relationship?
Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all
How do you handle conflicts in a relationship?
Avoid conflicts at all costs
Confront the issues head-on
Compromise and find a middle ground
Seek professional help or counseling
How do you express your love to someone?
Through words and verbal affirmations
Through acts of service and helping them
Through physical touch and affection
Through quality time and undivided attention
How do you feel about long-distance relationships?
I believe in making it work no matter the distance
I prefer to be physically close to my partner
I'm open to it if there's a strong connection
I don't believe in long-distance relationships
How do you handle jealousy in a relationship?
Trust my partner completely and have open communication
Express my concerns and insecurities openly
Try to suppress my feelings of jealousy
Become possessive and controlling
How do you prioritize your relationship in your life?
It's my top priority above everything else
It's important, but I have other priorities too
I prioritize personal growth and independence over relationships
I don't prioritize relationships at all
How do you handle the end of a relationship?
Take time to heal and reflect on the lessons learned
Cut off all contact and move on quickly
Try to remain friends and maintain a connection
Seek closure and understanding from the other person
How do you define true love?
A deep connection and soulmate-like bond
A stable and compatible partnership
Intense passion and desire
Personal growth and independence
{"name":"Am I in love", "url":"","txt":"How often do you think about the person you're interested in?, How do you feel when you're around the person you're interested in?, How important is physical attraction to you in a romantic relationship?","img":""}
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