History And Current Affairs Quiz-2 (100 questions)

Congress Session of Calcutta in the year 1906 after Bengal Partition was significant in many ways. Which of the following statements are correct about this Congress Session?
1. It was presided by Dr. Rashbihari Ghosh.
2. Congress adopted ‘Swaraj’ as the goal of Indian people.
3. A resolution on partition of Bengal was passed.
4. The Congress got split into moderates and extremists.
Select the correct code from the following:
1,2 and 3
2 and 3
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
Home Rule league movement of 1916 played an important role in creating political awareness in masses and putting up a united front against the British rule. Consider the following statements regarding the Indian Home Rule League:
1. It was designed on the lines of Irish Home Rule league.
2. It was started first by Annie Besant and later by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
3. The aim of the league was to attain independence from the British rule and have self government.
4. The two leagues cooperated with each other as well as with Congress and Muslim League.
5. Tilak’s movement was concentrated in Maharashtra while Besant’s movement in rest of the country.
6. Montague’s August declaration to gradually develop self governing institutions in India led to the end of Home rule Movement.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1,2,3,4 and 5
1,4,5 and 6
1,3,4,5 and 6
1,2,3,5 and 6
Not Known
On what charges were Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru sentenced to death?
1. For throwing bomb in the assembly
2. For killing of Asst. Superintendent of Police J.P. Saunders
3. For Kakori Conspiracy case
4. For the Hunger strike unto death in Lahore Central Jail
Which of the above reasons are correct?
1 and 2
2 only
2 and 3
1,2 and 4
Not Known
In which of the following movements did Mahatma Gandhi undertook fast unto death for the first time to get his demands fulfilled?
Champaran Satyagraha
Kheda Satyagraha
Ahmadabad mill strike
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Khudai Khidmatgar’ movement:
1. It was a non-violent freedom struggle against the British by pathans of North-West Frontier province.
2. It was led by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
3. The movement is also known as the ‘Red Shirt’ movement as the volunteers used to wear red shirts.
Which of the above statements are correct?
All of the above
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
Not Known
Who amongst the following personalities have won ‘Bharat Ratna’ award despite being a non-Indian citizen?
1. Mother Teresa
2. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
3. Nelson Mandela
4. Granville Austin
Select the correct code from the following:
1,2 and 3
2 and 3
1,3 and 4
3 only
Not Known
After the August offer of 1940, the radicals and leftists wanted to start a mass civil disobedience movement. But Mahatma Gandhi insisted on individual Satyagraha. Which of the following statements are correct about individual satyagraha of 1940?
1. It was not to seek independence but to affirm the right of speech.
2. It was started by Acharya Vinoba Bhave first and then by Jawaharlal Nehru.
3. Since it was not a mass movement, it attracted little enthusiasm and later in December, Gandhiji suspended it.
Select the correct code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements:
1. Leaders and influential personalities returned their honorary posts and titles.
2. Students came out of Government educational institutions and national schools as Kashi Vidhyapeet, Bihar Vidyapeet and Jamia Millia Islamia were set up.
3. People switched to swadeshi and took up charkha.
4. Movement abruptly called off by a violent incident in Gorakhpur District.
Which of the following mass movements is being discussed in the above statements?
Swadeshi Movement 1905-06
Non-cooperation Movement 1921-22
Civil Disobedience movement 1929-30
Quit India Movement 1942
Not Known
The British government adopted the strategy of talking to different political parties by convening the Round Table Conferences. Which of the following statements are incorrect about these conferences?
1. Congress boycotted the first round table conference and civil disobedience movement was going on in India.
2. After Gandhi-Irwin pact the civil disobedience movement was called off and Ghandhiji attended the second round table conference.
3. Civil disobedience movement was relaunched after second round table conference.
4. Communal award was given in third round table conference.
Select the code from the following:
4 only
3 and 4
1 and 3
1,2 and 3
Not Known
Which of the following slogans are correctly matched with the leaders who gave them?
Slogan Leader
1. Do or Die- Mahatma Gandhi
2. You give me blood, I’ll give you freedom -Subhash Chandra Bose
3. Dilli Chalo -Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Swaraj is my birth right- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Select the correct code from the following:
All of the above
1,2 and 3
2,3 and 4
1,2 and 4
Not Known
The civil disobedience movement was started by Salt Satyagraha- by breaking the salt tax law. No one imagined that such a small thing would stir the emotions of the masses in India. Which of the following statements are correct about the salt satyagraha?
