New Saplanan Political Party

A political landscape depicting the struggle between monarchy, democracy, and radicalism within a fictional country, with symbols representing various ideologies, against a backdrop of dark clouds and hope.

The New Saplanan Political Quiz

Discover your political beliefs and how they align with the New Saplanan Political Party through this engaging quiz. Answer a series of thought-provoking questions on key topics such as democracy, economy, and war to better understand your stance.

  • 12 insightful questions
  • Multiple perspectives on critical issues
  • Reflect on your views and learn about different ideologies
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by AdvancingTruth947
The Topic of the Throne
The secession of our Motherland was a disaster! We must return to our rightful king and to our homeland, the Kingdom of Pruele!
Republicanism was a mistake that has brought nothing but terror, but we are Saplanan, not Prueli. We must keep to our heritage and found our own dynasty, albeit under the Prueli's league.
The throne is nothing more but a decadent relic. We need no king, only ourselves!
The Topic of Democracy
Democracy has long been a failure. Uneducated populists and radical traitors worm their way into every level of government. We must return to the rule of an educated hereditary ruler to guide us.
Democracy is a learning experience, one we have yet to truly learn from. Our republic will learn with time, and what we have now will last the stretches of time.
These lands have never known democracy! From indigenous kings to decadent capitalists, the commoner has known nothing but toil. We must unite the democratic forces of society under the state, and expunge those who would seek to control us!
The Topic of the Economy
We must undo the ravages of urbanization. Cruel urbanites look down upon the fair peasant while scouring the lands of their rightful labour. We must protect the peasant, weaken the city and ensure equality between the labouring classes.
New Saplana is ravaged by periodic luxury shortages, yet we are overwhelmed with food excess. We must encourage heavy industry and migration to the cities so that we might become a proper industrial power.
The Topic of Radicalism
Radicals do nothing but bring death and pain with them. S.N.P, Yolkische, Ulterbeit. All of them must be brought to kneel before they bring us.
Radicalism is an unfortunate consequence of democratic societies. All we can do is work against their nefarious goals, educate the common man and fight for the common good.
Radicalism is the future!
The Topic of Religion
There is one faith and one faith only, that of the Holy Moon!
Secularization has done away with the issue of religion, let each have that which they desire in their homes.
The Gods have given us the task of liberating the commons, and that is what must be done!
The Topic of Prueli
We must seek closer relations with the Kingdom in these trying times. War is on the horizon, and we must remain on the winning side.
The Kingdom was our oppressor and remains our oppressor today! The only relation we must have is one of struggle.
The Topic of Minorities
Ethnic and cultural minorities are threats to Saplanan hegemony. Assimilate or leave.
Minorities enrich our society with their strange ideas, beliefs and foods. We must strive to spread liberty to all within our borders.
Minorities are a concept that exists only in the mind of the powerful, seeking to divide and conquer. All of us are humans, and we all must come together as equals.
The Topic of the Jasni.
The Jasni, laid low in the First and Second Great Wars, once more lay claim to land outside their borders and seek to reunify their shattered empire. We must strike them down once and for all! No appeasement and no peace!
The Jasni have been humiliated and shattered. It is only our fault they have been driven to radicalism. We must recognize the Jasni and make amends. Only then will they be able to reintegrate into the world wide community.
The Topic of War
Our nation was ravaged by the Second Great War, and we have still yet to recover fully. We need peace and restoration. Abolish conscription and the draft, and turn to isolation.
Vigilance is the only protector from war. We must ensure our army is ready, our industry strong, and our patriotism is steeled.
War is a tool to meet an end, and it is a powerful tool. We must expand conscription, expand access to weaponry, expand the reaches of our fleets and airforce. We must be a superpower by 1980!
The Topic of You
I am a woman.
I am a man.
I am a sexual minority.
I am heterosexual.
I am nonbinary.
I am a racial minority.
I am not a racial minority.
I am very poor.
I am well off.
I am liberal.
I am conservative.
I am religious.
I am an atheist.
The Topic of the Indigenous
These lands were tamed by our forefathers. They belong to us and shall remain so.
We cannot undo the crimes of the past. We must extend the reservations and work to give equality to those we have harmed.
We must retreat from the Indigenous Territories entirely! It is a crime to settle our colonists in lands still occupied by native peoples!
The Topic of the Opposition
Our political enemies deserve no quarter and no respect. They seek our deaths, and we seek theirs!
Opposition is healthy in a democratic society. We must respect their beliefs, albeit undermine them whenever possible.
{"name":"New Saplanan Political Party", "url":"","txt":"Discover your political beliefs and how they align with the New Saplanan Political Party through this engaging quiz. Answer a series of thought-provoking questions on key topics such as democracy, economy, and war to better understand your stance.12 insightful questionsMultiple perspectives on critical issuesReflect on your views and learn about different ideologies","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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