How GOOD/BAD are you at SOLOQ? (Master Rank)

How Good Are You at SoloQ?
Test your skills in SoloQ and discover your strengths as a Master Rank player. This comprehensive quiz will help determine your knowledge of team composition and optimal strategies in Pokémon Unite.
- Multiple-choice questions
- Assess your role effectiveness
- Learn about jungle timings and team fight strategies
What TYPE of Pokémon would you pick? (and use effectively)
I can only use my MAIN
Mainly Lane Attackers
Mainly Junglers
Mainly Supporters
Mainly Tanks
At least 3 roles (ex.Atk/Jung/Tnk)
Mainly Lane All Rounders
What do you do if there already are 1+ ATTACKERS selected?
I must pick my MAIN
I pick another ATK I like
I pick another ATK that I can use effectively
I pick another not-so-squishy ATK
I pick another role
I pick another ATK, depending on my lane partner
What do you do if someone already selected JUNGLE?
I'll steal the jungle
I pick another role
I wait to see if I have to pick another role
I go with my jungler in lane
What do you do if there already are 1+ ALL ROUNDER selected?
Still pick an All Rounder
I'd consider another role
What do you do if there already are 1+ TANKS selected?
I'll still pick my main
I'll consider another role
What do you do if there already are 1+ SUPPORTERS selected?
I'll still pick my main
I'll consider another role
Even if unusual, it MAY be fine. Your team won't be too squishy at the very least.
But be keep in mind your team might lack some damage output! Escpecially Bursty damage - take this into account.
Even if 2 SUPPORTERS are unusual, it MAY be fine. Your team won't be too squishy at the very least.
But be keep in mind your team might lack some damage output! Escpecially Bursty damage - take this into account.
Correct! But let's pretend every role is available, just pick your favourite now.
Lane Attacker/AllRounder
JUNGLE clear-time is crucial, when should you be in lane? (1st gank)
Around 9:12
Around 9:00
Around 8:50
I never noticed
Hm, a bit too slow but not too-too bad...
Jungle Clears must take 45s top - so the first Gank should happen around 9:12 or earlier! So you're either using a Pokemon not fit for the Jungle, or you're using the wrong combos to speed up your clearing time.
When you get back to your JUNGLE? (after 1st gank)
Right after bees (8:45)
After taking mid corphish (8:20)
Slightly overstay if I see an easy kill that'll lead to a score
Don't usually look at the timer
The truth is: there's not a definitive answer. A Jungler needs to take these decisions on the fly. Do I overstay, considering I'll be in JUNGLE during 7.20 bees? Or do I immediately go back, trying to get Lv9 WITH said Bees?
This truly depends by the situation you're in and the Pokémon you're using, Talonflame and Dragonite don't really need Lv9 - while Charizard and Gengar do!
Be wary: having multiple attackers will result in a squishy-team that could be wiped at every teamfight if the opponents have multiple tanky&bursty all-rounders or a strong Assassin.
A sub-optimal choice, you'll need to pay EXTRA attention througout the game - and do well in lane early on.
Many ALL ROUNDERS are stupidly OP right now, so much that we started to forgot how strong Lucario is. So honestly you can have a couple of them in your lanes without lacking nor bulk nor attack.
Just be wary, you need a good early game or your team will stay behind due to having too many evolutions.
You and your laning partner are reaching your selected LANE, farming Aipoms along the way. What's your goal here?
Farm as much as possible, making sure my auto-attacks range stay out of Jungle to avoid stealing by accident
Farm equally with my partner to reach Lv3, making sure my auto-attacks range stay out of Jungle to avoid stealing by accident
Farm as much as possible, it's SOLO and it's unnecessary to care for my partner
Either farm the Aipoms or something from the Jungle
You and your laning partner are reaching your selected LANE, farming Aipoms along the way. What's your goal here?
Farm as much as possible, making sure my auto-attacks range stay out of Jungle to avoid stealing by accident
Farm equally with my partner to reach Lv3, making sure my auto-attacks range stay out of Jungle to avoid stealing by accident
Farm as much as possible, it's SOLO and it's unnecessary to care for my partner
Either farm the Aipoms or something from the Jungle
You and your laning partner are reaching your selected LANE, farming Aipoms along the way. What's your goal here?
