Wings of Fire Which Dragon Tribe are You? Quiz

A vibrant fantasy landscape featuring different dragon tribes from a fictional world, showcasing unique dragons in their habitats, with a mystical and colorful sky.

Wings of Fire: Discover Your Dragon Tribe!

Are you curious about which Dragon Tribe you'd belong to in the world of Wings of Fire? This engaging quiz allows you to explore your personality traits, preferences, and hidden qualities as you answer twelve thought-provoking questions.

  • Uncover fascinating insights about yourself!
  • Connect with your favorite characters and tribes!
  • Share your results and challenge your friends!
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by FlyingDragon247
How would your friends describe you?
None of these...
What are some physical traits of yours?
Covered in Jewelry
None of these...
What do you like to do?
Spend time with family and friends
Sleep/Relax/Have Fun
Be alone
Hang out with high society
Be in charge
Plan for battle
Live a normal life
It depends on what others want to do...
Show off/watch feats of strength
Pursue my dream
Spend time with those I am loyal to
None of these...
Where is your ideal home location(If you could survive there without discomfort)?
Tropical Rainforest
Frozen Tundra
In civilization
Near Trees(Vengeful)
Near Trees(Forgiving
Wherever others want to be...
High in the mountains
Underwater would be cool
The Desert
None of these...
What is/are your favorite color(s)?
It depends on my mood...
Icy Blue/White
Deep Blue/Aquamarine/Green
Pale Yellow/Gold-ish
None of these...
What is your biggest fear?
Losing my friends and family
Peace bring broken
My secrets being revealed
Being frowned upon by society
Not being listened to
Being told I can't
Being found by my worse enemy
Someone being dissapointed in/mad at me
I fear nothing! Well... Maybe losing...
My dreams being crushed
Small spaces
None of these...
What kind of people do you hang out with?
Only my family and friends who love me for who I am
I'll hang out with anyone!
Those I can trust with my secrets
Only people in my level of society
People who will listen to me
People who share the same enemies as me
People who are similar to me
Anyone who will hang out with me
I refuse to hang out with anyone!
Smart people, like me
People I can trust. I am very careful when choosing my friends.
None of these...
If you could change your name, what would it be? (Use your original gender)
Female: Sora; Male: Clay
Female: Glory; Male: Jambu
Female: Moonwatcher; Male: Starflight
Female: Snowfall; Male: Winter
Female: Wasp; Male: Malachite
Female: Sundew; Male: Hawthorn
Female: Willow; Male: Redwood
Female: Luna; Male: Swordtail
Female: Scarlet; Male: Osprey
Female: Tsunami; Male: Riptide
Female: Thorn; Male: Dune
None of these...
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Fire/Holding my breath for an hour
Reading minds/telling the future
Survive in freezing cold temperatures/ice blasts
Anything from acid to a stinger
Control Plants(Vengeful)
Control Plants(Forgiving)
Harmless silk-spinning
Breathing underwater/Glowing skin
None of these...
A random person walks up to you and somehow knows your name. They ask why you haven’t been answering your calls. What do you say/do?
€I don’t know you…”
€I don’t know who you are, but we can totally hang out sometime!”
Pretend I know them and learn all their secrets
€I have no time to deal with commoners.”
I try to get control of the situation.
I label them as an enemy, glare at them, and walk away.
I act as confused as I am and tell the truth about the situation.
I find the nearest person I know and ask them what to do.
I don’t have time for this. I ignore them and continue on with my day.
I analyze the situation, and I reply in the smartest way possible.
I get the help of my best friend next to me.
None of these...
You are waiting in line for a roller coaster that’s being discontinued right after you ride. A person cuts in front of you and takes the last spot in line. What do you say/do?
€Oh, excuse me? I was standing there, but you can have it if you want.”
I’m too lazy to deal with this. I shrug and go home to take a nap.
I cut back in front of them.
€Excuse me!? I was sorta standing there! Do you know who I am!?”
I take control of the situation.
€Hey! I was standing there! Move out of the way!” And I push them aside.
€Excuse me? That’s my spot, and you kind of stole it.”
I lower my head and walk home.
I grunt, tap them on the shoulder, and say, “Hey. I was standing there.”
I analyze the situation, and say the smartest thing possible.
I gang up on them with my BFF.
None of these…
You have been waiting a long time for a new movie to come out, but when you go to the movie theatre, the employee says it’s all sold out for the entire week. What do you say/do?
€I understand. I’ll wait for my chance to get a ticket.”
I’m too lazy to deal with this. I rent the movie and watch it from home.
I bribe them to give me one of the seats.
Be a Karen.
I take control of the situation and ask when the next available show is.
€I have waited so long for this movie and I am NOT missing it.” I sneak in.
Answer like a normal human being.
€Okay. It’s fine…”
€Ugh! Are you serious? This is not my day…”
I analyze the situation and say the smartest thing possible.
I go with my BFF who bought tickets beforehand.
None of these...
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