1. The salt march was started by Gandhi ji from his Sabarmati ashram to a coastal village of Dandi.
2. The march was started with disciplined and trained volunteers of Sabarmati Ashram.
3. The path of the march was kept secret from the authorities so that they do not cause a hindrance.
4. The Salt Satyagraha in Madras was led by Sarojini Naidu.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
3 and 4
1,2 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
The Government of India Act of 1935 was passed on the basis of the report of the Simon Commission, the outcome of the Round Table Conferences and the White Paper issued by the British Government in 1933. This was one of the most comprehensive Acts that shaped the later Constitution of India. Which of the following was not a provision of this Act?
It introduced diarchy at the provinces and provincial subjects were divided into ‘reserved subjects’ and ‘transferred subjects’.
Division of power into three lists: Federal, provincial and concurrent.
Provincial Legislatures of Bengal, Madras, Bombay, United Provinces, Bihar and Assam were made bicameral.
Extension of the principle of Separate Electorates to Sikhs, Europeans, Indian Christians and Anglo Indians.
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Rowlatt Act
1. As per this act, any person could be arrested on the basis of suspicion
2. Arrested person could file an appeal or petition against his arrest
3. It was called the Black Act and was widely opposed
Select the correct statements
Only 1
1 and 3
2 and 3
Not Known
Consider the statements regarding Nehru Report of 1928
1. List of Fourteen Points as Muslim League demands were put forward against Nehru Report
2. It advocated provincial autonomy and bicameral legislature
Select the incorrect code
Only 1
Only 2
Not Known
Consider the following statements and identify the personality associated with it
1. He started the Indian National Union (1926) and the All India Nationalist Muslim Party (1929)
2. Autobiographies like ‘Tazhiran’, ‘Ghubir-i-khatir’, ‘Kahani’ and ‘India wins Freedom’ belongs to him
3. He started Al-Hilal, the Urdu Newspaper
Correct code
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
M.A. Jinnah
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Liyaqat Ali
Which of the following is/are not a lake?
1. Hunza
2. Shyok
3. Otteri
4. Zaskar
5. Chandratal
Select the correct code
Only 2 and 4
1, 2 and 4
Only 1 and 2
1, 2, 3 and 4
Not Known
Consider the following
1. Hague Convention- To amend Warsaw Convention
2. Hague Code of Conduct- Ballistic Missile Proliferation
3. Hague Agreement- International Registration of Industrial designs
4. Hague Protocol- Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Choose the incorrect match
1, 3 and 4
3 and 4
1 and 4
Not Known
Select the correct statement
River Rhone flows through Germany
Germany borders with Slovenia, France and Switzerland
Black Forest is a large forested mountain in southwestern Germany
(b) and (c) are correct
Not Known
Identify the place referring to following statements
1. It is one of the World Heritage Sites
2. It is also known as Pearl of Desert and Tadmur
3. It is an oasis
Select the correct code
Cultural Landscape of Maymand
Not Known
Consider the following statements
1. A winter festival is in the named after this
2. It lies on the border of Arunanchal Pradesh and Myanmar
3. It lies on the crest of Pitkai Hills
Select the correct code
Rohtang Pass
Sela Pass
Pangsau Pass
Bum La Pass
Not Known
Consider the following International organizations
1. The European Organization for Nuclear Research
2. The International Labour Organization (ILO)
3. World Health Organization
4. World Trade Organization
Which of the following International Organization is located in Switzerland?
1 and 2 only
2, 3 and 4 only
1, 2, 3, and 4
1 and 4 only
Not Known
Consider the following
1. The International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable artificial satellite, located in Medium Earth orbit.
2. International Space Station can often be seen with naked eye
3. The ISS serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in physics, astronomy, meteorology but not in the field of in biology and human biology
Select the incorrect option
1 and 3 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 2 only
Not Known
Consider the following statements
1. The α-cells secretes a hormone called Insul
2. The β-cells secretes a hormone called glucagon
3. Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to a complex disorder called diabetes mellitus
Select the incorrect statement with respect to Diabetes
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3
Not Known
Consider the following Glaciers
1. Pindari Glacier
2. Gangotri Glacier
3. Panchchuli Glacier
Which of the above glacier is present in the state of Himachal Pradesh?