Farm as much as possible, making sure my auto-attacks range stay out of Jungle to avoid stealing by accident
Farm equally with my partner to reach Lv3, making sure my auto-attacks range stay out of Jungle to avoid stealing by accident
Farm as much as possible, it's SOLO and it's unnecessary to care for my partner
Either farm the Aipoms or something from the Jungle
With EXP.SHARE I don't need to last hit, only hitting to speed the farming up - making sure my auto-attacks range stay out of Jungle to avoid stealing by accident. We'll both be past LV3 this way.
You and your parther (both LV3) reached your selected LANE, what's your plan now?
We both reach LV4 and positioning for 8:50 bees
Engage enemies as much as possible to damage them as much as I can
Last hit farm from my laning partner, trying to level up as much as possible.
Take the Corphish in the Jungle to get extra farm
Let's say you're TOP and 7:20 Bees are about to spawn. What do you do?
Take as many bees as possible, then heal and stay for Rotom while my team gets Dreadnaw.
Take as many bees as possible, then immediately base to be BOT on time for Dreadnaw (7:00)
Just TWO more questions. Please, re-select your ROLE so the Test can present you the correct question.
Lane Attacker
All Rounder
As a SUPPORT how would you deal with a TEAMFIGHT? (Dreadnaw&Zapdos)
Lead the action and aid THE ATTACKER dealing more damage
Make sure MY TEAM is in the right position for me tu support them keeping the front-line alive
Stay HIDDEN and try to secure the objective with my skill/ult
Stay behind to FARM, the opponents may be disorganized and my team might still win
As a JUNGLER how would you deal with a TEAMFIGHT? (Dreadnaw&Zapdos)
Lead the action and tackle THE OPPOSING TEAM head on using my Lv advantage
Stay behind to FARM, the opponents may be disorganized and my team might still win
Wait for TANKS & ALLROUNDERS to start dealing some damage/stuns, before throwing my Unite Move on the weakened opponents
Stay HIDDEN and try to secure the objective with my skill/ult
As an ATTACKER how would you deal with a TEAMFIGHT? (Dreadnaw&Zapdos)
Lead the ACTION starting dealing damage from afar, but throwing myself in after Tanks/Allrounders
Lead the ACTION starting dealing damage from afar and Ulting as soon as I can to take kills
Stay behind to FARM, the opponents may be disorganized and my team might still win
Stay HIDDEN and try to secure the objective with my skill/ult
As an ALL ROUNDER how would you deal with a TEAMFIGHT? (Dreadnaw&Zapdos)
Charging into the enemy team, using my shields/stuns to create openings
Stay behind to FARM, the opponents may be disorganized and my team might still win
Waiting for a TANK or an ATTACKER to start poking/stunning using the distraction to surprise and pick enemies to burst/stun - using my shields to keep staying in the fight
Stay HIDDEN and try to secure the objective with my skill/ult
As a TANK how would you deal with a TEAMFIGHT? (Dreadnaw&Zapdos)
Charging into THE ENEMY team, using my stuns to create openings and Ult to stay alive.
Charging into the enemy, making sure MY TEAM team was positioned and ready to follow me. Using my stuns to create openings and Ult to stay alive.
Stay behind to FARM, the opponents may be disorganized and my team might still win
Stay HIDDEN and try to secure the objective with my skill/ult
Sub-optimal. It depends on the situation but rushing things can cause you to die too early.
Leaving your teammates at a numerical disadvantage, and forcing them to make up for your mistake.
After this: rinse and repeat!
Back to your lane, farm the Audinos and show on time for objectives.
Final question: What among these options can't be missing when Zapdos spawns?
Sneak a +100 score
Unite Move ready
Chasing a misplaced/isolated enemy
Getting ready to burn/last-hit
{"name":"How GOOD\/BAD are you at SOLOQ? (Master Rank)", "url":"","txt":"Test your skills in SoloQ and discover your strengths as a Master Rank player. This comprehensive quiz will help determine your knowledge of team composition and optimal strategies in Pokémon Unite.Multiple-choice questionsAssess your role effectivenessLearn about jungle timings and team fight strategies","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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