Personality Assessment Test for Processing Traits

What is your concept of an relaxing time
a. Reading a good book
b. Watching a good movie
c.Working on a hobby, car or garden
Playing a video game
Something else
How would you describe your demeanor?
I regards to decision making, I consider myself to be…
Conclusive and/or Purposeful
Impulsive or Emotional
Fact based or Efficient
In regards to time, I consider timeliness…
Utmost Importance
Time is important, but not the most important
Depends on the situation
Which of these traits are most important to you?
Personal Possessions
Personal Achievements
How would you consider your dress style?
Stylish and/or formal
My work area has...(choose one of the following)
Souvenirs or mementos
Awards or Motivational Pics.
Which phrase do you most identify with?
"Get'er Done! ( Get it done!)
Fail to plan; plan to fail.
Life is a journey NOT a destination.
Friends would say most of the time I'm…
Serious and no – nonsense
Easy going or Relaxed
Direct or dominating
In regards to conflict in the workplace, what phrase best describes you?
Avoid conflict and get the job done.
Conflict or not, I’m here to do my job.
I hate conflict and would like to how I can be of help in the situation
My best friend honestly would describe me as...
Analytical/Creative or Talented/Indecisive.
Intuitive/Dreamer/fun-loving/Talks too much
Which phrase do you most identify with?
If it’s to be it’s up to me
In the multitude of counselors, there is safety.
The one thing constant about life is change.
You are part of a new pilot TV program, what role best fits your personality? Note: (all positions receive the same pay)
The Lead Actor or Actress
The Director
The screen writer or composer
The producer
One of the set or design people.
In reference to movies, what phrase do you identify with most?
I love to check out the DVD on how it was made
I enjoy a great movie most of the time
I enjoy movies sometimes
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