1 and 3 only
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
Not Known
Consider the following
1. Interest payment
2. Grants to States
3. Defence
4. Loans to public enterprises
5. Loans to States
Which of the following fall under Plan Expenditure?
1, 2 and 3 only
2, 3 and 4 only
1,3,4 and 5 only
None of the above
Not Known
Which of the following statements are the correct reasons of Vellore Mutiny?
1. There was a racial prejudice and Indian sepoys were considered inferior.
2. Wearing ear rings and caste marks were prohibited.
3. The sepoys were asked to shave the chin and trim the moustache.
4. It was a popular belief that all the soldiers would be slowly converted to Christianity.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 4
1,3 and 4
1,2 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
During 17th and 18th Century, the East India company had a monopoly in the eastern trade. Bribes were often given to monarchs to have their political backing. Which of the following statements are correct about the relations between east India company and the crown of England?
1. In 17th century company gave huge loans to the crown.
2. Charles II granted series of charters, empowering company to build forts, raise army and make peace and war with the eastern powers.
3. Company was allowed to administer justice to all Englishmen and others living in English settlements.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Battle of Plassey between The Nawab of Bengal ‘Siraj ud Daulah’ and English East India company made company a major contender of political power in India. Consider the following statements:
1. Siraj ud Daulah was defeated treacherously and there was hardly any fight in Battle of Plassey.
2. British put Mir Qasim as a puppet nawab in place of Siraj ud Daulah.
3. Mir Qasim was an able administrator who tried to maintain public discipline and tried to free himself from the influence of the British.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Fourth Anglo-Mysore war was a decisive war between British and Mysore. Tipu sultan was killed defending the city. Which of the following statements are correct about fourth Anglo-Mysore war?
1. Mysore was attacked from all four sides by British, Marathas and the Nizam of Hyderabad.
2. Tipu’s troops were outnumbered 4:1.
3. British annexed almost all of Mysore. The core area was restored to the eldest son of Tipu whose ancestors ruled till 1947.
Select the correct code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Bahramji Malabari was one of the most prominent Parsi social reformers of India. Which of the following statements are correct about him?
1. He criticized the prohibition of widow remarriage by Hindus and placed the blame squarely with that religion's "priestly class" and the "social monopolists" (i.e. the Brahmin caste) for their "vulgar prejudices.
2. Malabari published a set of Notes on Infant Marriage and Enforced Widowhood, that he sent to 4,000 leading Englishmen and Hindus.
3. He was instrumental in passing the Age of Consent Act in 1894.
4. Malabari published a book in England “An Appeal from the daughters of India”.
Select the correct code from the following:
1,2 and 3
2,3 and 4
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
The doctrine of lapse was an annexation policy purportedly devised by Lord Dalhousie, who was the Governor General for the East India Company in India between 1848 and 1856. Which of the following statements are correct about the policy of ‘Doctrine of Lapse’?
1. This doctrine was based on the idea that in case a ruler of dependent state died childless, the right of ruling over the State reverted or ‘lapsed’ to the sovereign.
2. The state was not to pass to an adopted heir unless the adoption was approved by the British authorities.
3. Satara was the first state to be annexed under this policy.
4. Awadh was the last state to be annexed under ‘Doctrine of lapse’ which triggered the great revolt of 1857.
Select the code from the following:
1,2 and 3
2,3 and 4
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
Which of the following Acts ended the monopoly of trade of East India company in India?
Charter Act of 1793
Charter Act of 1813
Charter Act of 1833
Government of India Act 1858
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Permanent Settlement method of land revenue:
1. It was introduced in Bengal and Bihar by Warren Hastings.
2. The zamindars were made owners of the land and ownership was made hereditary and transferrable.
3. Cultivators were reduced to low status of mere tenants.
4. Zamindars were to give 50% of the rental they derived to the state, keeping 50% to themselves.
Which of the above statements are correct?
2 and 3
1,2 and 3
2,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
The revolt of 1857 came as a bitter shock to the British empire. Since it started as an army revolt, key changes were made in the Army to avoid such a situation again. Which of the following statements are correct regarding the changes made in the Indian Army?
