Here's how this works: I give you a quote from a trip report and you have to guess which drug the subject is on. Don't cheat by using Google! "I looked at the small fan in the room and a strange miniature girl was crouched behind it staring at me. I was scared of her and told chewbacca to take the fan out, and he did. I found out later chewbacca was my dad."
"The trip went from impossible events to me simply existing in a different time. I walked around on this street, and found a newspaper on the ground. I could read each and every article. At the top read, 'August 6, 1953.' I didn't know that it wasn't real. It was all that I knew. I could remember my life, but it wasn't mine. It was the life of the person that I was in 1953. I could remember my childhood, school years, first job, everything."
Salvia Divinorum
Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether
"I was immersed in a world in which I was a character in a show – not a sitcom or anything – but the ME show. My whole life had been staged (almost like the Truman Show) – and I had finally awoken from this fantasy world and realized that this was so. I was on a stage and I heard applause from everywhere – people all around me were so happy that I had finally figured it out. At this point I saw a clown, a person who was there to guide me, show me the real world and try to calm me down. I also heard a song playing over and over again, almost like a broken record."
Salvia Divinorum
"I asked my Creator if I could enter the upper Heavens. When I did this a strong sense of affection came from my heart for my Creator and a desire to embrace and praise Him. As I naturally did this I felt myself lifted up and up into a much higher relm (perhaps the 7th Heaven) where God resided. I just felt this great White Light permiating my being with love and affection, It felt as if I was hugging my Creator and He was embracing me as a loving father would embrace his young child. I never understood before this time why in all the visions of God's presence the Angels and all beings are in a constant state of praising Him (actually seemed quite boring and laboring before this moment) but I wanted to do nothing else, it was as if that was what I was truly created to do and through my praise I was truly connnecting with Him and the circle was finally complete."
Psilocybe mushrooms
Amanita Muscaria
Salvia Divinorum
"At this point, with all the Canadian biting flys and other insects accumulating on my face, I experienced death and went through several stages such as decomposition, becoming earth, growth into new plants, and spiritual reincarnation in the depths of outer-space as almost a gasseous thought floating around and observing all the cycles of everything in, on or about earth. I at once understood everything."
Psilocybe mushrooms
"Whilst my vision had fused with the floor I became aware of an infinitely blue/purple light in the left corner of my vision. This might be significant as it hits that the image was coming from the right hemisphere, it grew in size and intensity, its energy flooding me with bittersweet excitement. Out of it's pulsating beauty appeared the image of a dancing female figure, in infinitely beautiful shades of green. It's energy was overwhelming. She was seemingly representing of all the tragedy of human nature, in her contorted, inebriated but melancholic dance. She was also symbolic of human potential, and the beauty of all creation which was portrayed in her energy, vitality and sheer beauty. Being a product of my mind she drew from it all that was benificent in myself and the way I see the world, and the people around me. Whilst at the same time being representative of all the shit that we as humans do to each other and the fundamental flaws of human nature, that I believe doom us from ever reaching a utopian society."
Psilocybe mushrooms
Salvia Divinorum
"T+6:50. The feeling of confusion came on slow, and in waves. But, shortly after telling Alexa about this development, I had my first magic moment. From out of nowhere, I had this vision in my head of a guy I viewed from behind sitting at a table. He looked almost cartoonish, and not quite real, but I perceived him as a real person. I had an understanding that he was either the future me or someone else entirely. It was a flash of a vision that happened very quickly. A fraction of a second after seeing this man, I knew he was remembering a moment from his past. I instantly jumped inside his memory, as him, and the memory was of Alexa and I sitting at the very dessert house we were sitting in right now, as though this moment we were experiencing in the present had already happened to this guy I had a vision of."
Edible cannabis
"I say “wait for it man, this is intense” and collapse on the floor in fits of uncontrollable laughter. I grab the phone to talk to G but instantly forget that he’s on the line because D’s computer is moving steadily up the wall and changing colour. The plain yellow walls are suddenly a mess of fractal geometry, billowing in and out like tent canvas. The floorboards are moving around like a fun-house. I try to tell G to get a cab over so he can see this but have completely lost all power of speech and end up saying each syllable about a million times. “Wha…wha… man man you you you man you you have to to to to see….to see…..OH MY GOD!” D takes the phone back and tries to chat to G some more while I crawl around in the kitchen screaming “LOOK AT THE FLOOR, MAN LOOK AT THE FUCKING FLOOR!”. The patterns on all the floor tiles are crawling around. I reach down to touch it thinking that because it’s just the drugs, it will stop moving once my finger makes contact. But it doesn’t. It travels up my arm just like that scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Until now I thought that was exaggerated in the film, but seeing it happen is something else"
Psilocybe mushrooms
Edible cannabis
Amanita Muscaria
Salvia Divinorum
"I looked around, demons and deformed burn victims were still walking around nonchalantly. I went upstairs into Drew's room, to see how he was doing. He was watching TV with Mike. Then we noticed the neighbors yard via the window. It too, was bizarre. There was a four legged dog-creature (very large, and very black, with glowing red eyes) sitting on what looked like a throne, on the side of a swimming pool. There were many people basically having a blood orgy, and massive amounts of steam were rising from the water. There were also dead squirrels which littered the ground, and all throughout the branches of a large tree, were squirrel tails, hanging like evil Christmas ornaments."
"I feel as if my bed begins to rise of the floor, it spins in the air; I come to the realization that I can control it, I can control everything. The colors of the movie fill the room and create an alternate reality around me, changing as the scenes do. Some of the visualizations become so vivid that I am convinced they are real. At one point of the movie there is a scene where he is in space, I look up and the roof of my apartment is gone and I see nothing but stars and galaxies. The hallucination seems more like a reality when the starry universe seems to take over the whole room; I’m floating in space… Completely detached from reality and the world, a complete out of body experience. As the scene changes, the environment I am in does as well, the colors influencing it, reds make the room actually feel hot, blues cold."
Salvia Divinorum
Amanita Muscaria
Edible Cannabis
{"name":"Here's how this works: I give you a quote from a trip report and you have to guess which drug the subject is on. Don't cheat by using Google! \"I looked at the small fan in the room and a strange miniature girl was crouched behind it staring at me. I was s", "url":"","txt":"Here's how this works: I give you a quote from a trip report and you have to guess which drug the subject is on. Don't cheat by using Google! \"I looked at the small fan in the room and a strange miniature girl was crouched behind it staring at me. I was scared of her and told chewbacca to take the fan out, and he did. I found out later chewbacca was my dad.\", \"The trip went from impossible events to me simply existing in a different time. I walked around on this street, and found a newspaper on the ground. I could read each and every article. At the top read, 'August 6, 1953.' I didn't know that it wasn't real. It was all that I knew. I could remember my life, but it wasn't mine. It was the life of the person that I was in 1953. I could remember my childhood, school years, first job, everything.\", \"I was immersed in a world in which I was a character in a show – not a sitcom or anything – but the ME show. My whole life had been staged (almost like the Truman Show) – and I had finally awoken from this fantasy world and realized that this was so. I was on a stage and I heard applause from everywhere – people all around me were so happy that I had finally figured it out. At this point I saw a clown, a person who was there to guide me, show me the real world and try to calm me down. I also heard a song playing over and over again, almost like a broken record.\"","img":""}
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