Sve o - predlozi za vreme(Prepositions of Time) ili (Time Prepositions)

Time Prepositions (prepəˈzɪʃnz) definišu vreme I oni su -
1. In
2. At
3. On
4, For
5, During - ˈdjʊərɪŋ, during + noun
6, While (waɪl),
Until/till / up to - (ʌnˈtɪl / tɪl)
SINCE - sɪns
After / later
In - upotrebavljava se -
1. - in + doba dana (part of day) - paznja- noću se kaže – at night !!!!!!!!!!
2. in + mesec (month)
3,. in + godišnja doba (seasons - ˈsiːznz)
4. in + godina (year), vek, istorijski period, srednji vek
In for MONTHS, YEARS, CENTURIES (ˈsenʧərɪz )and LONG PERIODS - ˈpɪərɪədz
In + period of time = a time in the future: + doba dana, part of day
€� in the morning - ujutru
€� in the afternoon - popodne
€� in the evening - uvece
!!!!Pažnja – izuzetak, noću se kaže – at night !!!!!!!!!!
Mnozina od doba dana
In the mornings - u jutaranjim satima, Jutrima
In the afternoon(s) - u popodnevnim satima, Popodnevima
In the evening(s) - u večernjim satima, Večerima
At nights - u toku nocnih stati, noćima, noću
2. in + mesec (month)
In July - mnozina (plural - Julys)
In September - Septembers
€� in August - Augusts
In England, it often snows in December.
in + godišnja doba (seasons)
In summer - leti
In spring, - prolece
In winter - zimi
In autumn - jesen
4. in + godina (year),CENTURIES and LONG PERIODS
In 2009, in the twentieth century.
In 1990
In the 1990s
In the next century
In the Ice Age
In the past/future
Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
There should be a lot of progress in the next century.
In the holidays
In + period of time = a time in the future:
Jack will be back in a week.
The train will leave in a few minutes.
Ne koristimo in, at, on kada koristimo -last, next,every,this
1, last - I went to London last June. (not in last June)
2. next, - he will come the next morning
3. every - I go home every summer to visit my parents.
4, this - We'll call you this evening. (not in this evening)
On se upotrebljava za -
1. on + dani u nedelji (days of the week) – on Monday
2. on + određeni datum (on + particular date) –
On for DAYS and DATES (deɪts)
On + dani u nedelji (days of the week) –
On Monday
On Sunday
On Friday
On Saturday mornings
On Sunday afternoon(s)
On Monday evening(s)
2. on + određeni datum (on + particular date) –
On 25 July 2009
On 6 March
On 15th March.
On 25 Dec. 2010
On Christmas Day - ˈkrɪsməs (ovo je odredjeni datum) (but at Christmas)
On New Year's Eve
On Independence Day - ˌɪndɪˈpendəns (ovo je odredjeni datum)
On my birthday - (ovo je odredjeni datum)
On New Year's Eve -iːv - novodosinja noc, uoci nove godine
On Halloween
On Mother's Day
Englezi nekad kazu - "on the weekend" and "on Christmas".
At Christmas*/Easter - ˈiːstər
At the weekend (on the weekend)
I stay with my family at Christmas. (on Christmas)
I don't usually work at the weekend.
Ne koristimo in, at, on kada koristimo -last, next,every,this
He's coming back next Tuesday. (not on next Tuesday)
I go home every Easter. (not at (on) every Easter)
Next week, last night, this , every day, night, today, tomorrow, yesterday
At - upotrebavljava se -
1. at + noć
3. at + tačano određen sat, a certain point of time (when?) – at nine o’clock at half past nine -
2. at + određeni deo dana – particular time: dawn – zora, noon – podne,tačan sat – nine o’clock
4. at + vikend
1. at + noć
At night, plural at nights
Nikada in night, in nights
2. at + tačno određen sat,
At 3 o'clock
A certain point of time (when?)
At nine o’clock at half past nine -
At 10.30am
3. at + određeni deo dana - particular time, holiday periods:
At noon
At dawn
At dinnertime
At sunrise
At bedtime
At sunset
At the moment
At the same time
At present - sada
at Christmas, at Easter
At breakfast time
4. at + vikend
Englezi kazu I on weekend
I don't usually work at the weekend.
DURING - ˈdjʊərɪŋ - tokom, za vreme, po, za
During is used to say when something happens -
During / while
During and in
For is used to say how long it lasts.
For - za trajanje vremena -duration
Until/till - how long a situation continues
Let's wait until it stops raining.
I stayed in bed until half past nine.
After / later
Use after + phrase, and use later alone (at the end of a sentence or phrase).
I’ll call you later.
I’ll call you after I get home from work.
First he bought a new car. Two weeks later, he bought a new motorcycle.
He bought a new motorcycle two weeks after he bought a car.
Later - stoji sam na kraju recenice, ali ako koristimo buducnost kazemo sledece -
Nikad ne zavrsavaj recenicu sa - AFTER
Umesto toga koristi - afterwards - ˈɑːftəwədz
Did you go straight home after the baseball game?”
Never end a sentence with “after.” Instead, you can use “afterwards”
€�No, we went out for drinks after.” “No, we went out for drinks afterwards.“
Razlika izmedju - before/ago
By / until
By - Користi се за један конкретан догађаj
који ће се десити пре одређеног времена у будућности.
Please send me the information by Monday. (do ponedeljka)
Користити Until - континуирани догађај који ће се наставити,
а онда зауставити на одређено време у будућности.
He’s staying in London until the 30th.
From… to / till / until
On / in / at
Use in for centuries, decades, years, seasons, and months:
In the 18th century
In the 1960s
In 2001
In the summer
In October
Use on for days:
On Friday
On March 15th.
On my birthday
On the weekend
Use at for times:
At 3:30.
At noon.
At quarter past four.
past / to
Minutes in relation to the hour:
6:15 = Quarter past six
3:50 = Ten to four
As soon as / as long as
{"name":"Sve o - predlozi za vreme(Prepositions of Time) ili (Time Prepositions)", "url":"","txt":"Time Prepositions (prepəˈzɪʃnz) definišu vreme i oni su -, In - upotrebavljava se -, + doba dana, part of day","img":""}
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