1. The proportion of Europeans to Indians in the army was increased.
2. European troops were kept in key geographical and military positions.
3. Policy of ‘divide and rule’ was implemented by making battalions on the basis of caste and religion.
4. The older policy of excluding Indians from officer corps was abandoned and loyal Indians were given higher posts.
Select the code from the following:
2,3 and 4
1,2 and 3
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding the Khaksar movement:
1. It was started by a charismatic leader, Allama Mashriqi in Lahore.
2. Its aim was revival of orthodox Islam in India and establish a Muslim government.
3. Allama encouraged members of the movement to serve the people regardless of their caste or religion; and Khaksars were expected to convince others to join the movement through "love and affection.
4. Mahatma Gandhi Called Allama Mashriqi to join Quit India movement in 1942.
Select the correct statement from above:
1,2 and 3
1,3 and 4
2,3 and 4
1 and 2
Not Known
Which of the following political entities supported the Quit India Movement?
1. Muslim League
2. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
3. Hindu Mahasabha
4. Communist Party of India
5. Princely States
Select the code from the following:
1 and 4
2,3 and 5
2 and 3
None of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements about Tattvabodhini Sabha:
1. It was founded by Rabindranath Tagore.
2. The objective of Tattvabodhini Sabha was to encourage religious inquiries and disseminate the essence of Upanishads.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Not Known
Consider the following matches:
Author Literature
1. Premchand Bharat Durdasha
2. New lamps for Old Aurobindo Ghosh
3. Bhagat Singh Why I am an Atheist
4. Shyama Prasad Mukherji Young India
Select the correct code from the following:
3 only
1,3 and 4
2 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Baba Ramchandra:
1. He left for Fiji as an indentured labourer and changed his name to Ramchandra Rao to conceal his identity as Brahmin.
2. He returned to India, became a Sanyasi and started working for the upliftment of peasantry.
3. In 1920, he organized an all farmers association in Oudh, called Oudh Kisan Sabha.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
The second half of the 19th century saw a remarkable growth in the vernacular press. They played a critical role in creating socio-political awareness in the masses. They also became a vehicle in exposing the exploitative policies of the British government. Alarmed, by its growth, the government passed a Vernacular Press Act. Which of the following statements are correct about this act?
1. It was passed by Lord Ripon in 1878.
2. The magistrates of the districts were empowered, to call upon a printer and publisher of any kind to enter into a Bond, undertaking not to publish anything which might “rouse” feelings of disaffection against the government.
3. The magistrate was authorized to deposit a security, which could be confiscated if the printer violated the Bond.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements with Rare earth metals
1. As per IUPAC they are 17 rare earth metals
2. Among the rare earth metals there are 15 rare earth metals belonging to lanthanoid group and other two being scandium and yttrium
3. China has the largest reserves of rare earth metals
Select the correct option
1 &2 only
2&3 only
1&3 only
Not Known
Consider the fund “SMILE” as mentioned in the budget 2016-17
It is debt fund by SIDBI that will be used to provide soft term loans for MSME sectors to meet debt to equity norms
It is fund that will be used to provide rehabilitation care for women affected by violence
It is fund used to develop scientific temper among students in school
None of these
Not Known
Consider the following statements with respect to Kanheri caves
1. It is located in close proximity to Sanjay Gandhi National park in Madhya Pradesh
2. Kanheri caves are constructed with the influence of Buddhism
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
1 only
2 only
Not Known
Consider the following
1. George Yule
2. Sarojini Naidu
3. Annie besant
4. Chadrashekar Azad
5. Badruddin Tyabji
Select the above personalities who presided over the sessions of Indian National congress
1 and 4 only
1,2,3 and 5 only
2,3,4 and 5 only
All presided over INC sessions
Not Known
Silambham is a Martial art patronised by which of the following ancient Indian Kingdoms
Not Known
Although modern educated class, including Congress leadership was not happy with the provisions of the Indian Councils Act of 1892, it was considered as a major achievement of moderate INC. Which of the following statements are correct about Indian Councils Act 1892?
