Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Thu, 12 Nov 20
[2011.05329] S. V. Chekanov, G. Gavalian, N. A. Graf: Jas4pp -- a Data-Analysis Framework for Physics and Detector Studies
[2011.05342] Thomas P. Wytock, Manjing Zhan, Adrian Jinich et al.: Extreme antagonism arising from gene-environment interactions
[2011.05379] Fernando F. Martins, Teônis S. Paiva, Daniel G. Duarte et al.: Emergent magnetic monopole and dipole screening by proximity effect with noble metal
[2011.05385] A. Y. Wong, J. Z. Chen, M. J. Guffey et al.: Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on Nuclear Processes
[2011.05392] Giulia Silveri, Lorenzo Pascazio, Aleksandar Miladinovic et al.: Smoking effect on the circadian rhythm of blood pressure in hypertensive subjects
[2011.05396] Eugene Kur, Malcolm Lazarow, Jonathan S. Wurtele et al.: Nonlinear Polarization Transfer and Control of Two Laser Beams Overlapping in a Uniform Nonlinear Medium
[2011.05413] Luis Espath: On the control volume arbitrariness in the Navier--Stokes equation
[2011.05426] H. Kambalathmana, A. M. Flatae, L. Hunold et al.: Optical properties of silicon-implanted polycrystalline diamond membranes
[2011.05450] Sergey Zayko, Ofer Kfir, Michael Heigl et al.: Ultrafast high-harmonic nanoscopy of magnetization dynamics
[2011.05485] C. F. Clauser, S. C. Jardin: ITER cold VDEs in the limit of a perfectly conducting first wall
[2011.05492] Kiumars Aryana, John T. Gaskins, Joyeeta Nag et al.: Interface controlled thermal properties of ultra-thin chalcogenide-based phase change memory devices
[2011.05508] Abuduwaili Abudukelimu, Ziyan Zhang, Tursunay Yibibulla et al.: Quantitative Study on Circular Dichroism Induction from Achiral Nanostructure-Chiral Matter Near Field Interactions
[2011.05515] Ran Guo: Stationary states of polytropic plasmas
[2011.05569] Tim Wallis, Philip T. Barton, Nikolaos Nikiforakis: A Flux-enriched Godunov Method for Multi-material Problems with Interface Slide and Void Opening
[2011.05593] Y. Chen, C. Y. Zheng, Z. J. Liu et al.: Influences of sinusoidal density modulation on stimulated Raman scattering in inhomogeneous plasmas
[2011.05599] Youcheng Liu: Field Tests of High-Density Oil-Based Drilling Fluid Application in Horizontal Segment
[2011.05603] Ryusuke Numata: Random forcing with a constant power input for two-dimensional gyrokinetic simulations
[2011.05618] Danila Barskiy, John Blanchard, Moritz Reh et al.: Zero-Field J-spectroscopy of Quadrupolar Nuclei
[2011.05636] Evgeny Kochurin, Guillaume Ricard, Nikolay Zubarev et al.: Numerical Simulation of Collinear Capillary-Wave Turbulence
[2011.05640] Shimon Elkabetz, K. Nireekshan Reddy, Parry Y. Chen et al.: Optimization of second-harmonic generation from touching plasmonic wires
[2011.05643] Wei Wan, Wei Shen, Zhenxiong Yuan et al.: Evaluation of the KLauS ASIC at low temperature
[2011.05655] Wenqi Yan, Tao Hua, Li Zhou et al.: The replacement system of the JUNO liquid scintillator pilot experiment at Daya Bay
[2011.05659] Juan J. Omiste, Lars Bojer Madsen: Photoionization of aligned excited states in neon by attosecond laser pulses
[2011.05662] Danilo Beli, Matheus I. N. Rosa, Carlos De Marqui Jr. Et al.: Mechanics and dynamics of two-dimensional quasiperiodic composites
[2011.05672] L. Zhang, J. S. He, Y. Narita et al.: On the Conditions of Aliasing Effects in Constellations with More than Four Spacecraft
[2011.05685] Anjana M. Samarakoon, D. Alan Tennant: Machine Learning for Magnetic Phase Diagrams and Inverse Scattering Problems
[2011.05694] Luis A. Aleman-Castaneda, Fernando Zvietcovich, Kevin J. Parker: Reverberant Elastography for the Elastic Characterization of Anisotropic Tissues
[2011.05745] S. Baars, D. Castellana, F.W. Wubs et al.: Application of Adaptive Multilevel Splitting to High-Dimensional Dynamical Systems
[2011.05760] Sujay Kr. Biswas, Atreyee Biswas: Phase Space Analysis and Thermodynamics of Interacting Umami Chaplygin gas in FRW Universe
[2011.05763] V. Yu. Tertychny-Dauri: Hilbert's 6-th Problem and Axiomatization of Dynamics
[2011.05764] Anil Kumar Yadav: Note on Tsallis holographic dark energy in Brans-Dicke cosmology
[2011.05765] Valery V. Smirnov, Margarita I. Zhilnikova1, Ekaterina V. Barmina et al.: Laser fragmentation of Aluminum nanoparticles in liquid isopropanol
[2011.05774] Matthew Garrod, Nick S. Jones: Influencing dynamics on social networks without knowledge of network microstructure
[2011.05776] Sergey Ershkov, Alla Rachinskaya: Semi-analytical solution for the trapped orbits of satellite near the planet in ER3BP
[2011.05780] Robert J. H. Ross, Walter Fontana: Balancing conservative and disruptive growth in the voter model
[2011.05789] Dianailys Nuñez-Reyes, Cédric Bray, Kevin M. Hickson et al.: Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the N(2D) + H2 and D2 Reactions
[2011.05794] Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón, Juan Pablo Sáenz, J. Sunil Rao et al.: Mode hunting through active information
[2011.05796] Michal Demetrian: A short note on Casimir force and radius stabilization in QFT with non-commutative target space
[2011.05803] Francesco Borra, Marco Baldovin: Using machine-learning modelling to understand macroscopic dynamics in a system of coupled maps
[2011.05812] Charles Lin, Pohan Chang, Yiwen Su et al.: Electrically-Reconfigurable Passive and Active Circuits in a Single Plasmonic Architecture
[2011.05833] Akash Kundu, Chao Jin, Jia-Xin Peng: Optical response of a dual membrane active-passive optomechanical cavity
[2011.05843] Yazhou Wang, Abubakar Isa Adamu, Manoj Kumar Dasa et al.: Noise performance and long-term stability of near- and mid-IR gas-filled fiber Raman lasers
[2011.05865] Giulia Pancheri, Yogendra N. Srivastava: About soft photon resummation
[2011.05866] Jinpu Lin, Qian Qian, Jon Murphy et al.: Feature analysis in relativistic laser-plasma experiments utilizing machine learning methods
[2011.05892] N. N. Myagkov: On hydrodynamic instability of chemical oscillations
[2011.05908] Alexander S. Blum: The state is not abolished, it withers away: how quantum field theory became a theory of scattering
[2011.05966] Spencer A. Hill, Simona Bordoni, Jonathan L. Mitchell: Dynamical constraints on the solsticial Hadley Cell ascending edge in Earth's macroturbulent atmosphere
[2011.05968] Andrew O. Neely, Kayleigh Cassella, Scott Eustice et al.: Isotope Shifts in the Metastable a$^5$F and Excited y$^5$G$^\circ$ Terms of Atomic Titanium
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Thu, 12 Nov 20","img":""}
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