Infusionsoft Helper Survey

Complete this Quick Survey and Get Your 1 Burning Infusionsoft Question Answered!
Limit one question per participant. Answers will be sent in the order in which they are received. Limited to the first 20 participants. Questions must be clearly stated in English and included on this survey form. Name and Email must be submitted to participate. Answers sent via video format to the email provided.
Complete this Quick Survey and Get Your 1 Burning Infusionsoft Question Answered!
Limit one question per participant. Answers will be sent in the order in which they are received. Limited to the first 20 participants. Questions must be clearly stated in English and included on this survey form. Name and Email must be submitted to participate. Answers sent via video format to the email provided.
How long have you had your infusionsoft account?
Less than a month
3-6 months
6-12 months
1-2 years
2-5 years
5+ years
How would you self-assess your Infusionsoft skill level?
Novice / No Experience
Beginner / Some Basic Experience
Intermediate / Some Advanced Experience
Power User / I Know Infusionsoft Inside and Out
Which components of Infusionsoft do you struggle the most with? (choose all which apply)
Marketing Automation Theory / How to set automations up
Campaign Builder / How to Set Up Campaigns
Tagging / What to Tag, Why Tag
Custom Fields
Sales Pipeline
Lead Sources
Tracking & Metrics
Email Broadcasts
Flames / Lead Scoring
Action Sets and Trigger based Automations
Referral Partner Programs / Affiliates
Web Tracking
Importing Contacts / Contact Management
All of the Above
Please Specify:
How would you best describe the type of assistance you are looking for?
I want to learn how to do it myself - I am a DIY-er
I want to understand how it works, but I prefer to have someone else do it for me.
I just need it done for me. I want to be hands off!
How have you learned what you know so far about Infusionsoft?
Customer Support Line or Chat
YouTube Videos
Facebook Group
Google'd It
UDemy Class
Infusionsoft Course
Other Type of Course
None of the above
Please Specify:
How do you best like to learn new things?
Self Paced Videos
In a group setting - Live
In a group setting with pre-recorded material
Written Word (Blogs, PDFs, Books)
One-on-One with an Instructor
Please Specify:
If you could learn just 1 thing which would make a big difference inside Infusionsoft, what would that be? Type your answer below.
Okay, here's your chance to get some free instruction! What is your specific Infusionsoft question? What are you struggling to do right now in Infusionsoft?
{"name":"Infusionsoft Helper Survey", "url":"","txt":"Complete this Quick Survey and Get Your 1 Burning Infusionsoft Question Answered!   Limit one question per participant. Answers will be sent in the order in which they are received. Limited to the first 20 participants. Questions must be clearly stated and included on this Survey form. Name and email must be submitted to participate. Answers sent via Video format., How long have you had your infusionsoft account?, How would you self-assess your Infusionsoft skill level?","img":""}
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