1. The Act was passed by the Central Legislative Council of India.
2. The idea of election was first time introduced through this Act.
3. The Act provided for additional members in Central as well as Provincial Legislative Council.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements:
1. Kaiser I Hind medal was awarded by the Indian Government for exceptional Public service.
2. Mahatma Gandhi was awarded Kaiser I Hind for recruiting volunteers for British Indian Army during World War I.
3. Mahatma Gandhi returned his award to protest against the draconian Rowlatt Act.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
None of the above
Not Known
Abhinav Bharat Society was one of the most significant of the secret societies of Maharashtra. Consider the following statements regarding Abhinava Bharat society:
1. It was initially started by Savarkar Brothers as Mitra Mela in Nasik.
2. It believed in overthrow of British government through armed rebellion.
3. It was involved in the killing of A.M.T. Jackson, the district magistrate of Nasik, the case popularly known as ‘The Nasik Conspiracy case’.
Which of the following statements are correct?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Sir William Jones:
1. He founded the ‘Asiatic Society of Bengal’.
2. The Gentoo Code or the legal code was translated by him from Sanskrit to English.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Not Known
Which of the following is the oldest Women University of India?
Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University (SNDT)- Mumbai
Jesus and Mary College- Delhi
Lady Sri Ram College for Women- Delhi
Sri Padmavati Mahila Viswavidyalayam – Tamil Nadu
Not Known
Consider the following statements:
1. A servant of India Society was founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale in London.
2. The aim of the society was to create awareness about imperialist plans and exploitation of India by Britain.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Not Known
The Deobandi movement was started in 1866 by orthodox Sunni Muslims. Which of the following statements are incorrect about Deobandi Movement?
1. It was a revivalist Islamic movement to propagate pure teachings of Quran and Hadith and to keep alive the spirit of Jihad again the foreign invader.
2. They were against the Aligarh movement and Sir Syed Ahmad.
3. They gave full support to formation of Indian National Congress.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
1 and 3
2 and 3
None of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements:
1. Lucknow Pact refers to an agreement between The Indian National Congress and The Muslim League.
2. Jinnah, member of Congress as well as league, was the mastermind and architect of this pact.
3. Same resolutions were passed by the Congress and the Muslim league in a joint session.
4. Lucknow session also established cordial relations between the moderate and extremist factions within Congress.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1,2 and 3
2,3 and 4
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
The Bardoli Satyagraha was a major event of civil disobedience and revolt in the Indian Independence Movement. Which of the following statements are correct about this movement?
1. The taluka Bardoli in Gujrat had suffered huge loss due to floods and famine. Despite this fact, the Bombay presidency raised the tax by 30%.
2. The Satyagraha was led by Congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.
3. The farmers refused the payment of taxes. In retaliation, government forcefully ceased all the property including cattle.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Who of the following eminent personalities gave the title ‘Mahatma’ to Gandhiji?
Sardar Vallabbhai Patel
Dr.Rajendra Prasad
Rabindranath Tagore
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Ahmadabad Mill strike:
1. There was a conflict between the mill owners and the workers on the issue of plague bonus and wage hike.
2. This was the first time Mahatma Gandhi used the method of Satyagraha (non-violent protest) in India.
3. The workers wanted a wage hike of 50% while Gandhiji asked them to settle at 35%.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
After sudden suspension of the non-cooperation movement the youth of the country was not satisfied. They wanted to overthrow the British rule by violence and revolutionary activities. One of the most prominent organizations that emerged during this time was Hindustan Republican Association (HRA). Which of the following statements are correct about HRA?
1. It was organized by Chandra Shekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh.
2. The aim was to establish “Federal Republic of the United States of India” by violent revolution.
3. The manifesto of HRA was called “The Revolutionary”.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding the “Self-Respect Movement”:
1. It was founded by E.V. Ramaswamy against Brahmanism in Kerala.
2. It aimed to achieve a society where backward classes have equal rights.
3. The movement promoted inter-caste marriages which were not officiated by a Brahmin Priest.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 only
2 and 3
1 and 2
None of the above
Not Known
First Factory Act was introduced by Lord Ripon in 1881 to improve the condition of factory workers in India. Which of the following were not the provisions of this Act?
1. The Act banned the appointment of children below 10 years of age.
2. The working hours for women were reduced to 8 hours a day.
3. It made compulsory for all dangerous machines in the factories to be properly fenced to ensure security to the workers.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
None of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Rani Gadinliu:
1. Gaidinliu was a Naga spiritual and political leader who led a violent revolt against the British at the age of 13.
2. She came to be considered an incarnation of the goddess Cherachamdinliu.
3. The title ‘Rani’ was given to her by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following
1. Jasrota
2. Kishtwar
3. Dachigam
Which of the above wild life sanctuary/national park is/are found in Kashmir?
