Day Case Epic Recovery/Discharge Quiz

A healthcare professional interacting with a digital interface, reviewing patient charts and discharge instructions in a hospital environment, with a focus on technology and patient care.

Epic Recovery/Discharge Quiz

Test your knowledge on the vital aspects of patient recovery and discharge using the Epic system. This quiz is designed for healthcare professionals who need to ensure they are up-to-date with the necessary protocols.

  • 10 multiple choice questions
  • Immediate feedback on answers
  • Enhance your understanding of Epic documentation
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CaringDoctor241
How can you assign a monitor to a patient to automatically obtain vitals sign results in Epic?
Go to Flowsheets, Insert Column, Type in Vital signs
Go to Flowsheets, Click arrow by Hide Device Data, Choose Associate Device, Choose device associated with patient's room number
Go to Navigator, Click Vital Signs
Go to Orders, Add order for device monitoring
When given patients in recovery medication, you must do what?
Get meds from Pyxis and confirm patients Name and DOD and allergies and give medication.
Ask HCA to get meds from Pyxis and then use rights of medication administration to give meds to patient.
Check Epic to ensure meds ordered, remove meds from Pyxis, scan patient arm band, scan medication and chart medication administration on MAR.
Add medication order to Epic, check patient information, get medication from Pharmacy, chart medication administration on Navigator/Discharge tab
You must assign an IVline to the medication when administering any IV medication via the MAR?
Vital signs/Observations charted in the MAR can be seen in the flowsheet and vice versa?
Where can you add specific and detailed discharge instruction for the patient that will show up on their After Visit Summary?
Navigator, Discharge Tab, Discharge Planning
Navigator, Discharge Tab, AVS & Discharge Summary
Navigator, Discharge Tab, Instructions
Noted, Nurses Notes
Where can you document and resolve all patient education for discharge?
Navigator Tab, Discharge Tab, Discharge Planning
Education Tab, Education, Tick all appropriate boxes, click document
Education Tab, Education, Add Point, Search for education, Accept
Care Plan Tab, Manage Plan & Document Progress, Resolve Plan
You must Assess and Remove all wounds in the wound resolution section of the Discharge Navigator?
Where can you complete Discharge and Clinical Milestones?
Under Chart Review Tab
Under Navigator Tab, Discharge Tab, under Discharge Documentation
Under Flowsheets, Screenings Tab, Discharge Planning
Under Summary Tab, Event Log
You can view Anaesthesia Record via Chart Review or Summary Tab?
How to you discharge a patient out of Epic?
Navigator Tab, Discharge Tab, Discharge Note
Brain, Sign Out
Ward Manager, Highlight Patient, Click Discharge Button
Ward Manager, Highlight Patient, Sign Out
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