[Serious Quiz] Which Undertale Character Are You?

A vibrant and colorful illustration of various Undertale characters, depicting their unique traits and personalities, set in a whimsical and fantastical landscape inspired by the Undertale game.

Discover Your Inner Undertale Character!

Ever wondered which character from the beloved game Undertale closely resembles your personality? This engaging quiz will guide you through a series of questions to reveal your true self in the world of monsters and humans.

Join us for a fun journey of self-discovery as you answer questions like:

  • How would you react when witnessing bullying?
  • What kind of friend do you seek?
  • What is a color that represents you?
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CaringMouse257
* (You see a person whom you do not recognize being bullied by another stranger. How will you ACT?)
* You would not hesitate to stand up to the bully, even if you do not recognize the one being bullied or will end up as a victim yourself.
* You would take a moment to watch what would happen, before taking action.
* You would try to reason to the bully. After all, not everyone is bad.
* You would ask someone with more authority to deal with the bully.
* You would rush up to them and fight back against the bully for the victim.
* You would walk by, ignoring the sight, hoping that someone else would help.
* You would step in to help the one being bullied, asking the other people for help.
* (A teacher grouped you together with your classmates whom you do not know, and she/he tasked you with a presentation due tomorrow. What role will you take up?)
* You would take up the role of the leader.
* You would help the group, though only occasionally.
* You would actively support the group, doing whatever you can.
* You would assist the leader in helping others, serving as their consultant, one way or another.
* You would bravely represent your presentation in front of the class.
* You would be the researcher of the group, contributing research material for thr assignment.
* You would give your all to contribute . . . But it would still end up futile.
9:04pm * (You found yourself in a small, seemingly empty room with a single locked door as the exit. There is no way of knowing what or who is on the other side. What will you do?)
* You try to search for a key to unlock the door.
* You knock on the door, and if there is no reply, you would contemplate what to do next.
* You knock politely, attempting to talk to the someone or something on the other side.
* You look for another exit or passage, searching the room for secrets.
* You barge through the door, knocking it down.
* You try to pick the lock on the door.
* You knock once on the door and wait for someone to reply.
* (What kind of friend would you want to have?)
* Someone who you can count on to be with you, even until the very end.
* Someone you can depend on to support you, but also had a good sense of humor and can crack a good joke.
* Someone you can laugh and joke with normally, even in hard times.
* Someone who is responsible, yet kind and very down-to-earth.
* Someone you enjoy hanging around with, even if others have different opinions about it.
* Someone who cares about you deeply, even if you are at your worst.
* Someone who accepts your faults, but also keeps you in line.
* (You were given an assignment from the teacher that is due next week. What will you do?)
* You will finish it not too slow, but not too fast either.
* You will leave it until the last minute, and then start procrastinating your homework.
* You hurriedly finish your homework early . . . Resulting in many wrong answers you must correct (but you don't).
* You assist and tutor others in their homework first before answering your own.
* You would do nothing, or forget about it, and would end up with unfinished homework or copying someone else's work.
* You would finish your homework early, but then allow others to copy or to look at your own already answered assignment.
* You would try your hardest to answer correctly and help others . . . Only for you and your friends to have completely wrong answers because you weren't really smart enough (no offense).
* (You see yourself as . . .)
(. . . friendly, yet dependable.)
(. . . extroverted, yet distant.)
(. . . humorous, yet immature.)
(. . . trustworthy, yet melancholic.)
(. . . righteous, yet hard-headed.)
(. . . knowledgeable, yet timid.)
(. . . strong, yet merciful.)
(In a party, you often find yourself . . .)
(. . . Laughing and having a good time with your friends.)
(. . . Making everyone laugh to your jokes.)
(. . . Doing nonsensical things with your friends.)
(. . . Taking care of others so that they won't go overboard.)
(. . . Hanging out in the center of the room, attracting everyone with your exciting stories.)
(. . . Alone in a corner, until someone will approach you.)
(. . . Trying to help maintain a great party for your friend/host.)
* (A word to briefly describe yourself is . . .)
* The word "love" pops into your mind.
* The word "puns" pops into your mind.
* The word "friend" pops into your mind.
* The word "family" pops into your mind.
* The word "strength" pops into your mind.
* The word "support" pops into your mind.
* The word "responsibility" pops into your mind.
* (What is a flower you think represents you the most?)
* You think of a "zinnia".
* You think of a "coltsfoot".
* You think of a "ranunculus".
* You think of a "holly".
* You think of a "red nasturtium".
* You think of a "Christmas rose".
* You think of a "purple hyacinth".
* (What is a color you think represents you the most?)
* You think of "red".
* You think of "black".
* You think of "yellow".
* You think of "purple".
* You think of "orange".
* You think of "blue".
* You think of "green".
* (What is a quote to briefly describe your experiences?)
* Our laughs are limitless. Our memories are countless. Our friendship is endless.
* All that I'm after is a life full of laughter.
* Never let your friends feel lonely . . . Disturb them all the time.
* Letting go does not mean you stop caring. It means you stop trying to force others to.
* Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
* You are stronger than you know, braver than you believe, and smarter than you think you are.
* I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
* (You are filled with . . .)
(. . . determination.)
(. . . detemmienation.)
(. . . patience.)
(. . . kindness.)
(. . . justice.)
(. . . perseverance.)
(. . . bravery.)
* (. . . What will YOU choose?)
{"name":"[Serious Quiz] Which Undertale Character Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Ever wondered which character from the beloved game Undertale closely resembles your personality? This engaging quiz will guide you through a series of questions to reveal your true self in the world of monsters and humans.Join us for a fun journey of self-discovery as you answer questions like:How would you react when witnessing bullying?What kind of friend do you seek?What is a color that represents you?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5105557/img-pno5nwcedhujmr9koc0bgoch.jpg"}
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