1&2 only
2&3 only
1&3 only
Not Known
Consider the following
1. Uttarakhand
2. Himachal Pradesh
3. Kerala
Montane type of climate is found in which of the following states?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
Not Known
Consider the following
1. Spoon billed sandpiper
2. Ganges shark
3. Red panda
Which of the listed above species are critically endangered?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
Not Known
Global investment trend monitor report is released by which of the following international organisations
Not Known
Consider the following statement
1. Green climate fund was created under United Nations framework convention on climate change
2. Global environment facility is a financial mechanism to help developing countries to mitigate climate change and was created during recently held COP 21
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
1 only
2 only
Not Known
Which of the following are the views of the Orientalists, in regard to strengthen the hold of British rule in India?
1. Intellectual curiosity and romanticizing of India
2. Need of reform imposed from outside
3. Wanted gradual change via reason
4. Wanted immediate change via force if necessary
Select the correct answer from the following
1 only
1 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3 only
2, 3 and 4 only
Not Known
Which of the following initiatives were the ones which worked on the idea of a common political organisation for the whole India?
1. The East India Association
2. The Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
3. The Indian Association of Calcatta
4. The Madras Mahajana Sabha
5. Federation of the Native Pres
Select the correct answer from the options given below:
1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
1, 2, 3 and 5 are correct
1, 4 and 5 are correct
All are correct
Not Known
The moderate leaders’ political outlook was a happy combination of liberalism and moderation. And hence they worked to procure for Indian:
1. Freedom from race and creed prejudice
2. Equality before law
3. Extension of civil liberties
4. Extension of representative institutions
Select the correct answer from the following?
1 only
1 and 2 only
1, 2 and 3 only
1, 2, 3 and 4
Not Known
Which of the following were the beliefs of revolutionaries, in regard to Indian national movements?
1. The alien rule was destructive of all that is worthwhile in national life – political liberties, religious freedom, morality and culture.
2. The Western imperialism could only be ended by Western method of violence
Select the correct answer from the following?
Only 1 is correct
Only 2 is correct
Both are correct
Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
Not Known
Consider the following statements:
1. The INC was under the control of the Extremist when the I World war broke out in 1914
2. Still, the INC decided to support the British war efforts, both as a matter of duty and in a spirit of bargaining to bet concession
Select the correct answer from the following?
Only 1 is correct
Only 2 is correct
Both are correct
Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
Not Known
The script of Indus Valley civilization is considered to be the oldest script of the Indian Sub continent. Which of the following statements are correct about this script?
1. Despite the efforts of linguists and symbologists, it is yet undeciphered.
2. The script is written in Boustrophedon fashion.
3. Square stamp seals are the dominant form of Indus writing media.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Which of the following statements are correct about the town planning of Indus Valley Civilisation?
1. The towns had well laid covered drains and houses had toilets.
2. Bricks were used for the first time in the history by habitants of Indus Valley civilization.
3. All houses were single storied and with standard size showing equal economic status of everyone.
4. Proper granaries were built to store surplus grains.
Select the code from the following:
1,2 and 4
1 and 4
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Yoga:
1. It is amongst the six ideologies of Hinduism.
2. We have received the knowledge of Yoga from ancient written accounts of Patanjali.
3. Yoga is covered under AYUSH program as an indigenous therapy.
Which of the above statements are correct regarding Yoga?
1 and 3
1 and 2
2 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding Early Vedic Period:
1. Aryans referred to Indus people as Dasyus.
2. Early Aryans made large wooden castles to protect themselves from foreign attacks.
3. Instead of land, the tribes owned cattle as private property.
4. Aryans used Chariots instead of riding a horse.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1,2 and 3
2,3 and 4
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
Out of Six ‘Astikas’ of Hindu philosophy, which of the following is the oldest?
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding the ‘Prayag Prashasti’:
1. It contains inscriptions praising the political and military achievement of Chandra Gupta II.
2. The inscription were written by Harisena, the court poet and minister in Gupta Court.
3. The inscriptions are written in Pali language under Ashokan edict.
4. The edict contains the inscriptions of Ashoka, the Guptas and Jehangir.
Which of the above statements are incorrect?
