The love test

A heart-shaped puzzle with pieces that represent different emotions and relationship aspects, vibrant colors, and a soft background, capturing the essence of love and connection.

The Love Test

Discover the depth of your feelings with 'The Love Test.' This engaging quiz consists of 22 thought-provoking questions designed to help you evaluate your relationship with that special someone.

Each question is carefully crafted to explore your emotional connection, intimacy, and overall happiness when you're around them.

  • Find out if you're truly in love.
  • Gauge the strength of your bond.
  • Reflect on your feelings and future together.

22 Questions6 MinutesCreated by CaringHeart42
1. For the most part, are you happier or sadder when you’re with this person?
Happier, but not more than other friends in my life
Much happier
Are you often thinking about this person or being around them when you're not around them?
Every day, or even many times per day
Do you feel any relief or warmth when you're around this person, or is it more often draining than positive?
It's mostly draining
Some relief/warmth
Lots of relief/warmth, I often feel like they help recharge me
When something good happens in your life, is this person one of the first people you'd like to share it with, or is sharing it with this person not important?
No more important than most other friends
Top 3 people I'd like to share with, but not usually the first
Often the first person I'd like to share with
How much does it hurt/stress you out to be in conflict with this person compared to other people?
No more than most people
More than most people
Often hurts more than with anyone else
Does it make you happy to do something for this person that makes them happy?
Yes, but not much more than other people in my life
Makes me very happy
How hard is it for you to imagine yourself in a long-term, loving relationship with another person, as opposed to this person?
Not hard at all
A little tough, but I can do it and still feel good imagining it
Very hard, I'd prefer to see myself with no one
Do you feel intimacy during things that you wouldn't with most other people? What do you feel when holding this person's hand, when touching their hair or face, when hugging them, when catching them smiling at you? What about totally non-intimate things like grocery shopping with them, or doing chores/running errands together? Does it feel special/meaningful at all or does it feel like any other close person in your life?
Little or no intimacy
Some intimacy, but almost never with mundane things
I have often felt meaningful intimacy and connection even during mundane things
Do you celebrate this person's successes, even in things that you might not be good at? How much does it mean to you to see them succeed? Do you feel as if you are invested in their success in some way; that it would make your life better?
Indifferent to their success
Important, but not more important than other friends in your life
Makes your life much better to see them succeed
How much does it hurt you to see this person fail?
Only as much as a stranger
It hurts me, but I usually get over it relatively quickly and move on
It hurts me a lot and I often feel like I partially share in the failure
How much do you "like" them as a person? All intimacy and/or romantic connection aside, how much do you truly like them? Are they your best friend?
Don't like them
Like them but not much more than your other close friends
They are your best friend
How much do you feel that this person has contributed to the important parts of your growth and happiness just by existing in your life in any capacity? Were they a clear force for good, or do you think the bad outweighed the good?
They did more harm than good
Some good but not a lot
They were mostly a clear force for good
Does it cause you any pain, sadness, jealousy or discomfort to imagine this person having sex with someone else?
A little, but I'm certain it's not a big deal to me
Definitely causes pain, sadness, jealousy or discomfort
Does it cause you any pain, sadness, jealousy or discomfort to imagine this person falling in love with someone else and never loving you in this way, possibly leaving your life for good?
A little, but I don't think it would be too hard to get over it
It definitely causes serious pain, sadness, jealousy or discomfort
Is it hard for you to consider this person's needs, or do you find that putting their needs out of mind is easy?
It's easy not to consider their needs
You sometimes find it important to consider their needs
You often care about their needs and they are important
Imagine that this person died today. Would you wish you had spent more time with them and had showed them that you loved them more? Would you grieve for the fact that you could no longer share your life with them, or would you wish that you had left their life sooner because you think that both of you would have lived better lives that way?
I wish them the best and I think that we probably both would have been better off if I let go sooner
Not sure, but I think it's likely that I would have wanted to spend more time together
I would wish we had more time to love each other and be in each other's lives
Imagine day to day life in your future. Is this person there when you're watching a movie or show? Are they there when you're eating dinner? Are they there when you shower? Are they there when you're talking about your day? Are they there when you fall asleep? Are they there when you get home from work? Does it make you feel good to imagine them there during these times, or does it feel better to remove them from the picture entirely?
I rarely if ever see them there
They are sometimes there
They are in most of those scenarios
Imagine your life over the next few years, it could be anything. Does it hurt to imagine that this person is no longer part of your life in any way, or is it a relief to see yourself alone, or with someone new? Which is stronger?
It's a relief to see myself alone or with someone else
It hurts to not see them, but I am certain I would be happier that way
It makes me feel better to imagine that they are still a big part of my life
Does it make you feel happy/good about yourself to be liked or loved by this person?
Yes but not more than other people in my life
Yes, I feel good about myself and a special sense of happiness
How much do you trust this person?
Not at all
I trust them, but not with anything super important
I can almost always trust them to be honest with me
Do you feel a sense of safety when you embrace this person, when they give you affectionate attention, or when they successfully help you with something?
A little, but not more than most other people who are close to me
Yes, my body tends to relax and I often find my worries retreating
Do you feel that your connection with this person could ever truly break?
Yes, easily
Yes, but it would be hard
I can't imagine it, it doesn't even seem possible
{"name":"The love test", "url":"","txt":"Discover the depth of your feelings with 'The Love Test.' This engaging quiz consists of 22 thought-provoking questions designed to help you evaluate your relationship with that special someone.Each question is carefully crafted to explore your emotional connection, intimacy, and overall happiness when you're around them. Find out if you're truly in love.Gauge the strength of your bond.Reflect on your feelings and future together.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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