The crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Create an image depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, featuring the dramatic landscape of Golgotha with a dark, cloudy sky, three crosses on a hill, and a sense of somber reflection.

Crucifixion Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Discover the profound events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ with our engaging quiz. Test your knowledge and gain deeper insights into this pivotal moment in history.

  • Multiple-choice questions
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  • Perfect for students and enthusiasts alike
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectingFaith42
Who can list some of the various things the soldiers did to Jesus while he was imprisoned
Kicked him, slapped him, laughed with him, put a pink robe on him
Hit him, splashed water on him, Put a crown of thorns on his feet, wore him a red robe
Spat on him, smacked his head with a staff (stick) mocked him, put a crown of thorns on his head, put a robe on him
What was the name of the man they forced to carry the cross?
Judas from Cyrene
Simon from Cyrene
Samuel from Cyrene
What was the name of the place they brought Jesus to for the crucifixion?
The garden of Gethsemane
The Garden of Eden
What is the meaning of Golgotha?
The place of crucifixion
The place of the skull
The place of death
What was the notice charge placed above Jesus head on the cross?
The saviour of all
The king of all mankind
The king of the Jews
How many people were crucified with Jesus at Golgotha on that day?
People also hurled insults at Jesus as he was being crucified. What were they saying?
King of the Jews! Look who calls himself King😂
Where are all your friends? Why don’t they come to your rescue?
See who is going to destroy the temple and re-build it in 3 days. Why don’t you come down and save yourself?
What time did the crucifixion start and what time did it end?
9am start and just after 3pm finish
9am start and just after 12pm finish
3pm start and 9pm finish
What did Jesus say when he was about to die?
My people! God be with you
My Lord, my Lord. Why have you forsaken me?
My Lord, you alone are God!
What happened to the curtains in the temple after Jesus died?
The curtains were torn in 2 from top to bottom
The curtains fell on the ground and tore in two
The curtain caught fire and fell to the ground
What was the main reason Jesus does on the cross for us?
For our forgiveness
For our sin
For our happiness
The cross was an act of .......? (Complete the final word)
What is the main thing that separates us from God?
What was Gods great gift to us?
The garden of Eve, Adam and Eve
The Bible, the holy book of God
The death of Jesus, the gift of salvation
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