1 and 3
2 and 4
1,3 and 4
None of the above
Not Known
Current the Hindu calendar that is being used is modified ‘Shaka Samvat’- Saka calendar. Consider the following statements:
1. Saka era was started by Kanishka in AD 78.
2. Kanishka was the founder of Saka dynasty in India.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Not Known
Which of the following Tamil Sangam literary piece of art are correctly matched with their content:
1. Thirukullar Tamil grammar treatise
2. Tolakappiam Philosophical work
3. Ettutukai Anthology
4. Silappadikkaram Epic
Select the code from following:
All of the above
1 and 2
3 and 4
2,3 and 4
Not Known
Consider the following statements:
1. Jainism predates Buddhism, while Buddha was older than Mahavira.
2. Right faith, Right knowledge and Right Conduct are the ‘Triratnas’ (three gems) of Jainism.
3. To remove all sufferings Mahavira gave an eight fold path to be followed.
Which of the above statements are correct?
2 only
1 and 2
2 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Mudrarakshasa’:
1. It is a historical play written by Kalidasa that narrates the ascent of king Chandragupta Maurya to power in India.
2. Chanakya Neeti of Saam, Daam, Dand, Bhed is mentioned in Mudrarakshasa.
3. Mudrarakshasa is written in Sanskrit.
Which of the above statements are incorrect?
1 only
1 and 2
All of the above
None of the above
Not Known
Many new creeds and faiths emerged in the 6th century BC against the contemporary Brahmanical society. One of the most staunch amongst them was the Ajivika Sect. Which of the following statements are correct about the Ajivikas?
1. Ajivika was one of the ‘Nastika’ school of Indian philosophy.
2. It was founded by Makkhali Gosala.
3. Ajivikas do not believe in Karma philosophy and believe that whatever happens is preordained by the cosmic order.
4. Bindusara was a follower of Ajivika Sect.
Select the code from the following:
1 and 4
2 and 3
1,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
Milind or Menander-I was one of the most famous Indo-Bactrian King. The most important source of information about him is Milind Panho written by Nagasena. Which of the following statements about Milind Panho are correct?
1. It contains religious dialogues of Milind with a Buddhist monk.
2. It is written in Sanskrit.
Select the code from the following:
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Not Known
Which of the following statements are correct about ‘PanchaSiddhanta’?
1. It was written by Aryabhatta.
2. It is a detailed account of Greek and Roman Astrology.
Select the correct code from the following:
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Not Known
Consider the following statements regarding the society in Chola kingdom:
1. Cholas were Shaivites and they patronized only Shiva temples.
2. The Devadasi system emerged during this period.
3. Practice of Sati was absent in the society.
4. The inscriptions during Chola rule, mentions about 6 broad caste divisions.
Which of the above statements are incorrect?
1,2 and 3
1,3 and 4
2,3 and 4
All of the above
Not Known
Which of the following inscription provide detailed information about the formation and functioning of village assemblies during Chola period?
Tanjore Inscription
Mammalapuram inscription
Uttiramerur Inscription
Gangaikondacholapuram inscription
Not Known
‘Palmyra’, the ancient city was recently in news. In which of the following countries is it located?
Saudi Arabia
Not Known
“International Intellectual Property Index” is compiled by which of the following organizations?
World Bank
US Chamber of Commerce
Not Known
Consider the following statements with respect to “Nai Manzil”
1. The scheme is launched by Skill Development Ministry
2. The scheme focuses on education and skill development of BPL and APL families
Select the correct option
1 only
2 only
Not Known
Shishu, Kishore, Tarun are terms associated with which of the following government of India scheme
Loans issued under Start Up India
Development stages of Smart City Mission
Loans issued under MUDRA Scheme
Age based vaccines under Mission Indradhanush
Not Known
“Global financial literacy survey” is a report released by which of the following organization?
S&P rating services
Not Known
“Gender Development Index” is a report released by which of the following organizations?
