What faction do you belong to

A vibrant collage of iconic movie characters and gaming elements, showcasing a mix of competitive scenarios and humorous moments, reflecting the spirit of fandom and rivalry.

Face Off: The Ultimate Faction Quiz

Are you ready to discover where you belong in the game? This engaging quiz will analyze your gaming preferences and help you identify your faction, whether you're a fierce competitor or just looking to enjoy the fun!

  • 18 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice and range options
  • Find out your gaming personality!
18 Questions4 MinutesCreated by JumpingJester42
What type of opponent's would you like to face?
I want to face the best players I can.
I want easy matches so I feel good about myself
Name 3 of the seven dwarves
Grumpy, Dopey, Doc
I got all 7
I Don't Know
Did you watch Jurassic Park in Theaters?
Perfect F'in Movie
A challenge doesn't go your way, how do you respond?
Take it Easy
Message the writer with arguments afterwards
Complain to your friends
Yell at Caleb Boatman
Do you want your Manager to show up to your matches
Only if he's high
What type of questions would you prefer to get?
If someone asks me a data question I will scream
If someone asks me a plot question I will scream
How do you study
I study what I need to but I don't where my self out
As much as I can
I have taken notes on every frame of the movies.
You guys Study?
I'd rather get high
How do you feel about Caleb Boatman
He's cool
I would like to strangle him
What is the first sequel to win best picture
Godfather 2
The Godfather Part 2
How do you feel about Oscars?
Love them
Kill Me
How do you feel about Kaleb Koho
He's cool
I want to stuff his crown up his ass
Rate how uncomfortable you are with Peter Sellers playing a chineese person?
How do you feel about musicals?
I am a Straight White man and I enjoyed Mama Mia
What is the Best strategy
Find a round 3 category and keep using it
Prepare a larger specific category to use against your opponent
Use very specific categories in round 2 so you can rely on studying
Use poker strategy to work out the wheel
Have you seen Sky High at least 5 times in your life?
Are you good?
Who is your lord and savior
Sandy Robinson
Tony Heald
Who are you?
Jeremy Adams
Jake Meltzer
{"name":"What faction do you belong to", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready to discover where you belong in the game? This engaging quiz will analyze your gaming preferences and help you identify your faction, whether you're a fierce competitor or just looking to enjoy the fun!18 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice and range optionsFind out your gaming personality!","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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