Not Known
Consider the following statements with respect to ‘Bilateral Totalization Agreement (BTA)’
1. It ensures that the tax charged for the exclusive purpose of social security in one country is excluded from taxation
2. India has a BTA with USA but not Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)
3. USA has a BTA with only two Asian countries – Japan and South Korea
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
Only 1
1 and 2
1 and 3
Only 3
Not Known
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the
List I   List II
A. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel    1. Good Governance Day
B. Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya   2. Antyodaya Diwas
C. Atal Bihari Vajpayee   3. National Unity Day
D. Dr. B R Ambedkar
1-( )-3-2
3-2-1-( )
( )-3-2-1
2-3-( )-1
Not Known
Consider the following statements with respect to Rat Hole Mining.
1. It is mainly used for iron ore and coal mining in India
2. It is more prevalent in the state of Jharkhand
3. National Green Tribunal has issued a blanket ban on Rat Hole Mining
Which of the statements is/are incorrect?
Only 2
1 and 2
2 and 3
All of the above
Not Known
Which of the following statements is not true about Mural Painting?
1) Murals are large works executed on the walls of solid structure
2) Murals are mainly found in natural caves and rock-cut chambers
3) Themes of Murals - Buddhist, Jain and Hindu religions
Select the correct code
1 only
1 and 3 only
2 only
None of the above
Not Known
The Fourth Buddhist Council was held in Kashmir under the leadership of
Not Known
Which of the following statement is/are correct about archaeological survey of India?
1) ASI is responsible for the maintenance, restoration and discovery of ancient monument, archeological site, horticulture site and museums.
2) Archeological and historical pursuits in India started with the effort of Charles Wilkins.
3) ASI is also responsible for epigraphical and numismatic study.
4) It is also responsible for archeological expedition outside India.
Select the appropriate code:
1 and 2 only
1, 2 and 3 only
1, 3 and 4 only
Al of the above
Not Known
Consider the following statements with regard to Sarnath:
1) Sarnath, an important seat of Buddhist pilgrimage is located just a few kilometers from Varanasi near the confluence of the Ganga and the Gomti rivers.
2) World Bank to fund for Sarnath redevelopment
3) Lord Buddha gave his 1st sermon here
4) Shreyamshanath (11th Thirthankara) of Jainism was born here
Which of the above statement is/are not correct?
1 only
2 only
All of the above
Not Known
The famous phrase ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ belongs to which Upanishad?
Mundaka Upanishad
Maho Upanishad
Brihadaranyako Upanishad
Kena Upanishad
Not Known
Consider the following pairs:
(Foreign Travellers) (Visited during)
1) Marco polo : Pandya Kingdom
2) Bernier : : Shah Jahan
3) Ralph Fisch : : Akbar
Which of the pairs given above are matched correctly?
1, 2 and 3 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
1 and 2 only
Not Known
Match the incorrect pairs:
Renowned works : : Artists
1) Landscape : : Ram Kumar
2) Tandava : : Swaminathan
3) Peace : : K.K. Hebbar
4) Monkey God : : M.F.Husain
5) Indian traditional Girl : : I.Jayachandran
Choose the answer from the code below
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
None of the above
Not Known
{"name":"History And Current Affairs Quiz-2 (100 questions)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Congress Session of Calcutta in the year 1906 after Bengal Partition was significant in many ways. Which of the following statements are correct about this Congress Session? 1. It was presided by Dr. Rashbihari Ghosh. 2. Congress adopted ‘Swaraj’ as the goal of Indian people. 3. A resolution on partition of Bengal was passed. 4. The Congress got split into moderates and extremists. Select the correct code from the following:, Home Rule league movement of 1916 played an important role in creating political awareness in masses and putting up a united front against the British rule. Consider the following statements regarding the Indian Home Rule League: 1. It was designed on the lines of Irish Home Rule league. 2. It was started first by Annie Besant and later by Bal Gangadhar Tilak. 3. The aim of the league was to attain independence from the British rule and have self government. 4. The two leagues cooperated with each other as well as with Congress and Muslim League. 5. Tilak’s movement was concentrated in Maharashtra while Besant’s movement in rest of the country. 6. Montague’s August declaration to gradually develop self governing institutions in India led to the end of Home rule Movement. Which of the above statements are correct?, On what charges were Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru sentenced to death? 1. For throwing bomb in the assembly 2. For killing of Asst. Superintendent of Police J.P. Saunders 3. For Kakori Conspiracy case 4. For the Hunger strike unto death in Lahore Central Jail Which of the above reasons are correct?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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